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#1 2016-12-20 01:39:54 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208

Redwall Log: Rough Day In The Infirm

Redwall Log: This happen like maybe a couple days after Zee Died.
In Log:
Leon-Master Healer and Brother in Redwall Abbey
Brookshire-A ferret and Member of the Mossflower Defenders
Xander-Teenage badger, and Warrior in Training in Mossflower Defenders
Benar-Abbot of Redwall

RW Abbey: Infirmary
Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall.  Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds.  Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper.  A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

The infirm was not too busy this winter season. Most of the patients that cycled through here suffered from small injuries such as slipping on the ice, cutting themselves with an ax while chopping wood, and the occasional cough from the cold weather. All dramatic to be sure but nothing that would keep most beasts here overnight.   

And then there is Brookshire. Apparently not having learned her lesson from the first time the ferret is dragged in once again, belly swollen and taut from excessive eating. Her mood is a little tipsy from all the wine she used to wash down her meal. The otters carrying the stretcher just tilt it over one of the beds and Brook just sort of oozes out of it, rolling onto the soft sheets with a small laugh. " d-" She cringes, curling up into a ball and clutching her stomach, "Nope, not going to even bother making jokes this time..."   

Leon frowns as he walks over “So what is it this time? I think I heard of you being in here before." He does check for injuries still and sighs.   

The only wound the ferret has is the one to her diet. And possibly liver. She lays on her back and slowly props herself up on her elbows, "You have? Ha! I'm getting a repute-a-a-a-tion. HA ha ugh..." She cringes, falling back onto the bed. "S-showed them hares who could...e-eat the most...didn't I?" She takes a moment to relax. "So what's the reward for out eating a hare around these parts?"   

Leon frowns "Friar Lacota would not like this at all and one should not eat too much, it’s not healthy and only causes stomach problems. Yes the abbey has a good deal of food but it doesn’t mean one should eat till....well they are so full of food it endangers their own life as you seem to have and not many hares come around here so hopefully the couple hares earlier left"   

"You bet yer furless tail they left!" The ferret leans up, throwing a paw into the air, "Left in shame from being beaten by a ferret." The glutton rolls onto her side, back to Leon, "Ugh, tell it to me strait doc, I going to die? Cause it feels like I'm going to die..."   

Leon shakes his head "No, but your need to stay in the infirm a couple days and may be best to go on a tight diet, one with a lot less food. Maybe eat veggies and fruits in controlled small amounts in fact"   

(A look of horror crosses the beasts face, "Di-iet?" She gulps. You can't spell diet without the word DIE in it. Proven fact that is. Unable to stand up she tries to make her daring escape by crawling over the end of the bed, like a slow moving furry slug that begins to just ooze off the end of the bed and onto the floor.)   

Leon just shakes his head "You know if some beast was after you , you wouldn’t stand a chance like this. A diet is helpful, not a bad thing and it would help you to be a better beast. It would also help you not be in my infirm so much for over eating"   

The ferret doesn't seem to agree, not by the way she is trying to flee the infirm. Brook doesn't get very far, once her stomach hits the floor with a loud plop she just sort of stays there, head and chest on the floor, hips and feet hanging over the bed. The ferret lets out a small whine. "Ah man...can't...can't you just give me something for the p-pain? You're a healer, right? Don't you have some fancy potion or herb to help me with my problem? Or something to put me out of my misery? N-no need to do anything as drastic as a DIET...r-right?"   

Leon frowns "Why does everyone think I have some sort of make it all better potion, I don't." He gets more serious "Look, I rather not deal with another beast that’s dead right now so you’re going on a diet whether you like it or not"   

The ferret begins to whine, "But I don't wanna!" She wails like a dibbun, "It's not my fault I have an appetite. I'm a scavenger at heart and I've lived in the woods most of me life and and..." Miss Shire cringes again. She lays there, panting for breath. " win this round doc. I'll...try to keep my carnivorous cravings to a m-more manageable-" She holds a paw to her stomach, getting ready to upchuck her meal but manages to keep it down. "J-just help me back to bed..."   

