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#1 2020-05-14 05:19:31 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Visitor to the Abbey-Redwall Log


Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall

Oz- dibbun!!

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Lacota- Friar of Redwall

Caleb- Visitor to the abbey

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Bernadette -Abbey Sister and Healer-Spoofed by Benar

Ginney-Elder in Redwall,Sister and helps watch dibbuns-Spoofed by Krisha


Benar is standing by the fireplace reading a scroll and murmuring instructions to a group of novices who all break off once he has spoken to them. Furniture is being moved, the carpet rolled up, the tapestry unhooked by novices up ladders. It seems the Abbot has had enough and has ordered the Great Hall be spring cleaned and is brooking no more delays.
Gorvenalus enters from the library and heads into the room quietly.He had been doing some dusting in the library as some dust is still on his tunic robes.
Xander walks in, he looks tried as he has helped with some things and...there is one other issue as he sits down and is tending to his son right now.   

Oz is...moody, not full-on crying yet but very fussy.

Benar looks up as others start to wander in, "ah perfect, Xander... oh no you can stay there," He has noticed the baby, "Gorvenalus, can you help Novice Thomas with that step ladder," he points with his pen, "I want the tapestry down and outside whilst the sun is still out."   

As the Abbot and Xander speak, two brothers of the abbey, a vole and door-mouse, would slowly wander in. They are carrying something amongst their backs and once it's brought into the light... It's a field mouse. He seems to be a young adult, his clothes a bit tattered and carrying a rather heavy looking bag with a handmade sword. The vole looks panicked as he carries the mouse since the boy looks injured and is dribbling blood along the floor of the Great Hall. The vole speaks out towards them. "A... Abbot Benar! We found this boy outside the gates!"
Gorvenalus was speaking to the abbot, at first "It has been a while since its been dusted hasn't it Benar..."He frowns as he turns to the sound of voices, he nods to a nearby novice to get a healer and makes his way over himself for now.
That's around the time a squirrel pushes a younger squirrel out of the kitchen. "Out! I don't need you sampling all the food stores we have in the pantry. OUT WITH YOU!" The older squirrel huffs. "Benar, I found one of your cleaners helping himself to food from the larder..." But then the commotion from the main entrance interrupts him.   

Benar half turns toward Lacota, about to respond to him and then the fieldmouse is carried inside, "Oh heavens, George go and get whoever is on duty in the infirmary now," One of the novices bolts for the stairs and the abbot lifts his habit and hurries over, "Gorvenalus.... can you help, Lacota we'll need some fresh water, "Xander..." He stops and looks, "Sit there with the baby..."   

Xander starts to get up "I can...."And it would seem the baby dislikes the fact he stopped rocking and so he decides to rock him some more, he mutters a excuse me and slips off, baby in his arms before it gets louder in here.   

Gorvenalus would notice as the brother vole and door-mouse set down the young mouse that the boy is gripping his sword tight, with the other hand having what looked like a tuft of stout fur in a vice grip. It looks like he was attacked first and didn't instigate as there was a pretty nasty wound on his side and a bruise along the right side of his head, but other than some minor cuts he was fine and breathing. Just passed out. The door-mouse looks towards the others and speaks in a meek voice. "H-H-H-He seemed to have walked over here from around the Mossflower paths. Whoever attacked him definitely didn't follow... S-S-S-Seems he was able to fight back."
Gorvenalus kneels down to look the mouse over and does notice the sword "Someone will need to..carefully get the blade and place it in the gatehouse"   

Benar says, "We can worry about that later," the Abbot says as he looks down at the boy, "From the way he's holding it, it might be difficult to separate him right now... let's... get him up to the infirmary as soon as ah Sister Bernadette good," The young grey mouse healer kneels down next to the boy opposite Gorvenalus and starts to have a look at his wounds. "Yes, let me... staunch this, then we can get him upstairs."
Lacota nods wordlessly and then returns moments later with a pitcher of cold, clear water from the kitchen. "Here. Use this..." He turns to look at the young squirrel he was reprimanding before, and says, "Don't think I'm through with you, lad. We'll get back to your mistake here later..."
He doesn't so much stir as simply seem to tighten his grip along the sword's handle with a whimper coming from him. The handle itself is woven with what looks like hand made leather and the blade itself has just one word engraved into it: Lucian. As Sister Bernadette takes a look at him and starts to staunch the bigger wound, the boy slowly loosens his grip and the blade clatters to the floor with a clang along with the tuft of fur.   

