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#1 2016-12-29 05:36:29 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

DAB has struck again..... 12.29.2016

Scene: Redwall Abbey Open Ground

Characters:  Oz the male badger.  LilyMoore the female mouse.  Various spoofed Dibbuns and Order members....

Oz was sitting on a chair that was brought out, he was with the dibbuns outside today and was slightly distracted, but only slightly. Also out was of course Sister Ginny to help with the dibbuns.

LilyMoore is helping with the Dibbuns, too, in the hopes that the members of the nefarious DAB don't do anything ridiculous.  Most of the little ones ares being obedient and polite, building forts and snowbeasts.  A few, however, are huddling around the squirrelbabe, muttering and drawing things in the snow.  The gosling, Grace, waddles over to the badger and honks, "Papa Ozzie, Papa Ozzie!"  She is wearing a sweater, a scarf, and a little hat, as are all the Dibbuns, and she has tied her blankie on like a cloak.

Oz seems to have his mind on something, then the dibbun speaks and he nods "What is it...sorry I was distracted, not been the best week, what is it that is needed?"

LilyMoore heads over to the huddled group of Dibbuns as Grace smiles.  "I needa hugsie!"  She then whispers, "Da DABers sent me over heres to distwact you, but don't tell 'em I tol' you, okays???"  As the mousemaid gets close, the group of Dibbuns scatter, running in different directions, squeaking and squealing.  Lily stares at the place where their drawing was.  They messed it up on purpose.  "Uh, Sister Ginny......" 

Oz frowns, as if he wasn't distracted enough. He stands slowly and about falls on some ice, "Distract me huh? And why would they do that may I ask?" He sighs, maybe a couple days off was a bad idea.

"So they can do a snowball fight," Grace whispers innocently.  Suddenly, the Dibbuns who ran away come charging back, hats off their heads and full of snowballs!  Some of them even found sticks!  "BAFFS NEVAH, PWAY FOWEVAH!!!!"  Comes their dreaded  warcry as snowballs come flying through the air at the other Dibbuns and the adults!!  LilyMoore hollers as she gets smacked with a snowball in the face!  Some Dibbuns start wailing, but most just gather up snow, for it into balls, and chuck back!  Grace hides under Oz's chair.  Discrepancy is the better part of valor, right? Right.

Oz frowns, "Well...a snowball fight, least it's not..." And a snowball hits him in the back, he clears his throat. A dibbun usually staying close to Oz, Juliana eeps softly and goes to hide in the bell tower, she gets hit  with a snowball to the side and falls onto a snowbeast shaped like a mouse, gets back up and is soon in the bell tower peeking out at the others.

"Hey, stop that!  You could h--oof!"  LilyMoore trips over a snowmole and tumbles into a heap as she gets a snowball in the small of her back.  The Dibbuns are running around like crazy, throwing snowballs willy-nilly, not really taking sides or aiming, even.  Although a couple do seem to be aiming entirely at the adults.  A couple Dibbuns follow Juliana and hide with her; it's scary out there!  Grace waddles after them, honking in dismay as snowballs fly all around her.  Suddenly, Squirrelbabe the DAB leader goes to hit Sister Ginny with a stick.  Bad baby!

Sister Ginny places her paws on her hips and goes to grab the stick "Now, we will have NONE of that young lady, hitting with sticks is bad, perhaps no dessert tonight." Meanwhile Oz bends down to make a snowball, one snowball flies over top of him as he stands and listens for when one is near and chuckles a little throwing a snowball.

LilyMoore stands and starts doing tug-of-war with another Dibbun who was hitting her with a stick.  "Leggo, y'little villian!"  The Dibbun, a little male mole, starts hollering about his swordsie and how Lily was the one who needed to leggo.  The Dibbun that Oz throws his snowball at, a baby mouse, gasps, then giggles with joy that the Badger father has joined in their game.  Grace has successfully made it to the Belltower without getting hit with a stick and with only a few snowballs making contact.  Squirrelbabe is much faster and nimbler than sister Ginny, and she darts around, giggling wickedly as she continues to hit at and poke at the Order member...

Oz smiles as he throws another snowball, well he makes one first and frowns as he hears Sister Ginny yell out. The Sister takes a deep breath and tries again to grab the stick "Enough already this is rude!"

