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#1 2017-06-25 03:32:26 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Storms Have Bad Timing

==Log has Oz,Leafeyes and my rat Patch in it:) ===

===Got some of the discussion in Great Hall as seemed important==

Cynthia is sitting in a chair reading quietly, or least trying to as she closes it and sighs as other things are on her mind   

Xander enters the room looking a bit tried and catches the sigh as he enters so he walks over "Hey....already tried and it’s just barely lunch? I mean I am tried but then again I am learning don’t try and do like 3-4 things at the same time, not always wise"   

Cynthia shrugs and then speaks quietly" Someone followed us back from Halyard, he was close to that market on the road north of here"   

Xander looks confused, "Ummm....who did? The sand lizard thing was taken care of.....but then you were not there for that, then who as you sound like you rather this he...not be nearby" He walks over and sits by her to listen.   

Cynthia shakes her head "Nooo....Drake, that...that one mouse that briefly showed up before you sailed out of the area, the one I..well knocked out, guess he figured out I came here and...well seen him yesterday"   

Xander asks, "Did he say anything?"   

Cynthia says, "He tried to grab me and Papa Oz stopped him..I think Drake has a broken paw now and Drake scared me and said it wasn’t over and I am worried he'll come here and it’s not like hardly anyone knows what he looks like”

Xander frowns "He..threated you then?"   

Cynthia nods "Yeah...sort of scared me at the time"   

Xander says, "Not to worry if I see him I was carry him outside myself and tell him to not return"


Oz was getting ready to head back to the abbey, the sky was fairly cloudy not that he could see it, but he could smell rain and feel a breeze which felt nice in the heat.” I will be fine Xander and I will let Lacota know you’re here Cynthia”

Cynthia smiled and nods “Thanks Papa Oz”

Xander hugged his Uncle and nods “Ok…and you have the staff, besides roads been clear mostly any ways, I will be at the abbey tomorrow as got a meeting with the Defenders “

Oz nods and then heads off with Brother Ralph, an otter and Sister Andrea, a squirrel and 2-4 novices all mice it seems.

Xander went into the tavern and let Cynthia set down “Patch tavern is closed a couple hours”

Patch nodded and looked happy for that, and after lunch it’s not too busy anyways.

==Short while later==

Zolomon was eating some cake, a honey almond cake and grinned “I LOVE it, tis good..maybe we should have this more often”

Xander rolled his eyes “Not here for the food, I closed the tavern early for a meeting as there is two important issues to discuss”

Edson was listening right away as he nibbled some fish and fried potatoes “What is thar..trouble?”

Leafeyes was sitting on a small special made chair and quietly drank tea as she listened.

Patch yawned, he was here to make some drinks and also looked bored, well he is only staying cause he was asked nicely and promised candied  chestnuts.

Cynthia came along, she felt safe with the badger and she could most likely best explain one of the issues

Zolomon nods “So…wot be going on Xandy?”

Ferro walked over and sat having been in the forge.

Krisha followed the monitor and smiled as she seen Xander and sit beside him offering him a smile.

Xander started to speak and then smiled at Krisha, he then looked to the others “One..Minsc is…well not really missing but needs found, Gorvenalus is worried as this area is new to them and him and Minsc had a disagreement and frankly he is worried and so am I as Minsc is a part of the Mossflower Defenders and we leave no beast behind and also Cynthia needs our help, a beast by the name of Drake….remember him Zolomon, well he followed us and threated Cynthia”

As if to state how matters were a lot worse a loud crash of Thunder happen and the flash of lightning and the sound of pouring rain and not so good winds, yep a thunderstorm and by the sounds of it a fairly bad one has sprung up.

Edson frowned “Well..storm outside isn’t good, so now what?”

Patch blinked and snorts “ I hate rain storms”

Leafeyes eeps and quickly hides behind a tall barrel and peeks around it “Well it is outside and we are inside…so perfectly fine”

Xander stands and gets one of those OMG looks on his face”But…..Uncle Oz, Brother Ralph and Sister Andrea and about 2-4 novices are not inside, they….they are in the…we got to find them!!!”

Patch frowns “In a storm ….ya insane stripy?”

Ferro stands “I will help..Krisha you will stay here” He is serious as he is protective, maybe over protective, of the badger maid.

Krisha nodded as its clear she has no plans to go out in that at all!
Zolomon raises a paw “I shall help as well Xandy, count on me”

Edson looks to the beasts here and to the others “I will help here.”

Leafeyes is clearly staying inside, yep no frogs in this weather.

The storm outside has heavy rain and strong wind and some lightning. The kind of rain to cause a flash flood along the river or in the ditch by the road. Maybe knock down some weak tree limbs, a tall tree does fall onto…luckily an empty home, well it can be rebuilt. The pond in the village may flood as well….yep this storm will be around a good hour and then after effects, anyone in this is as the rat stated…insane!

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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