The Abbot accepts the pitcher off Lacota and hands it to Bernadette who uses it to rinse out his wound then holds a compress of herbs and a wadge of bandage against it, "Ok Thomas, Laura, stretcher from the infirmary, bring it," The novices hurry off and Benar gently picks up the sword and the tuft of fur and frowns at them both, "Lucian... maybe it is the boy's name?"   

Gorvenalus nods as he helps till the healer takes over and then slowly stands,"Hopefully whomever did this is not around anymore"
Lacota inspects the sword in Benar's paws. "It looks very well made... It's been a long time since I've seen blade this fine. Wonder where he got it from..."   

The boy is carried off by the healers, just laying still and not moving too much. Seems he's out like a light for now. As for the blade, it is curved and looks to be pretty heavy but it has a rather sharp edge. Near the tip of the sword there's a bit of still wet blood and some more fur... seems Gorvenalus got his answer.   

Benar hefts the blade then takes one of the cleaning cloths off the table and uses it to clean the blade and then wraps it in another piece of cloth, "I... will go put this in the gatehouse myself.... hopefully the young one will be ok..."

Krisha is at the same time carrying a dibbun vole on her hip into the infirm "Well if you didn't try to grab the bee it would not have stung you" Beside her is Sister Ginnny "You should still not carry anyone around you know....sighs ...fine" She frowns as she sees an injured beast, the badger also looks over sitting the dibbun vole on a cot, the dibbuns paw is slightly swollen"bee bea meanie meanie bee" The vole sniffs out.   

Gorvenalus follows them with a nods "We can let him know once he has rested where his blade is"He nods to the badger "Greetings Mother Krisha"   

Lacota hmmms. "Well, this... Lucian. I reckon he was coming to pay us a visit? Most peculiar."   

Benar says, "Possibly, I mean they have missed the feast but it is not unusual for mossflower beasts to visit at this time of year..." h e frowns as he watches Benadette fussing over the mouse, binding and sewing his wound, the cloth with his sword in it tucked under one arm, "I am sure he'll be able to tell us soon."
Krisha nods a hello "What happen?" She also sighs at the old hedgehog "I am fine.." She smiles at the dibbun vole as she gently gets the bee stinger out and looks for something to sooth the sting area. "I decided to have the camp out near the other orchards Benar, less chance of the bees being bothered..then it is in the evening but still." A look from the hedgehog as the badger says "Xander moved the table, not me"   

Benar says, "We are not sure yet Krisha," he looks toward the young mouse, "He made it to the gate and then collapsed..." he shakes his head then sighs and pats the sword bundle, "But that sounds like a splendid idea Krisha, I'll maybe drop in early evening, say my hellos but I can't stay I have a council meeting about the summer crop planting rotation.""
As Benar and the others talk, Benadette would see that the young mouse starts to slowly stir. He's not moving so much to make a bother for when she's sewing his wound but his eyes start to open... violet. The young lad's eyes are a rather striking violet color. The field mouse starts to slowly flutter back towards awareness and tries to move away and sit up on the bed. Someone... might wanna stop him.   

Gorvenalus makes sure the mouse visator is comfortable and speaks "Could of been a robbery maybe? Have heard some times happens near the Black Gull place"   

Krisha frowns, a nod.The vole she is tending to seems excited for the camp out as the Badger Mother smiles "Go on with Sister Ginny, still have some time before the event"   

Lacota harrumps a bit. "I'm still against a camp out in the orchard, but eh... That's the last I'll say on the subject."   

