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#1 2020-01-30 07:26:35 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Chat In The Infirm-LP LOG

**Right After This One

a few hours passed ***


Zolomon- Corpiaal, Archer,Runner in the LP

Zeldove-Private, Archer,Fighter in the LP

Old Pete-Major,Retired..Former Fighter and now Sentry Beast/Teacher in THE  LP


Salamandastron: Recovery Room
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
This is the recovery room for the Long Patrol. It is the place that, once
initially treated, injured Patrollers retire to convalesce. As such, it is
dimly but pleasantly lit, the lantern light casting a calming light on its
inhabitants. One row of cots have been provided for short term patients,
with a bedside table between each, while the long-term patients receive
considerably more comfortable lodgings. With curtains for privacy, the beds
are larger, they have extra padding, and When in season, fresh flowers are
kept in evidence. A small bookshelf with a rotating selection is kept well
stocked. The other half of the room is devoted to providing therapy to the
recovering Patrollers. All healer supplies are stored in a long row of
cabinets that line the wall from one end to the other, and from floor to
ceiling, while the rest accommodates a variety of therapy tools - light
weights, balls, jumping ropes, and other such strengthening equipment.
Crutches are hung neatly on pegs on the wall.
Zeldove was in a...state of crying, she was clearly upset over something.The blankets over her head and just sort of hiding under the blanket.   

Zolomon steps in with some dinner and frowns "Zelly?" He leaves and...this happens, "Let me guess..old Pete?..I wouldn't worry too much..though he rarely forgets or gets talked out of..punishing beasts"   

Zeldove sniffs "No....that's the least"And she hiccups.."The general was in here....and I could be kicked out of de Patrol and Lord Ciocan is supposed to talk to me in a couple..days..or so..."   

Zolomon nods "Oh..well his Lordship isn't .that scary, then I don't believe I have had one of his lectures...ok maybe once as a private.Maybe some archery practice will help get ya mind off it, thought wanna go easy with things with the cracked ribs and all that"   

Zeldove shakes her head "I''i'm off the ..division and after free of the infirm will be in my room till my chat with his chores or exercises or anything just stay in the room and have ..meals in my room.."She looks at him as the tears fall "I messed up..real bad sur"   

Zolomon sits down to listen"Wot?" Ok this surprises him as he frowns"Ok just try and..relax and..I dont think your be kicked out Zelly, you would have to do something a lot worse."
Zeldove frowns "You sure...has he, he ever kicked anyone out of the patrol...has he?"She sounds worried, concerned.   

Zolomon tries to think and nods "One hare...Hanzi..but he like sort of deserved it"   

"Insane hare if ask me.."Came a voice, Old Major Pete as he snorts, "Private Hanzi killed a fellow Private..almost another one, befriended the enemy and skiped tons of practice drills, talked back to serveal high ups, even his Lordship one time, the hare flat ran away, was even this Blackrose think it were...get in here, Ciocan banished him from the shores"   

Zeldove listens and frowns, ok so who ever Hanzi is, did a heck of a lot worse than her, she still has tears "Maybe ...maybe he seemed he was, that Lord Ciocan was really mad and..he said till further notice and till me and him talk...I am in no unit..division..I THINK I am still a private, I have no..clue"And back to full out crying into her pillow, this pillow has tears and snot all over it now, and slobber most likely, seriously needs washed.
Zolomon frowns and walks over, if allowed lays a paw on her shoulder, "Zelly...I am sure it alright..I mean..ya didn't harm anyone.."   
"My mug.."Says Pete , he gets a glare and just hmmphs, the old hare then sighs, a deep breath "Fine...ya forgiven..."He then storms to the door but before he goes "But ya still not escape washing SOMETHING with a blooming toothbrush lass!" And...he's down the hall..grumbleing all the way.   

Zeldove hugs her knees to her chest, she then hugs Zolomon tightly and quietly cries, she is so concern "The..the patrol is ..important to me..I dont want to have to leave it, where would I go?"   

Zolomon watches Old Pete head off and frowns "I..don't know but as I said.....your likely still be in the..patrol, even if you have to, be a recruit again for a while another..division.."He hopes not but he knows it's possible.   

Zeldove says, "I dont want in another unit, I want in yours..we would like..never see each other hardly all...."   

Zolomon says, "Well...Major Jinora and Major Varus divisions may be doing some training drills together...and Sergeant Felicity is nice..and kind, a good friend..strict though but she IS sergeant and Sergeants need to be strike...I will admit Major V..Varus is..well...super strict and...tough, and some don't like him, some fear him..but all I can say is who ever you end up..with as a division just always follow what your officers say to ya....and pay attention and stay outta trouble"
Zeldove says, "Trust me..I dont plan to back talk anyone ever again, I dont need extra chores on top of normal chores..but..I still.."She shakes her head "Tend to..ok I have a short fuse sometimes and it sort of happens and then its too late, how do I prevent that?"

Zolomon hmmms as he leans back"I..don't know, focus on other things?" He frowns "I need to find Sergeant Terrence and....Lt.Greg, and let them know of..of this..of what happen" Yes he does have the scroll and now he knows what they are.He stands "So..try and get some rest and eat dinner and I will see you later or in the morning?"
Zeldove nods "I may likely be in my room in the morning and I am not sure who is..allowed to visit,if anyone..excerpt to say gee here is food and then they walk away"
Zolomon nods "Well...I best....go, goodnight Zelly" He then heads off, first to deliver a scroll to Lt. Greg and then to find Terrance, hopefully the day doesn't get any worse.

Last edited by oz (2020-01-30 07:28:35 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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