Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-05-31 10:28:54 AM

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 102

She Is Bored....Not A Good Thing-Black Rose Log

Kakarauri sat sharping a throwing dagger and then laid it aside for another one. She has just finished some new arrow tips for more arrows and would soon place the arrow tips on some new arrows that were ready for some fine new arrow heads.

Stormfang yawned as he looked around and upwards "Storm coming soon, guess no slave hunting today"

Kakarauri smirked "Oh why not...he never said stop hunting slaves, the only thing he mentioned was leaving one silly circus group alone which we did, then what is a small group of woodlanders when we have more..100s Mossflower woods and the surrounding area to enslave, soon all will fear us."

Stormfang shrugs."So..ya want ta do anything?"

Falk gave a loud call before flapping into the area and landing in front of them as thunder started to roll and lightning went across the sky, the late spring storm would soon let loose its rain.He was a large Falcon and didn't look like one to be messed with" Are you two being lazy? Laziness is against the rules."

Kakarauri did not seem too worried about the bird and just grined "He is right and I am..bored, lets go" She goes to head a little ways out of the woods.

Stormfang frowned "But tis gonna rain." He whined but stood up as he seen the falcon and followed the marten along the path."SO...what we gonna do?"

Not many beasts are usually out when a storm is about to hit, but sometimes one has plans as the hare did that day. He was with a small group of beasts, another hare and 3 mice, as well as a couple voles. Also in the group was 2 dibbun hares.

Falk followed and motioned to the group of woodlanders.

Kakarauri grined and signaled to the rat and bird" Let's...have some fun"

Stormfang just glaces over and nodded "Yeah we need some new slaves....there is like 3 of us and....7 of them... if count the dibbuns"

The female hare walked away from the group "We will be at Redwall jolly well soon dear" The male hare nodded and looked at the rest of the group, "Yeah.....hey stay close Clover."

Kakarauri just selected an arrow, yes she still had two and fired one off at the one hare that walked away from the group.She slipped out her two new sharpen throwing daggers.

Stormfang was ready to attack, capture or what ever was the plan here.

Falk just cawed loudly and took off, he went to grab a vole, if he was lucky he would have lunch, and if a panic started, well...what ever.

Panic was indeed started, and the now thunder and pouring down rain didn't help. The female hare was hit...dead before she hit the ground with an arrow to the throat. One vole was grabbed and the other screamed, the three mice gasped and looked unsure of what to do. The two dibbun hares just  went to hid in a berry bush and cry.

Kakarauri just chuckled and fired an arrow off at the vole, and smiled coldly at the mice "Stormfang get them!"

Stormfang went to block the path of the mice and drawed his cutlass out "Hey woodlanders...we wont harm ya....nope not if you stay put and give up"

Falk just decided to have lunch and then see if his help was needed.

The male hare looked furious, he may not be a long Parol hare but he was ever ready to join up if given the chance. The mice backed up and became blocked by a couple trees and thorn bushes. The vole was killed and so that left the 3 mice, and two dibbun hares for the male warrior hare to protect best he could as he spoke "Back off ya foul vermin scum."

Kakarauri just grined "I say...I am bored so let's play a live, the dibbuns and the mice can go on to where die, well they are escorted to Black Rose base to be slaves."

Stormfang  stayed in front of the 3 mice and keep an eye on them as he also every so often looked at the marten and hare.

The hare narrowed his eyes and then decided to not give the marten a chance to attack, all he seen was the longbow so he didnt expect her to be able to fight as well close up. Saber in paw he attacked!

Falk went to help block the path of the two mice.

The two hare dibbuns stayed in the bush,  the rain was still coming down rather hard and a thunder clap didn't help the dibbuns as they screamed and held each other close.

Kakarauri fought the hare for a good hour before he seemed to grow tried, she then grined "You Lose!" She then flicked both daggers she was useing at his neck!

The hare was already injured and then the daggers hit his throat and he fell over dead.

Stormfang the 3 mice tied up by now and looked at the dead hare and the other hare "Ummm...what bout the 2 dibbuns?"

Falk also waited on a reply.

Kakarauri just smirked "They can just stay in the long do you think they will surrive without other beasts to protect them, and the rain is about to get worse....and night falls let us" She smiled coldly and let the way back to the base, they had 3 new slaves to place in a cell after all. And the dibbuns?...WHO CARES


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