Sister Bernadette holds the mouse down with one hand, "Easy young one, you are safe in Redwall Abbey, be still dear," Benar moves to the end of the bed and looks down at him as Gorvenalus and Bernadette make him comfortable. "Be at peace young one you are safe," he makes shhhing noises toward Lacota, "We discussed this Friar, there is no harm"   

Gorvenalus chuckles and lets the healer tend to the mouse as he speaks to Lacota "Why is that friar? I am sure it will be fine and the helpers will make sure they don't climb the trees or make too much of a mess and it's a lot safer, lot safer inside that say the woods.No danger in the abbey at all"   

Caleb starts to look around panicked and makes to grab something... although his hand doesn't reach it. It seemed he was going for his sword but looked towards his right to see where it was for it to not be there. He then looks towards the abbot and sees the wrapped package, reaching out only to be pushed back by Bernadette. The mouse simply whimpers and shakes his head, seeming nervous to have been caught. It looks like he doesn't understand where he is.   

Krisha walks over slowly as Sister Ginny takes off with the vole, she smiles at Lacota "You like the dibbuns and you know it and they love your cookies" She goes to stand beside Benar and offers Caleb a warm smile "Hello, Welcome to Redwall Abbey."   

Lacota raises a paw. "I just worry for the unripened fruit, Gorvenalus...." But then he is quickly cut off as the stranger awakes. "Looks like Lucian might not actually have any idea what this place is..."   

Bernadette frowns and places a paw on his shoulder, "You are safe dear, please be still so I can treat your wound, no one will harm you here."   

Caleb was whimpering and trying to think of what to do, his eyes scanning the room. However they widen as he sees Krisha and he just holds still so Bernadette can work on him. Surprisingly... there's not even a wince out of him. One of the things Bernadette can notice is that he's quite muscular for a mouse. The other thing is that it looks like he's trying to form words... but isn't saying anything. Instead, the mouse looks towards his bag and points, making a motion as if to write

Gorvenalus watches the young mouse and looks at the bag "Seems he wants something in the bag."
Benar asks, "Gorve, do you have some paper and ink with you?" He frowns and looks at Benadette who is snapping one of her fingers next to his ears and watching, "He... is deaf," she says as he doesn't seem to respond to her claw clicking at all.
Krisha smiles again and lets the others help the young mouse. She frowns at the news if it's true "Could he...maybe still have an idea of what we are saying? "She wonders "Or maybe it's like we write something  and he writes back"   

Lacota frowns. "Deaf, oh my. I, ah... I learned a paw language some seasons ago when I met a deaf otter once. I wonder if this lad might know it, too?"

Caleb actually does respond towards the snapping, looking at her with a slight annoyed face. Although he doesn't want to do anything with the badger standing over them. He just makes another motion of writing... and then holds up a finger. Once he knows everyone is paying attention, Caleb covers his mouth after mouthing words. He's mute.
Gorvenalus decides to get a writing pad and quill pen for the mouse as he lays them down by him and backs up a little now.
Bernadette blushes, "Ah... sorry I got that... entirely wrong...." she glances at the Abbot & the Badger Mother and hustles off to get more bandages. "I do apologize young man," he eyes the crowd, "Would you like me to clear everyone out?"   

Krisha hmms"He may be able to hear us, after all, it seems"She does back off some as she does know of the creatures here she is, well one of the largest being a badger."I should get back to the dibbuns, I will see you later Benar"She smiles and exits.   

Lacota hrmms. "Perhaps his name isn't Lucian after all..."   

Caleb looks towards the pad and quill and nods some in thanks towards Gorvenalus. He takes up the quill and pad and starts to write something down before showing it towards them all. It says, "I am mute, I'm sorry. What is this place that I am at? And no... Lucian is my father's name. I am Caleb."
Benar says, "Welcome Caleb," Benar bows his head, "You are in Redwall Abbey, a safe haven for all who wish to live in peace and harmony with each other."

