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Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-06-29 04:07:37 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

What happened to Gorvenalus?! Among other things... (Redwall log)

SCENE:  Redwall Abbey Infirmary.

CHARACTERS:  Minsc, a male hamster.  Rayen, a vixen.  DoraRose, a female mouse.  Emyuil, a male mouse.  Caleb, another male mouse.  Gorvenalus, a male beaver (he's unconscious in a cot the whole time).

Minsc is still here, he never left as he sleep a lot and when he woke the first thing he did was sit in a chair by Gorvenalus and has been quiet most of the time. 

Rayen sits in a wheeled chair, she comes in to help once in a while but hasn't done so much, or done too much around the abbey as she is still recovering from the whole Quade thing, healed almost from wounds except a couple bad ones and still some issues with emotional healing. She looks over at Minsc and then goes back to folding some sheets beside her into a basket.

DoraRose comes into the room, carrying a basket full of mended sheets.  "Hey, Rayen!  Here's all those sheets that the Dibbuns ripped; I don't know why they think these make such great ropes.  But they're all fixed and clean now."  Smiling, she sets the basket down and goes to fold one.  "Oh, Minsc!"  She smiles at him.  "Lily told me that Gorvenalus had said that you had left....oh my word."  Her smile vanishes as she sees the prone beaver on the bed.  "What happened to Gorvenalus?!"  (She needs to talk to people more.)  She sets down the sheet she had started to fold and hurries over to the hamster's side.

Minsc blinks as if he was in some other sort of zoned out, "W...What?" He frowns.  "It's my fault...he was out in that storm looking for me, I should be the one like this, not him....and no one should of pushed me outta de way of the 2nd branch either" He sounds tired and it's not real clear but he has hardly ate since he left really and for sure not since the storm a couple days ago, well half a cup of tea and maybe a little soup.

Rayen nods about the sheets and shrugs "No...clue" She frowns as she hasn't heard much either, not of the beaver anyways.

DoraRose shakes her head.  "No, it's only your fault if you forced him into a dangerous position.  It sounds to me like he chose to follow you out there, so it's his fault that he came after you."  She frowns, but refrains from touching the beaver; she's not a Healer and she doesn't know where he got hurt, so she could hurt him checking on his vitals.  "Your life is precious, Minsc; every life is, even if someone has wasted theirs ruining the lives of others.  Gorvenalus believes that, too.  Can you tell me what exactly happened?"  And Rayen, too, since she's here.

Minsc sighs "I...left in anger told him goodbye and...well stayed near Ferravale and then got lost in the woods when a bad thunderstorm came up, guess the wind and rain knocked a couple weak branches from an old oak tree and....." He frowned and then said more "One fell on him, if it wasn't for Xander and Ferro he would still be pinned under one and the 2nd one almost hit me but I was pushed outta the way  by Xander who almost..." He shakes his head, "He is fine...barely missed him, can't say the thorn bush missed though"

Rayen speaks "I also heard a mother rabbit and a couple dibbuns were helped, and are at the abbey now. I also seen...well the thorns in a dish afterwards, didn't look like it would of been too fun and most likely painful but yeah there is things worse than thorns"

DoraRose listens closely and carefully.  "Thorn bush?  Wow."  She sits on the edge of the beaver's cot and looks at him.  "Y'all are lucky to be alive.  I'm glad that all of you made it back."  She glance up at the hamster.  "Xander did well saving your life.  Did you see how old the baby rabbits are, Rayen?"

Minsc frowns "Yes but...what if it landed on him, then what...I don't deserve ta be saved not after how I treated Gorvenalus before I...left. "   

Rayen says, "A season or two old, they are with Oz right now. I am unsure where he has been....something about the dibbuns having no outside time for a couple days cause they tried to destroy the abbot's room.....or something he talked with Benar and then looked a bit.......well ya angry"

Minsc sighs "I am...unsure. We been though a lot and now he is maybe dying and the last thing he thinks is I hate him, I don't....he helped me a lot in my life and took care of me when I lost my parents."   