"Yo face is wude!"  Squirrelbabe hollers defiantly, then she starts screaming like a very angry banshee when he stick gets grabbed.  "LEGGO O' MY SWORDSIE!!!!  YOU BAD GWON-UP!!!!"  The other DABers starts hitting each other's sticks, pretending to fight.  A mole gets smacked with the badger's snowball and giggles, then runs away crying from a DAB member who hit him with a stick.  LilyMoore gets the stick away and breaks it into many little pieces, which makes the Dibbun she took it from roll around on the ground having a tantrum.  Most of the Dibbuns are still being nice and only throwing snowballs.  A couple go to hug Oz because of the stick-wielders causing anxiety, but other than that (and the ones hiding in the belltower), most of the Dibbuns seem to be having fun.

Oz frowns" Who ever has sticks had best put them down or they will have an early bedtime with no dessert or story" He says this calmly as a snowball hits his side and he makes another one, but waits to throw it.

Most of the Dibbuns gasp and throw their sticks to the ground at the treat of no dessert and no story, but about 6 of the die-hard DAB members try to hide behind LilyMoore.  "Agh, no, I'm not going to save you from this!"  The mousemaid runs and scrambles into the badger's chair.  The stick-weilding miscreants squeak and run towards the orchards.  Squirrelbabe follows them, shouts threats and completely made up words that may supposed to be profanity at the adults.  It's mostly just jibberish, though, so is she earning a mouthwashing?

Oz drops the snowball he has and takes a deep breath, Sister Ginny on the other paw is going after the squirrel "Get back here right now young lady!" Oz speaks "Well perhaps we should go inside now and warm up"

LilyMoore nods.  "That's a good idea!  Maybe us good kids can have some warm tea and scones or something."  The remaining Dibbuns cheer as Lily goes to get the ones hiding in the belltower.  Squirrelbabe, meanwhile, clambers up a tree and chitters at the Order Sister, going on a merry dance through the treetops on the orchard.  She's not going to get caught for a while...

Oz smiles "I am sure Friar Lacota can offer some good scones, let us go see and maybe some nice mint tea or cordial"

LilyMoore steps into the belltower.  Grace and the other Dibbuns run to her when she announces loudly and clearly that they're going inside now.  She makes sure to move her lips well so Juliana can read them if she's still in here.  The Dibbuns who stayed outside with Oz gather around him, chattering at him excitedly and innocently.  The ones who had sticks but dropped them when he said to go to hug him, mumbling honest apologies.

Oz accepts the hugs and the apologies and chuckles. Juliana now goes to Oz and stays close to him as the badger smiles "Alright my dibbuns let's have that snack" He goes to led them inside.

LilyMoore helps guide the Dibbuns inside.  They all seem mostly happy and content, although some look sad and anxious about the snowball fight and hitting-with-sticks thing.  Many of them run ahead, peeling off hats and scarves and sweaters as the get inside Great Hall...

Oz leads them into the great hall, he nods and points to the wash room as clean paws are good before a snack as he goes to see what scones are ready. Looks like blueberry and cherry scones with strawberry fizz and even some hot mint tea.

LilyMoore helps the Dibbuns wash their paws, as do a couple of Novices (one of who seems mildly terrified of the Dibbuns), then the whole group goes giggling and skipping to over in front of the fireplace.  "We wanna 'tory!"  a couple chorus out as they listen and have their seats.  Squirrelbabe slips into the Hall and tries to mingle with the Dibbuns that are already in here.  Lily is too busy arranging seating order to notice.

Oz has an idea how many dibbuns are in here and of course is told most of the dibbuns are in here and that a couple went to the dibbun dorms, the badger nods and hmms "A story? One about what?"

A chorus a different ideas sound out, but then most of the Dibbuns agree on one topic: "Da Shnow Badger!!"  LilyMoore starts helping pass out warm tea and cordial while a couple Novices bring in sconces.
The Squirrelbabe stays silent, knowing that the badger will recognize her voice.

Oz frowns as the snow badger is mentioned "Well maybe not that one, it was...told" He sounds a little sad and then smiles faintly "Maybe one of Bella, she was a badger and once a long time ago I believe one of the first badger mothers here when the abbey was first built"

LilyMoore sits down and snuggles a couple of Dibbuns as they drink and eat.  Squirrelbabe stays quiet as the other Dibbuns gasp and eagerly agree with the badger.  That sounds like a good idea to them.

Oz smiles and then tells the story of Bella of Brockhall, of how she helped build the abbey and how she helped Martin the warrior, and she knew Sunflash as well, she was Sunflash's mother.

The Dibbuns listen attentively.  As for Squirrelbabe and the other very disobedient Dibbuns?  Well, they confess and justice is served.  No dessert for them! sad  Maybe they'll remember next time and not hit people with sticks....

Thanks for reading!


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