Gorvenalus nods as he speaks "I am Brother Gorvenalus Recorder here and this is Abbot Benar and Friar Lacota" He points to each as he gives a name."You seen our Badger Mother earlier"

Lacota huhs, rubbing his chin. "How odd... My son-in-law is named Caleb... What an awfully small world." He adjusts his crystal spectacles, and studies the mouse's face. "But no... You bear no resemblance to him."

Caleb just seems to raise an eyebrow at the abbey name but simply nods. He writes something down again and shows it towards the others. "I have never heard of this place. I am pretty far from home, as one might say... I was coming to this land in search of a mountain. Something containing a Long Patrol. I wanted to receive training. When may I receive my sword back? It's important to me."
Lacota makes a face. "Oh dear, Salamandastron... I'm afraid you're pretty far off the mark, Lad..."   

Benar says, "The mountain is still... a long way to the west my son," He touches the bundle with the sword in it, "As for your sword, I am afraid we have a rule that no weapon may be brought past the gatehouse except in time of need, your sword will be stored in the Gatekeepers cottage"   

Caleb seems to look a bit worried as Benar says this but his face comes back to a more neutral expression. He takes a moment to think on something before finishing writing, showing it towards Lacota and Benar. "All I ask is that you be careful with that sword... my father is not here anymore. The sword was given to me to handle and take care of. But I will respect your wishes, Abbot Benar. What of the ones who attacked me? I can remember a stout, rat... I think a vole was with them."   

Benar glances at Gorvenalus then back, "I am afraid we do not know, you made it to the gates and then collapsed," he hefts the bundle, "I will respect this, I shall place it in the gatehouse myself and make sure the Gatekeeper lets no one else touch it."

Gorvenalus shrugs.

Lacota nods. "We have not heard what became of the beasts that attacked you, I'm afraid..."   

Caleb just nods solemly and only shakes his head. It seems that even if he's a warrior, he doesn't like to kill.
Benar shifts the bundle, "I will take this down to the gatehouse now, please do rest and get well Caleb we can talk more soon," he bows his head and heads for the gatehouse.

Gorvenalus has everyone leave so the young mouse can rest then he goes to the library.

*************************************************************************************** … _large.png

The sword Caleb had, he said looked like this link.


Last edited by oz (2020-05-14 06:17:00 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2020-05-15 08:13:21 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Re: A Visitor to the Abbey-Redwall Log

Thought add this as it happens right before Krisha went to the campout after a small break from the dibbuns,she also got Oz from here is.....

Krisha was relaxing in her chair, there was some time during classes when she had free time and it was still a little while till the campout the dibbuns were to have later that evening. She had yet to see the young mouse.   

Caleb felt the fur on the end of his neck go up, still a bit scared to talk to her. He had to remember what his father told him: "You must show respect to the badgers, no matter what." After taking a breath, he slowly wanders forward to Krisha and makes a motion to clear his throat. It's more hoarse than most since even though he was born naturally mute, he could still make some noises.   

Krisha looks his direction and offers a smile, " Hello, it looks like your feeling better now and that's good." She sits her empty mug down that she had her tea in." Can I help you with anything?"   

Caleb would just smile back, even if under his hooded cloak was some shaky legs. He would take a moment to take out his pad and charcoal, writing down what he wanted to say. After a moment of fumbling Caleb would show her the pad. "I am indeed feeling better. I was looking for anything to do around here to help out since I must repay the favor of the Abbey saving my life. Is there anything I can do to help around here?"   

Krisha reads the writing and nods" Well, some help with washing and drying dishes, sweeping and there is spring cleaning going on. I will be out in the orchids. The dibbuns are having a little campout going on."
Caleb would actually smile to hear that, writing some more down after she had finished speaking. He would show the pad while looking around the area. "I believe I can do that all. If you tell me where to go I will start working right away."   

Krisha reads it again and a soft chuckle " You don't have to do all of it, after dinner you can help with washing and drying dishes if you like"
Caleb would simply nod and write a bit more, still somewhat nervous near her. "I believe I can do that. Might I ask... is there set times for breakfast and dinner around here? If I am to stay at this Abbey I must learn its rules and mannerisms."

