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#1 2020-01-16 10:50:01 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Finding Zeldove-LP LOG

**Its short but good **


Zolomon-Corporal, Runner and Archer in the Long Patrol

Zeldove- Private, Fighter and Archer in the Long Patrol


Salamandastron: Garden
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
The garden of Salamandastron is nestled neatly into the mountainside. It is
quite cleverly arranged, hidden from passer-bys on the beach below by being
situated on the lee side of a large outcropping of rock. Upon reaching the
garden from the craggy path above, one first comes upon a pleasing grassy
area, with stone benches situated here and there and a little section of
cobblestones where the leverets have chalked out hop scotch squares and
other such youthful games.
The garden itself is arranged in tiers, four separate levels which step
down the slope of the mountainside. A path cuts down the center of each
tier, as well as wrapping around each, for easy access of gardening. The
tiers appear to be organized by what's growing; the top consisting of berry
bushes, the second vegetables, the third herbs, and the fourth a small
orchard of fruit trees.

Zolomon was looking everywhere for the hare maid, he even checked the caverns area, the only place he had yet to look was the area past the crater, he frowned as he feared she was outside on the beach maybe or elsewhere and that be a pain to look for anyone in the dark.   

Zeldove was sitting on a bench in the garden area, the garden was not much to look at this time of the year but that was ok, she just came here as its quiet and no one around, she could cry here and no one seemed to care one bit.It was dark by now but like what would harm her here? Well she supposed some rare bird maybe so she did look up every so often.   

Zolomon sighs and then, out of the corner of his eye he sees her and breaths a sigh of relief and walks over, he stops a short distance away "Zeldove? Ya..should come inside, its cold out here you know" His voice is quiet as he speaks.   

Zeldove snorts "Why do you care? And I am just fine sur"She shivers a little so she is not fine, she is cold and just puts up with it. She studies the ground in front of her and kicks a lose stone with her foot paw.   

Zolomon sighs as he walks closer and if she allows it wraps a cloak around her shoulders "Your one of my privates..and.."He tries to find the words but is not that great at it "Look wot ever upset you I am sorry, I did want to have a picnic with ya Zelly...I just got to..talking to Felicity,she was upset ya see amd I wanted ta cheer her up"   

Zeldove lets the cloak stay as she shrugs "Well then tend ta that why don't ya sur. I mean if your too busy to go anywhere or if you..wanna spend time with her I would and her, like fastest runners in the blooming mountain "   

Zolomon sits down beside her "Well yes that is true.....and I want to go on a picnic with you Zelly...I mean not right now but maybe after some training drills tamorrow and we can still go to de beach, and hey got the basket ready and the stuff inside should be fine tomorow as well and we can stay close to the mountain entry." He smiles at her hoping she will smile least a little bit.   

Zeldove does glace at him as he speaks, seeing the smile she kind of makes one and then frowns again"Won't the sergeant get upset though?" She saw him hug her and chatting together, on what she has no clue.
Zolomon blinks "Why would she..."He then sighs and speaks "She is just a friend...and she was sad, I try and cheer up any friend..I would even try to cheer up Lord C if he was sad"   

Zeldove slowly faces him and is quiet as she listens" cheer up beasts...."A light chuckle and a small smile   

Zolomon says, "I try to lass, I try to and right now I want to cheer you up"   

Zeldove smiles a little more and leans against Zolomon as she looks up at the sky, a clear sky tonight, a smile "The stars look the same here, just like the sy at the abbey"   

Zolomon slowly wraps an arm around her and nods "It does.."He glaces up. he never was one for star gazing much, "Clear nights are always nice."He looks to the path heading back inside"I should let Sergeant Terrance know I found you before he....well gets grumpy"   

Zeldove nods as she stands and offers him a paw to stand also "Yeah and there is training in the morning isn't thar?" She shakes her head, and training likely was gonna be rough now.   

Zolomon takes her paw and is helped up and goes to lead her inside, "I was..worried ya know, that maybe you ran off to the beach or Halyard, I am glad you were somewhere still in the mountain Zelly. I would...never of forgiven myself if something happen to you."   

Zeldove blushes and smiles as she walks with him on inside "Well I am alright and thanks for caring and..looking fer me..Zolomon."   

Zolomon smiles "Of course....."He gets to her room and nods "Your room..goodnight Zelly"
Zeldove nods " my room isn't it.."She smiles at him and stands up a little taller to give him a kiss, "Goodnight..Zolomon" She smiles again"Remember picnic after morning exercises..don't forget"
Zolomon is surprised at the kiss and nods slowly, a smile forms "Goodnight Zelly and yes, course...picnic, trust me wont forget"He then heads to his own room, but first he lets Terrance know Zeldove is safe and then he goes to bed, falling asleep rather quickly once he is in his bed.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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