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#1 2016-12-09 05:20:47 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

Defenders:Recruitement Drive:Ferravale:part 2

Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.
typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Once upon a dark and stormy night, naught was stirring in the tavern, not even a mouse. Because only a crazy mouse would have ventured into a vermin filled tavern. Sometime during the night amid the busy hours a particular vermin decided to score herself a free meal.
Coming in the backway the ferret scurries herself downstairs into the pantry. She has to clasp her muzzle shut to keep her giggling from betraying her location. All the wine, all the food to nibble on. It was just like being back at Redwall!   

Marek is cleaning up in the tavern above and decided to check on supplies in the cellar. He makes his way down the stairs after locking up the tavern for the night.   

Ears twitching at the sound of a beast coming the jill picks herself up from where she was laying under the tap, letting wine just pour into and about her muzzle. Her stomach sloshes a bit as she hides herself behind one of the wine barrels. Brook finds her heart beating faster. A small part of her enjoys this, the thrill of breaking in, the threat of getting caught. The other, rational part of her mind realizes the danger she is in and it makes her a bit queasy.   

Marek gets out a quill pen and paper and starts checking supplies of different ales, wines and food. He hmms softly and jolts down a couple things." Shouldn’t be low on that yet...odd"   

The ferret's heart is racing now. It looks like she will have to cut her little gluttony spree short. While the tavern owner is busy with his paperwork the ferret begins to slowly creep her way around the wine barrel. She just needs to slip around this barrel and then she will have a clear line of sight on the stairs.   

That is when the jill finds herself wedged between the barrel and the wall. She sucks in her gut but doesn't come free immediately and pops out the other side with a loud SPLAT, as she falls face first onto the floor, "Blast!" She shouts, trying to get up but finding her paw still stuck behind the barrel.   

Marek instantly draws his twin blades, drops the quill pen and paper and spins around to find the source of the shout. He walks towards the ferret as he speaks "And what may I ask are you doing in my cellar? Not a wise choice on your part miss ferret"   

"Uh..." The ferret laughs as she continues struggling to get her foot paw out from behind the barrel. "Um, there is a perfectly logical explanation for this!" She continues to struggle until she finally stops. With a sigh she props herself up on her elbows, "Unfortunately none of those perfectly logical explanations end in anything short of 'ye caught me tapping the wine in the cellar." She says, foot still stuck. "Alright, ye caught me. Woo. There is a ferret in the cellar sipping yer wine. In my defense the wine was really too good to pass up."   

Marek walks over "Now you need to give me good reason to not have you leave here with one less paw, do start talking...starting with your name. Few steal from me and those who do, usually don't like the results"   

The ferret gulps, "N-no need to get violent! I didn't mean any harm. I just...planned to gorge myself on food without paying." She adds the last part quietly. "I just stole a few sips of wine, honest! I...I can make it up to you. You need a beast to do the dishes or...or sweep the floor right?" Brookshire laughs nervously at the threat of losing a paw. "I'm, I'm Brookshire."   

Marek listens as he narrows his eyes, "A thief...never liked thieves, you should get a job is what you should do. And you have to pay back what you drank, wine is not cheap after all Ms. Brookshire....I am Marek, owner of the tavern here in Ferravale and leader of the group The Mossflower Defenders"   

This only causes the ferret to laugh more, in an even more nervous way, "YOU'RE Marek? Heheh, of course you are. F-funny thing I actually did come here to Ferravale for a job. Uh, your job. Not /you're/ job, but a job in the Mossflower Defender thingy and-" She pulls her leg free finally, accidently kicking over the wine barrel. Against all reason and probably a few laws of physics, it falls over onto its side, hitting the next wine barrel, and the next like domino's until the last barrel in the line falls upon the wall, splitting open and spilling it's contents onto the floor.   

The jill gulps, "Heh...I...I'm dead now, aren’t I?"   

Marek watches as the barrels fall, luckily only the last one falls, and this one happens to be full of a higher priced wine. First his eyes widen and then narrow as he looks at the ferret and walks over slowly, blocking any path of escape, "A my group hmm? And what skills would you offer Ms. Brookshire, you seem to have made a poor first impression so far"   

The ferret gulps. "Um, any skill I need to keep me from getting tossed on the menu?" She laughs. The laughter falls short and she rubs the back of her neck while backing away from the armed stoat. "I...well, I'm thief. I can rob people for you. I am usually a lot better at it but this has just been an off day, as you can...clearly see. I also know my way around the woods and..." her voice trails off. Doomed, she is so doomed. "Look. You have two choices. You can either stab me in the gut and be done with it or you can put me to use. At least you will get something out of the latter, right? I can be useful! Honest!"   

Brookshire ends with clutching her tail and saying in a pitiful voice, "Please don't stab me in the gut. I...I kind of need that to live..."   

Marek keeps his eyes on the ferret "Know your way around the woods...that could come in handy maybe, I will let you live but with a warning that if you steal from me again or any members of my group you will lose that paw or maybe become a rug in my headquarters" He keeps his blades out " Maybe you can get me info or go on reconnaissance mission for me." He waits before going on" As a member of my group you will have access to the training ground, a small pension, and one free meal at the tavern daily....ONE. Though you will need to pay back the price of that barrel first"

The ferret blinks, "You are not going to hand me over to the guards and or try to kill me?" The ferret wavers on her feet before nearly fainting. She collapses onto her rump. "T-thanks. Y-yeah! Totally! I...uh...oo I feel dizzy."   

Marek watches her closely, "I shall not kill but keep my warning in mind, now..." He will led her out to the door, making sure he keeps his eyes on her at all times, unlocks the door "Now....out of my tavern before I change my mind and show off a new rug for the tavern"   

The ferret left, leaving the stoat to lock up for the night and head to bed.


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