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#1 2018-09-12 02:38:10 PM

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 102

Unexpected Ending To A Fight-Fate Of Marek(ICLY HAPPENS SEP. 14TH)

********MY LAST LOG...ENJOY *******
Kakarauri-Insane Marten, Assassin and archer of Orma'z hordE

Oz- Badger Mother of Redwall

Stormfang- Fighter in horde

Kenya- Redwall Novice

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Gorvenalus-Recorder-shows up briefly at end

Master Healer Rafael- shows up at end

some spoofs of guards and couple other beasts...


Kakarauri had her orders, sweet...simple...get inside right after a guard change, kill the abbot and return with proof..basically lower moral and cause chaos and panic and grief and the marten was all for this anyways. The grappling hook helped as she quickly climbed wearing black and brownish cloak, she watched a guard who seen her but before he could sound an alarm she grabbed him and slammed him into the wall top and smirked "Stormfang...get that rope before the next guard comes and sees it."And down the steps quickly into the grounds.

Stormfang whimpers as he follows, first he loops the rope and hook around his arm and quickly follows her as he looks around "What way, its dark...."

Kenya knew she shouldn't but she had looked all over for the bracelet and so, quickly went to look in the tree house, a quickly look and right back. She smiled as it was there, her favorite one and as she went down the ladder and started to go back inside she saw the two shadows and hide with a frown.

Kakarauri rolls her eyes "Dark is lets go quietly while all is asleep, see most are on the walls and looking...duhhh away from the grounds or in the sky, hee hee"

Stormfang says, "Right boss"He will follow, or try to follow her, yeah good plan"

Kenya frowns and quickly starts to go inside, only to slip on some wet ground and gasp in surprise, she whimpers and sniffs as she hurt her ankle and slowly stands.

Kakarauri notices the otter and grins "Well well well....someone is awake."She slowly starts to head to the otter "Now if I were you I would be quiet, least ya not be harmed...we don't want to harm you"

Stormfang is ever the dummy and shows it "Yeah she is supposed ta kill the abbot"

Kenya whimpers and runs best she can avoids the great hall going to the open ground and down to the dorms, it the closest from the vineyards.

Oz is semi awake in bed, he had got back to his room and given Tassel, Anatole and the infant otter his brothers room, it was smaller and no dibbuns would invade in the middle of the night,like they do in here sometimes, more so lately cause of fear of little noises or the dark as , well what if bad beasts came..ect ect. Also he asked one guard to stay with the dibbuns, the guard seemed annoyed but did it.

Kakarauri sighs 'After..her..moron"She says quietly and gives chase, she slows as she grabs Stormfang, waits till who ever pass and then follows the otter maid to the dorm hall, as she draws out twin blades.

Stormfang frowns "What....oh"He goes to follow and stays close to the marten.

Kenya whimpers and opens the doorway rushing over to Oz and shakes him "Papa Oz..Papa Oz ..wake up!!!" Fear in her voice and she is shaking  some.
The guard by the door blinks, this job is boring, he lets the otter in, I mean beasts can go see the badger just not someone he doesn't know but then how would they even get into the abbey. Yeah the guard needs replaced seems.

Kakarauri saves the that job,flicking a dagger and making very short work of the so dead..guard. She  is outside the doorway and listens , she stays in the hall quiet and waits, tells  the rat to be quiet also.

Oz grunts and wakes up "Kenya...what is the matter?" He slowly sits up to hug her,"Bad dream....nightmare?" Lucky no dibbuns are in here but they are in the other room that leads from this one.

Stormfang frowns and sits down "But...boss....."

Kakarauri singles to be quiet , she grins as she slips into the room " I did regonize the voice....your the striped dog that ruined my paw...oh I can use it somewhat...remember me...stripe dog?"

Kenya gasps and clings onto Oz, she slowly looks at the door and gulps as she sees the marten "She's a bad beast....she got in...she wants to kill Benar..."She frowns , oh no Kenya had to run to here, why didn't she just run elsewhere.

Stormfang frowns as he peeks inside "Ummm.....should we go....he isn't the abbot...umm is he?"

Oz growls, he stands and reaches for his staff, yes it stays by his bed.."Kenya..go to the dibbuns, shut the door and lock Kenya..."He keeps focus on where the two beasts are,"I remember your voice your that insane marten....gee how is the paw?" Give Kenya time to get to the door, if she will listen that is.

Kakarauri chuckles insanely as she swings both her twin blades, "I say....this will be fun...ohhh dibbuns you say well...that be fun too,my lord and master didn't say I couldn't kill anyone else....bonuses right?" She smirks, like he can see it she could care less and she isn't giving him time to figure out when she is attacking she starts now.

Kenya whimpers and backs up to the door, but she does go inside she just locks it and slams it shut and stays on this side of the door and shivers.

Stormfang stays by the door to the hallway "What do I...?" He looks at the dead guard.

Oz had the other guard, a squirrel stay with the dibbuns, well guess the guard is locked out...ok least the dibbuns are safe...right, or are they? He blocks one blade and the other cuts into his shoulder as he snorts."You won't go near them, you want to even lay claw on them you have to kill me first"

Kakarauri cackles "With will be lock anyone else out......"

Stormfang quickly locks the door and just watches the fight, he does notice the otter Kenya and has a cutlass as he walks over to her "Hee one here ta help you and de badger is busy"

Oz shoves the marten towards the wall and snarls at the rat"Back off....."Yeah in a better listen voice.