Krisha says, "There is" She replies after reading the words. " One of order beasts can tell you and the bells ring for meals"   

Caleb seems to nod with a sage like tone. For being such a young adult, he seems pretty smart. Guess that's just how you work when you travel the world. "So it works with an order, alright. What of this... training, here? Abbot Benar told me that I should seek training here instead of wandering off towards Salamandstron. I am still thinking it over."   

Krisha seems a little agaist training but does reply " Your have to ask Matilda or Dorarose on that we are a peaceful place but a..small few do know fighting. The ones I mentioned and Xander. Xander trains beasts in mossflower defenders but he does it outside the abbey...maybe one in a while in training grounds we have but only Matilda and Dorarose have the key to the grounds, its fenced off."   

Caleb would simply nod and go to sit down down, resting his legs. His body was still a bit weak but for a field mouse he was healing nicely. He'd look towards Krisha and write something down before showing it to her, glad he sat near her. "I'm sorry if I offended there. Trust me, I do not wish to bring violence upon this place. The life of a traveler teaches you to look out for anything so that is why I may be weary. But I am still a guest here and need to earn my trust. Who might I ask is this Xander person? I have heard of them from Bernadette but I still don't know much."   

Krisha reads it slowly and smiles. " My mate, he is around here somewhere, might be helping to move a small table or two to the orchands for the campout for the dibbuns, he use to stay a lot in Ferravale but he is not in charge of the tavern now, another beast is which I believe is better idea, I like it that he is here and helping out, he does check on the Defenders but its been fairly peaceful around Mossflower"   

"Ah, another badger. Good to know this place is so well known to you all." He also remembers that... no one is going to know what he is talking about so he writes down some stuff again before showing it to Krisha. "My father, when I was still young, told me to treat badgers with the upmost respect. An ancestor of mine was rescued by a Badger Lord and that is why my family has kept it tradition. That is another reason why I seeked Salamandstron... I wished to learn from the best, after all. Also... what is this campout that you are speaking of? It sounds fun."   

Krisha smiles, she is readibg what he shows her, " Just some juice cookies chestnuts, some They usually have one in spring...the last one was the summer before this upcoming...." She then frowns, had it been almost a full turn of the seasons already, she is quiet " That one ..." She shakes her head and is just quiet and speaks again" This one sill be will"   

"I've... not had fun in a long while." He actually puts down his pad and charcoal and seems to just stare at the floor for a moment. It's obvious Caleb is affected by this info, still wary of wanting to stay versus wanting to go. He simply makes a motion instead of picking the pad back up. It looks like he's saying that he has been travelling for so long... that he never once stopped to actually enjoy himself instead of helping others. And it brings a small tear to his eye.   

Krisha looks over and speaks softly when she sees the tear " Are you alright? I didn't mean to upset you any. You know your welcome to stay here at the abbey, maybe even live here."   

Caleb just simply nods and takes a moment to calm down before he starts to write again. "I am still considering it... but overall it is looking like a better option. My old home is gone and I have lost more than most. I do not wish to bring trouble to the abbey but I only wish to... enjoy my life again instead of wandering around and camping. Perhaps it would be better for me."   

Krisha speaks " You would bring no trouble here and if someone was out to harm you, maybe Xander or another can keep an eye out for them. you could enjoy life here, and you wouldnt have to be a novice, there are beasts here that just live here, help with chores, maybe guard the walls when needed. "   

Caleb would just be sitting there now, not knowing what to write. But he eventually does something. Instead of writing anyhing, Caleb just gets up and... hugs Krisha. Living the life of a wandering warrior is hard... and somethings you just have to enjoy it as much as you can. He only mouths "Thank you" to her.   

Krisha is surprised at the hug but gently hugs him back " Your welcome." She then stands" I have a campout to get back to, see you later"


Last edited by Mother Krisha (2020-05-15 08:14:41 PM)


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