Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-07-15 01:52:33 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Talking Helps Sometimes

=== My beaver in the orchards tries to cheer up Xander==

Gorvenalus has slowly made his way outside, his left leg in a splint and cast of some sort, and his one paw bandaged as he sits by the trees and mediates, his eyes closed right now.
Xander walks into the orchards, he would of stayed in the infirm but it’s not like he needs to and he did sleep, he is still restless though as he kicks a stone and grumbles something   

Gorvenalus speaks and doesn’t open his eyes "Greetings young one, you are to speak?"   

Xander shrugs "Bout what...knowing my luck it will make things worse"       

Gorvenalus slowly opens his eyes and speaks again "Maybe and maybe not. What troubles you Xander Winters?"   

Xander frowns, but he sits down beside the beaver, "Krisha is...captive and if I go and try and help her I risk her life..I may be risking her life not going but I was told to stay inside as not thinking clearly. Also these cookies I made had nuts and I didn’t know Cynthia was allergic or would of warned her not to sample one, and now Dorarose and her brother and most likely Ferro is out there trying to help Krisha and...and I feel like it’s my fault..I feel like I failed in protecting beasts"   

Gorvenalus asks, "Did anyone force another to help?"   

Xander says, " they wanted to help...why?"       

Gorvenalus then asks "And as for the cookies, had you the info of what she was allergic to and what not allergic to? And the ambush..was it known it would happen?"   

Xander shakes his head to both as he frowns "How could someone know’’s not possible or ...well no it’s not possible to know what will happen in any given day, unexpected things happen...but I was told to always be alert and I wasn’t as alert as I should of been on the road"   

Gorvenalus folds his paws into his lap as they were at his sides, "Then nothing was your fault and sometimes even when alert things can happen in life. No one can always be alert at all times"   

Xander says "But..." He then sighs and fiddles with a blade of grass “I’m...worried about Krisha and my other friends also"   

Gorvenalus says, "It is normal to worry but do not let worry turn to stress, too much stress can lead to many things and most are unwanted things""   

Xander nods, he just nods and seems to say no more till a quiet voice comes "It's...hard"       

Gorvenalus says, "Life is not perfect and never will can be good and full of happy times, but there is sad times and times to worry, times to be afraid and even times to be confused""   

Xander asks, "yeah but who wants to be confused?"   

Gorvenalus offers a smile "No one but it still happens to us all at times and that’s when we seek answers from others to be less confused"   

Xander sighs and looks like he wants to scream, not that it would help and he would only get stared at.   

Gorvenalus watches the young badger, "I say have faith in your friends"       

Xander says, ""I’s just" He stops as he wipes away a tear "Its..hard to not go rushing off myself to...well do what I feel I should ya know like protect and prevent trouble"   

Gorvenalus says, "Always good to have a clear mind, yes it’s hard but needed to succeed, one doesn’t always think clearly when one they care dearly for is in danger"   

Xander says, "That’s true...I do care about my friends"   

Gorvenalus nods "I you care for more deeply, sometimes that will affect ones heart and mind to...well work clearly in times of trouble and stress"

Xander tilts his head as if confused for a short while and then blinks slowly" Well....I..." He looks down "Krisha is a good friend. I do feel protective of her, and maybe more so than others but I made a promise do so"   

Gorvenalus chuckles" One can see how you two look at one another, she trusts you and you are friends."   

Xander stays quiet " care about her and do enjoy time with her...but I care and enjoy time with friends also." But its different with Krisha and he knows it, he just can’t place it...what is different?   

Gorvenalus just smiles as the stands up "Have faith, things will be ok. Maybe mediated and clear the mind...I will be around if you still need to chat"

Xander sighs but does decide to try it as he sits criss crossed and closes his eyes, it takes a few tries but he..sort of gets he idea and it does help him relax..till he notices it’s past sunset…and he has no clue of how things turned out, good or bad.

Last edited by oz (2017-07-15 02:08:04 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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