Rayen finishes the sheet folding and sits the basket by the wall before heading out into the hallway in her wheeled chair "I....will be in my room if needed" 

"Okay, Rayen.  Sorry," Dora calls after the vixen, and then she turns back to the hamster.  "I think he loves you, and he's much more forgiving than you're giving him credit for."  She goes to hold the hamster's paw.  "Minsc, you're okay.  You have beasts here who care about you and Gorvenalus and Lily and I are 3 of them.  I forgive you, at least.  Will you forgive yourself?  It's not all your fault, and what little is, you can be redeemed for it.  You're not horrible.  You are loved."  This is the realization she has come to over the seasons since she came here to Redwall, and she hopes it helps the hamster, too.

Minsc lets her hold his paw "Friends.....are good to have but it's hard to see this place as a home, least for me. My home is gone and there is no hope to ever get it back now. I am glad  this place did not.....not face the same fate as it very well could of" He looks down "I have pushed beasts around and only seemed helpful to the Defenders 'cause I wanted to help make Quade gone and I failed at that."

DoraRose nods. "I understand. Many seasons ago, I lived in a land to the East called Tuscani. My father was the greatest weaponsmith in the region. We had a wonderful family, me and my parents and 3 brothers and our baby sister. Her name was LilyMoore, and she was kind and gentle, but brave as could be. Much like my daughter." She looks at the floor as the memories come floating back. "We had a beautiful life....until one day, a fox named Stormfeather came. The first time I saw him, he had barged through the door of our house. We were about to have dinner, and my sister was sitting closest to the door. She stood up, grabbing a knife off the table to try and stop him, but before any of the rest of us could rush to stop him, Stormfeather had stabbed my sister. My father grabbed his axe -- what's now my axe -- off the wall, and he and my brothers went chasing after the fox into the night while my mother and I stayed and held Lily until she died."   
DoraRose pulls her paws back onto her lap and curls them both into fists. "For a long time afterwards, I beat myself up in my head for not being in her seat, for not jumping up to save her, for not doing /something/. But I've come to realize that I did all I could; there was nothing I could've done to change the outcome." She opens her paws, palms up. "I chased the fox for seasons until I came here. My brother Emyuil ended up killing him, but I'm okay with that now; Stormfeather is dead. Justice was served, and he can't hurt anybeast anymore." 

Minsc listens as she speaks and frowns "Quade...killed my mate, her name was Alice....we never got to have dibbuns, we wanted to one day but....then Quade killed her. She was the Master Healer of my home, I thought she was sleeping as Quade must of placed her in the bed to look like it....she was dead, her neck broke and Quade later admitted to killing her with his bare paws and how it was so funny cause he was so trusted....he saw killing a healer as a goal, no healers  then no one to treat poison or wounds....he tried it here you know but luckily he failed"

DoraRose nods.  "Yes, and I'm glad he did.  I'm not sure I could've handled my husband dead and my daughter kidnapped."  She sighs.  "Stormfeather tried to take over Redwall, too, but he failed.  We defeated him, just as we defeat everybeast who tries to conquer us."  She picks at a loose string on her apron.  "I didn't feel like this was home for quite a while, but now it is my home."  She looks up at the hamster's face.  "Will you at least try, and give it some time?  It doesn't have to be home right away, but will you give it a chance to maybe become home someday?"

Emyuil saunters into the room, face darkening slightly at the mention of Stormfeather.  "Yeah,  he's back in the mud now.  Him and all his kind.  But they keep coming back."  Interpreting Minsc's situation from his sister DoraRose's words, he finds that the hamster's plight strikes a chord somewhere within him. For him, too, Redwall is not home yet.  Maybe never will be. But he'll give it time yet...

Minsc shrugs "It...depends if Gorvenalus..."He doesnt finsih the line, he then hears the other mouse enter, he knows he is the one that ended Quade and he had so SO wanted to, he nods a slow " the way thank you for....ending Quade's threat, you most likely saved many fact you did as Quade would of come back with help and moved on to other places and repeated his actions"

DoraRose nods, then looks up at her brother as he enters.  She opens her mouth to speak, but then closes it and smiles slightly as the hamster speaks first.  Instead she gets up and finds a broom and starts sweeping, letting the 2 male beasts talk.

