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#1 2019-10-06 05:15:32 PM

Elbio Hare and Alts
Registered: 2019-06-22
Posts: 188

We Have A Badger To Find-Guosim Log


Vilfred- Log-A-Log

Berwin-Guosim Cook

Lyra- Guosim fighter/scout

Mavis-Guosim Scout

Leigh- Guosim Healer

Keldorn-Novice of Redwall

A couple spoofed shrews....and  later on a couple other spoofed  woodlanders..


Today was a fair day, it was just beginning to get to that slightly cool weather and the leaves were bright reds and oranges and yellows of Autumn time. The nights were slightly. Just slightly cold now.The day was just right for  being outside to work or have fun.The river was flowing and fish were still able to be caught. The moles had just finished the smoke pit for the shrews, complete with a way to keep heat and smoke in but also let a little out.Long poles were used to get the smoked fish out and a lot of wood chips and some charcoal were lining the Smoke pit, it was set up in the perfect location.

The storage building was finished, and has supplies of wheat,cornmeal, sugar and some dried fruits.Some nuts,apples,pears and even a place to keep wild  greens in a wooden chest,nice and dry and fresh.Another area was for smoked fish, and some extra they planned to share with the Camp Willow Otters.In exchange the otters had some leftover Honey and Fruit Jam that they shared with the Guosim!The shrews were  doing fairly well as they had  one room huts made now for the shrews, the infirmary hut was finally finished  just this afternoon, there was just  sorting out of some dried herbs they had in jars and some supplies on the shelf...they could likely  do better but for now the infirmary was  good for a small group of 10 shrews and  it’s not like they  had plans to fight anything major and that pike issue was long gone, life was  going well

Vilfred walked into the infirmary to look around, in a basket he had some Willowbark”Ello?”

Leigh looks up “Oh the Willowbark, thanks Log-A-Log…”She puts it out to dry”So how are you today? Fishing go well?”

Vilfred nods “Is good yes, we got lots of fish and enough to share with the otters, we can even get some to share with others maybe...still some things to do, a log boat to fix ...a  mess hall to finish...but we have mission to do”

Berwin was just getting back to walking around since the stpid pike injured his leg “Mission? Wot sort..I need ta do something been  cooped up  WAY too long Log-A-Log..if it's another pike though forget it”

Mavis had a knapsack “No”She says quietly “ Seems a badger is missing…..and maybe we can like find him before he gets too far if he hasn't already gotten too far”

Vilfred motions to follow “We meet by river, lets go” He then heads that way….

Keldorn is already by the river, he has decided to come help and he wants to find his friend as he is concerned and he  knows  the Badgermother is as well,others he guesses  have degrees of worry or maybe not worry,either way he is still gonna find his friend.

Leigh follows and nods a hello to Keldorn as she waits to see what is  gonna happen.

Berwin limps slightly but he can walk a lot better than a few days ago “So..something has happened and of course we just now get updated..go figure”

Mavis rolls her eyes “Do be nice Berwin..not like we know everything going on around Mossflower, not all is needed to know just issues  affecting the camp and river, and sometimes other things.”

Vilfed comes walking in, a couple other shrews following him as he nods to the others “Ok..not knowing who all knows..thar was accident at abbey..Abbot Benar was hurt..broken arm and a bump to head, but he is alive and recovering. Was..accident  involving friend badger that is helping us past few weeks...we need to find him as he may  think other thoughts of what happen”

Keldorn comes forwards “Hi..Novice Keldron 'ere ...according to the rat Patch...Xander thinks he killed Abbot Benar and..may be leaving Mossflower, we  have to find him and let him know Benar is not dead..and that  what happened was an accident, I know some are not sure it was...some think he did it on purpose as there was some yelling...I think it was just an accident and  it was not on purpose. Ander is a friend, a good friend...a good beast and we need to find him. It is believed he went south which sort of makes since….he  likely wouldn't go to friends if he thought friends were not wanting to be friends anymore”

Lyra comes out and down to the river as well as she listens “We can look for him, why not..if the abbey needs help, we help..they helped us and so has the badger.”

Berwin  hmmms “Ya sure. He seems like grump at times, though had his not so grumpy times too I suppose but he does also have  anger issues.”

Mavis sits on an old tree stump quietly as she listens, she is willing to track him down if she can, not much else to do  really and it's boring at camp.

Leigh nods “Ok do we do this and..ya know someone has to stay at the camp,not like the  whole group can  head off.”