Leon just shakes his head, luckily a couple strong otters are in the hall and Leon gets them to help get the ferret onto the bed" Now...first you rest a couple days, maybe not eat for like a day to ease your stomach problems. If you eat well and stay a good weight, your live many seasons like a friend of mine did, he was...well serval seasons when he died and he didn’t die of overweight problems, he died of old age. Though I am surprised how well he was able to drink ale and not get ill"   

The ferret snorts, "Where's the fun in dying of old age." Brookshire rolls onto her side, "I want to leave a fat, pickled corpse when I go. Means I died successful wot?" She chuckles. Grabbing the pillow she snuggles it close before curling into a ball and falling fast asleep. She snores terribly.   

Leon glares but decides to not grumble and even if he wanted to the ferret has fallen asleep. He closes his eyes and reopens them “Make sure the ferret does leave the infirm" The two otters nod "Even if you have to tie her down to the cot" The otters nod again as Leon leaves the infirm, he needs a break from healer duties for an hour or two.

Couple Hours Later

Xander walks slowly into the infirm, he was holding his head like he had a headache and groaned, he then also stepped back out to the open ground to vomit, for like the 2nd time this morning and sits on the infirm steps.   

Leon had just walked in and frowns, great...well there goes any other free time as he walks over to the badger " ok, what happen?"   

Xander looks at the mouse "I tried something called...mead...the ferret said I should drink it and it was sort of good...then made me feel all like...was gonna float away or something and thought sleep is good but woke with a bad headache and...feel sick....and " He just frowns.   

Leon frowns as he goes over to a shelf and mixes a couple herbs into a cup with warmed water from a tea kettle and brings it over to the badger" Your too young to start drinking something like that, even if it’s a mild form of alcohol, you have whats called a hangover and rest is usually good, either in here or maybe elsewhere"   

Xander drinks the tea and decides to lay down on the first cot he sees. He frowns as he sits the mug down and stares at the wall quietly.   

Leon puts the cup away "You...need anything Xander?"
Xander turns to the order brother "Can you bring Uncle Zee back, can you? May..maybe Uncle Oz was wrong and Uncle Zee was just sleeping like..real real deeply or he was just passed out from...from something. Cause he..he can't be...he isn’t dead, he didn’t die!"   

Leon frowns, "I am sorry Xander...Zee is...he's gone and no one comes back from the dark forest no matter how badly one may want them to. Sometimes one can be just at the gates and be saved, but even that is rare and most of the time a task not able to be done. Even if I got there sooner I don’t think I could have prevented it from happening."   

Xander felt the tears flow "B..But you’re a healer....healers save beasts!"   

Leon could only frown, a few tears going down his own face "Healers....cannot save everyone. I am sorry." He goes to lay a paw on his shoulder.   

Xander shrugged the paw away “Go away!!" He then started sobbing into the pillow and coughed as he was still a bit ill from the mead earlier and whimpered a little. A hang over and depression for sure doesn't mix well.   

Leon frowns and got some willow bark, and a little something to help the badger sleep "Here..drink this, it will dull the headache and help you have a dreamless could be helpful, please. I know this is hard for you but your recover and things won’t stay feeling like no one cares, it won’t stay feeling hopeless trust me...please"   

Xander looked up finally after what seemed like forever, he takes and drinks the offered cup of tea and coughed, he soon let sleep overtake him, sleep was welcome after all that’s happen in the past couple days. A dreamless sleep is even more welcome.

Leon  watched Xander and then got a blanket to make sure he was warm and comfortable before turning to head out of the infirm.

Benar peeked inside “Is  all ok in here Brother Leon?”

Leon nods “Yeah….just a rough day is all. A ferret who has ate too much…2nd time in 3 days and Xander, Xander is taking Zee’s death fairly hard.”

Benar nods sadly “Yes he will need all the help he can get and friends, as well as family by his side.”

Leon nods “Yeah….I for one will do my best to help him as well.”

Last edited by Leon (2016-12-20 04:37:41 PM)

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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