Emyuil nods politely, saying slowly, "Don't thank me.  It had to be done.  One way or another.  I'm just glad he can't hurt anybeast anymore."  He shrugs awkwardly, not used to receiving praise from strangers.  "My name's Emyuil, by the way. Yours?"

Minsc manages a small smile "Minsc....I am part of the Defenders.....well I was...maybe still am I do not know as its been a rough past week or so"

Caleb has been helping around the abbey and today is bringing any soup and some tea to the infirm if it's wanted, he is also looking for someone and frowns when he doesn't see them. He doesn't bother anyone talking as he is polite and will speak if spoken to only.

DoraRose spots her son and smiles.  When he's done distributing tea and soup, she goes to hug him and ask him quietly, "How's your day going so far?"

Emyuil nods. "I'd've joined the Defenders officially, but I don't like taking orders from anybeast.  So I just tag along if there's a fight to be had, and mind my own business here otherwise."  He smiles at Caleb when his nephew enters.

Minsc nods as he looks over at the old beaver that's laying on a cot and frowns, "Yeah...fights are not always wise to get into but sometimes can't be avoided....whether it causes physical or....emotional wounds"

Caleb answers "Its been a good day...I guess Cynthia is still in Ferravale but that's ok as long as she is ok there. She seemed worried about something the other day"

Emyuil runs a hand over his still-visible facial scars--much more subtle than they used to be, but still undeniably present. "I know both kinds quite well," he says distantly.   

DoraRose looks a little concerned. "Oh? Did she tell you what she was concerned about?" Minsc sits quietly by the old beaver, looking worried for his dear friend. The mouse Warrior knows about her son and Cynthia's engagement, so she's not too surprised about his great concern for her. 

Caleb shakes his head, "No.....she just seemed jumpy and I know she is ok at Ferravale and I won't go there to check on her don't worry. I mean.....maybe she spoke to someone else"

Emyuil shrugs.  Matters of love aren't exactly his strong suit, least of all romantic love. So he sits on the side of an empty cot and listens, silently.

DoraRose 'hmms' and furrows her brow.  "Would it make you feel better if I went and checked on her?  I'm sure she has a good reason for being upset, and I'm confident that it has nothing to do with you.  Maybe we could gather some flowers for the feast next week, right, Emyuil?"  Oh, yeah, and he just got voluntold to come with  her.  And pick flowers.  YOU'RE WELCOME, EMYUIL.

Caleb smiles "She likes the blue ones best and I  know where some are near the path"

Emyuil's caught off guard by DoraRose volunteering him, and his brow furrows indignantly, then he relaxes again. "Uh...sure?" he mumbles, sliding to his feet. "When d'you want to?"

DoraRose shrugs.  "Maybe now?  I don't see any reason why we can't go to Ferravale now, stay the night, and then come back tomorrow and pick flowers on the way, or at least find them so I can get some the morning of the feast next week."

Caleb smiles "We can get a few, and maybe see why Cynthia was upset and flowers cheer anyone up right?"

Emyuil stands, stretching and yawning. "A'right, let me go get my sword from storage; I'm not expecting trouble, but better safe than sorry." He heads off towards the stairs, possibly making DoraRose run to keep up, after waving goodbye to Caleb.   

Caleb starts to follow before he is stopped by one of the .....never seems happy, always moody elders as he tries to walk around and fails, "You forgot to help with something...."  Caleb frowns "Fine...."  He looks to them "Blue flowers remember!!" And he is off to do what ever chore he forgot 

DoraRose waves to her son.  "I won't forget!"  And she heads to the Gatehouse and dons her traveling outfit before grabbing her own sword (probably making her brother wait), and then she goes to lead the expedition to gather the blue flowers.....and hopefully talk to Cynthia.


Thanks for reading!


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