Vilfred speaks “Am knowing this…”He nods to one of the shrews  that walked up with him “Joey...can stay...Rafe...he can come yes?” He gets a nod from both “And south in woods...hmmms not knowing where though..maybe around old church ...maybe”He knows that's close to the old shrew camp but hey they don't have to go near there.

Mavis speaks “I can stay and there is a small like  village  east of the church,  a path leads to some gravel and dead leaves and maybe half a mile...don't know de name but it's there sur...but I will stay at the camp, keep an eye on things while your away”
Lyra smiles “I am helping sides last time Log-A-Log went off on his own, it  didn't end that well.”

Berwin chuckles and shrugs “May as well help...suppose, nothing else keep an eye on  fearless leader”

Leigh seems to think “I...may need to stay here...unless a healer is needed”

Keldorn “I know some skills not to worry..but I would hope one isnt needed”

Vilfred “Then decided...Berwin, Keldorn,Lyra can come with me and look for Xander, Leigh and Mavis can stay correct?”He adds “Joey stays,...and Rafe he goes with us too”

Mavis just nods as she slips back to the camp after giving a few more  details on where this..Mossflower Village was a blink and maybe miss it sort of place

Lyra spoke “ we look and hope for the best,anything else we need to know?”

Keldorn” wise to keep eye out for  possible bad monitor”

“And when are they not know bad? Monitors see most as walking snacks” Berwin explains simply and sighs “Fine...if needed we kick its behind”

Vilfred speaks “I am learning this...the Blacksmith of Ferravale, he is monitor but a...good one, being on the side of the good beasts, so it is not being him…”He is curious “Right?”

Lyra tilts her head”Interesting, well best to have one on our side  than one thats evil, ok we be careful then”

Leigh hmms softly “Odd...but yeah be careful and guess good luck in finding whatever is needed to find”

Berwin grins “Adventure is always good..even if it's through the woods...well let's go we should start”

Vilfred nods as he leads them south, he keeps alert as he looks around.He is not sure where to look but he does have at least an idea now.

Keldorn sighs as they walk along “I am thinking of ...maybe joining the Gousim, but feel I would...let the abbey down,anyone have a suggestion?”

Lyra smiles “Go with what your heart  is trying to tell you. It's up to you really”

Berwin nods “She is correct my good friend, though I fer one would love to see you at camp you are great fisher beast and skilled with wood carving”

Vilfred looks over “Yes is being up to you only, no one else friend Keldorn, if you stay I would be happy to have you, if not you can still visit whenever you  are wanting to visit”

Keldorn nods “Right now I want to  find sir Xander, he forgot his blade its still at the abbey and if he  ran into trouble of the bad sort, it would not be good to be weaponless I am not sure how well he fights paw to paw”

Lyra moves a bit of vine as they walk “He is a badger so…..most  vermin stay clear of a badger as they are fairly strong, even without weapons”

Berwin nods”That's true so what of this...evil monitor..hoping it  left the area”

Keldorn nods “That was the thought that it left which would be good”He looks to Vilfred “I will think on where my life with the shrews or ...the abbey life”

Vilfred smiles”You will be able to decide I am sure Keldorn and not to worry, we will find Xander soon I am sure, or least am hoping find him”

They travel the rest of the afternoon, having looked even asked a couple  otters they came across, they did find a path though at least or least it looked hopeful.

Keldorn was getting tried as he looked around and frowned”This may be a lost cause…”

Lyra frowns “Don’t say that , well not yet anyways...nothing is ever a lost cause”

Vilfred nods “This is being the truth”

There was then a faint smell of smoke and if one looked..smoke coming from a path and it didn't seem like the kind of  a campfire either.

A closer look would show, well what was left of a small pub, not the main pub of the village thank goodness but this was just as nice, small but beasts loved the breakfast there was  burning,it was on fire and about the only good thing going for the village, yep they found the village that was a few yards from the tavern that seemed  right outside of the village, was it had started to rain and rained dimed the fire. But the roof was  gone, most of the front part of gone, somehow the back survived...but it would surely need rebuilt.

Berwin ventures closer and blinks as he looks down a small bit of a grassy hill”Well...that can't be a good thing”

Keldorn rushes down the hill and almost slipped onto his bottom, he somehow stayed upright and came to a stop.

Lyra frowns “We should  check on what happened ...and maybe they seen Xander.”

Vilfred nods as they head over,he clears his throat “So...who is wanting to be doing the speaking first?”

What happen?

What caused the small pub to almost burn down?

Do these beasts know where Xander is?

Should they stay or just ...walk away?


Last edited by Elbio Hare and Alts (2019-10-06 05:55:36 PM)

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Elbio-LP Hare


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