Kenya gasps and gets out of the way, maybe away from the doorway is bad away from the rat right

Kakarauri ooofs as she hits the wall and snorts, she may of cracked a couple ribs but not like she wont still fight the badger, Twin blades out and quickly slices at the badger, and a swift kick to the chest for good measure if she can!

Oz tenses up a little as a blade cuts into his shoulder, the other is barely blocked but he is also throw off balance and is knocked into a nightstand that goes crashing to the floor with Oz, the nightstands has a drawer fall out and break, as well as the mug and wash basin that was on it so glass is on the floor and gets into his knee when he tries to get up and tumbled again tensing up a little as he may of well cracked about 3 ribs. He also knocked his shoulder out of place.

Kenya whimpers as she watches "Papa Oz........Noooo...."She goes to try and get to the window, but its a little high up and the door is blocked for now.

Stormfang goes to grab the small otter "Come here brat!"He stops as he steps on some of the broken glass and yelps in pain looking at his foot paw..."Ouchie...."

Kakarauri snorts and looks at the otter dibbun, and then the badger as she cackles. "Goodbye!" She goes to swing down with both her blades, angleing slightly!

Oz holds up the staff and growls as the force of the blades hitting starts to crack the staff. he aims a kick up at the marten's arm to try and throw her off balance.

Kenya gasps and somehow ducks and slides under the rat and to the door quickly going to open it and get to the hallway!

Stormfang falls flat on his face trying to grab the otter and bumps his stoat, but gets up slowly and holds the now bleeding snout.

Kakarauri screams insanely and keeps hacking and slicing at the staff with both her blades at the same time! The kick connects but she holds her ground as he got her knee, she growls and lunges at him with her blades a 5th time!

Oz growls, one blade gets his arm once, most of the time its blacked, but each hit weakens the staff and cracks it more and more and the last one completely breaks it in two, two jagged pieces go sideways and the blades slice into him, somehow missing anything vital by mere cm's as he gasps in pain and manages to rolls slightly away before more damage is down as he pants and breaths in and out wiling himself to stay awake as he feels himself trying to pass out.

Stormfang blinks "Whoa....."

Kenya turns and then instead of rushing outside she gets brave and rushes over to the marten and goes to bite her leg "Get away from Papa Oz now!"

Kakarauri chuckles as she is enjoying this and stands "Your...hard to kill....well so ends this lets see,,,"Both blades up and when she goes to stab down she is bite and gasps as she spins around and kicks the otter, rather hard if she can"Brat!!"

The noise has not gone unnoticed as a very tried Benar goes to see what all the noise is, noise dibbuns..."Oz what is....."He stops and stares in shock seeing the marten, and starts to back up and call for help, he frowns more when he sees the dead guard.

Kenya whimpers as she is kicked to the side and starts to cry, she looks at Benar and starts to crawl beside him.

Stormfang frowns "Umm...oh he is the abbot...I think we are in trouble boss"

Kakarauri chuckles insanely.."Abbot...hee heee...greetings...hee hehee..."She glaces at the badger and smirks and back to the abbot and Kenya "I know...a new trick, tis my fave....kill a brat and an abbot at the same time...then the brats behind the locked door...yeah ..heee heeee..lock is on this side....hee listening to ya friends...die while you die...maybe your get to hear more deaths..hee heee..."Yep she is truly insane as she has her twin blades out and goes to make a quick slice at the two beasts.

Oz takes a deep breath....and forces himself to get up, fight the urge to pass out. He feels for his broken staff and manages to find one of the more jagged pieces and focus all his strength and anger and snarls as he manages to stand somehow and lunge  at the marten aiming to slam that jagged bit of staff into her back "REDWALL!!!"

The abbot goes to quickly get Kenya and himself out of the way of the marten.

Kakarauri gasps in shock and the twin blades are drooped as she coughs up a little blood and falls forwards, the jagged staff deep into her back and her eyes glaze over in death. Well...that was...not planed.

Stormfang backs up, yeah this isn't good on his part he needs to get out of here.

Kenya whimpers as she is helped up and screams, only to then look down at the marten and gulps, then the badger "Papa..Oz?"

Oz sways and then drops to his knees and loses consciousness and slips the rest of the way to the floor, in fact he slips into a dangerous deep faint, a healer is gonna be needed..quickly.

Benar's eyes widen as he rushes forwards, "Oz!!" He quickly checks for a pulse and  tries to stays calm "Kenya....find a..."A couple guards, a Brother Rick comes to the doorway and gasps in shock, someone rushes off to find a healer!One of the guards aims a sword at the rat.

Stormfang backs into a corner and throws his cutlass "I give up....don't kill me....only obeying orders...."

Kenya frowns "Papa Oz...noooo...don't be dead no no NOOOOOOOO!" She believes him dead, she believes its her fault, she feels the tears flood and then she bolts as fast as she can but its not clear where she is going.

Oz is not dead, he is alive...barely. He is in a very bad deep faint and badly hurt. Its not clear when he will wake up, it wont be anytime too soon, and the healing progress will take a while...
Brother Rafael quickly comes and checks a pulse, he checks again and speaks "He lives....barely...."Orders are quickly given, the Master Healer, and a couple other healers come to help the badger.

Brother Gorvenalus is awaken to also help. This is gonna be a long night ...will Oz  survive? Only time...will tell.

The once insane marten Kakarauri  is clearly dead. What ever mission she had she failed,  lucky for the abbey..not lucky for the horde. The abbey is clearly on more high alert now, that much is serious true.


#2 2018-09-17 04:33:40 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Unexpected Ending To A Fight-Fate Of Marek(ICLY HAPPENS SEP. 14TH)

Angela will definitely help!  And if Oz dies, she will never speak to him again wink


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