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#1 2017-07-06 05:33:55 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The Beaver Is Now Awake

Gorvenalus has woken up and been awake maybe 10 minutes before slowly sitting up and looking around after blinking a couple times. His left leg is tightly bandaged as its broke in two places, he frowns as he remembers most of the night, but not all of it.   

DoraRose comes into the Infirmary, pushing a trolley with a pot of broth on it to replenish what the Infirm keeps in the room. She spots the beaver sitting up and smiles. "Gorvenalus! You're awake! How wonderful! How are you feeling?" She was already excited because her son is getting married within the next 24 to 48 hours, but this new thing has made her feel even more happy!   

Gorvenalus takes a couple moments to speak "H..Hello. I am a little tried...sore, but otherwise alive."   

DoraRose walks over to the beaver and sits on the edge of his cot. "Do you remember anything of how you got injured?" She wasn't there, so she doesn't know much, but she can fill in a few details.   

Gorvenalus sighs "I..went out in hopes of finding Minsc before a storm came.....guess the storm came sooner than I thought and damaged a tree's limb which.....fell on me, the limb but luckily not fully onto me, I do remember being pinned and...voices, then passing out and waking here"   

DoraRose nods. "Minsc is back here, and he said you or some other beast pushed him out of the way of the tree limb. You're very lucky to be alive, and I think Minsc is somewhere in the Abbey. He stayed by your side for a while." She doesn't really hang out much in here, so she's not sure where the hamster is or what he's doing.   

Gorvenalus speaks "He...returned?" He sounds hopeful. hopeful that his friend stayed. "Maybe fate has other things in mind for me"   

DoraRose nods. "I saw him myself, sitting here at your bedside, being all worried and blaming himself for you getting injured. But, yeah, he came back. I'm thinking he may be considering staying, too, but I'm not sure. We had a good talk, though. I think we kind of understand each other."   

Gorvenalus says, "There is a Summer Feast soon, unless I missed it....and it's up to him if he stays, I have thought of this abbey as a new home"

DoraRose nods again, smiling some. "Aye, and I asked him to give the Abbey time and see if it becomes home. Some beasts come to see it as their new home, and some don't. All I asked is for him to give it time and see what happens." She sits up a little straighter. "And yes, the Feast is tomorrow, and my son is getting married, too! So we'll have 2 reasons to party!" She may be a tad proud of him, as well as being sad that her only son has grown up so much. But such is life. "I'm sure somebeast will be willing to carry you down for your first feast in your new home," she adds gently.   

Gorvenalus chuckles "I...can most likely walk....well slowly with a staff if I do go, I may not as I am unsure since not much an old beast such as myself would do and I have yet to get to know some beasts here"   

DoraRose waves a paw. "I think your leg is broken, so you may need more than a staff. And you would eat and be entertained and sit with my family; I'm sure Lily would love for you to join us. She's been worried about you, so she'll be thrilled to hear that you're awake, and ecstatic if you sat with us during the feast." She smiles as she says all this in a tone that suggest that she will not accept much of an argument.   

Gorvenalus says, "I may just have to attend this Summer Feast and a wedding even sounds nice. It’s been a long while since seen a wedding"   

DoraRose smiles a little bigger, even though her sigh sounds a little sad. "Then you simply must attend! You can sit by Lily; I'm sure she'd like that. With all our family has been through, LilyMoore has gotten a bit clingy to all of her family members, especially Caleb. They're twins, but sometimes I can't imagine them being much more opposite. Yet they still get along." She sighs again, her smile fading some. "It's hard for me to accept that my baby boy is all grown up and engaged to be married...."   

Gorvenalus nods "We all...grow up, it’s a fact of life..born, we are children..we are then slowly an adult and one day an old beast like me" He manages a smile" He is and will always be your son, that won’t change...he and his sister are lucky to have both parents still in their life as some only have one...or none at all, some are adopted and sometimes lose those parents as well." He keeps the smile "Twins are...interesting, sometimes knowing how the other feels and sometimes not, twins are closer at times than a younger or older sibling"   

Cynthia peeks into the infirmary and then slowly walks inside the room
DoraRose nods. She is sitting on the edge of the beaver's cot. "I.....I know, it's just hard to see them not being babies anymore." She sees the younger mouse and waves. "Oh, hey, Cynthia." Glancing at the beaver, she adds, "Yeah, Lily seems to know whenever Caleb's in danger. I wish I could do that with the beasts that I love."   

Gorvenalus says, "Yes...would be helpful, sometimes hints can show if one is ok or not though"   

Cynthia waves, "Hello " She says quietly "I just heard voices and so looked inside, I was helping a little with decorations for the feast and practicing a song I may sing"   

DoraRose nods and murmurs agreement with the old beaver, then turns and smiles at her soon-to-be-daughter-in-law. "You have a lovely voice, sweetheart; I think you should sing. I was going to play my mandolin and sing a song, but when I was tuning it this morning a string broke and I don't have any spares, so I'm going to have to wait until after the feast to go to Ferravale or the marketplace and see if they have any I can get."   

Gorvenalus says, "I have been to that marketplace....both, each has their own sort of activity items and such"   

Cynthia nods and smiles "Thanks.." She frowns a little as the marketplace is mentioned and shrugs "Yeah..I think the Ferravale one is better..." Yeah she rather go there it seems but she doesn’t say why.
DoraRose rubs her chin, then shrugs. "I'll get a new string eventually. So," she changes the subject, "are you looking forward to your big day? I know I was a little nervous before my wedding."   

Cynthia says, "A....little but I am sure it will be fine, it’s a happy day after all"   

DoraRose nods. "My wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life. Hopefully we won't have any more crazy weirdos trying to take over Mossflower so we can all live 'happily ever after', as the fairy tales say." She goes to rest a paw on the mouse maid’s shoulder. "If you have any questions or concerns or anything, you can let me know, even though I'm Caleb's mother. I want what's best for both of you. Okay?" She looks a little concerned, but if the mouse maid doesn't want to talk about anything, then she'll let it go.   

Cynthia relaxes a little and nods "I have a dress, it’s simple but nice and I have flowers. It’s before the feast but beasts will still have some time in-between the two events"   

Gorvenalus listens as the two talk and decides a nap would be a good idea and so lays down to take one.   

DoraRose looks at the beaver and goes to guide the other mouse away to the other side of the room. "Let's let him sleep. Would you like a bit of lace to fancy up your dress? I have a little that we could quickly sew onto the neckline to dress it up a little, but it'd still be plain enough that you could wear it for other occasions, too."   

Cynthia smiles "That would be nice...thanks" She is happy and any worries she had is gone....well for now anyways   

DoraRose nods and goes to guide the mouse maid out of the room. "My pleasure, honey. Let's go do that now...." letting her future daughter-in-law go get her dress, she grabs her sewing kit and the bit of lace she has, which is just enough to cover the whole neckline. If they both work on it, they'll have it all sewn on in no time at all!   

Cynthia smiles and then goes to get her dress and find Dorarose   

The beaver soon meanwhile is napping and wakes up in time to see the wedding.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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