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#1 2017-06-24 12:45:08 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208

Finding Out Intresting Facts About The Monitor.....-Redwall Log

Redwal log
Leon-Brother and Master Healer of Redwall
Ferro-Blacksmth and a non-meat eatting Monitor tongue

Leon is making his way across the entry from the direction of the open ground as he has a couple scrolls he is carrying that he places in a backpack at his side.   

There is some beasts some reason avoiding the entry...oh there's the answer it’s the monitor Ferro and he does keep his distance from any beast unsure of him, a dibbun gets a little brave and waves at him, he nods as usually his smile isn’t the best to see. He sees Leon and when the mouse is close he nods a hello to him.   

Leon slows and then after a couple moments he decides to speak to him "Hello..Ferro correct?"   

Ferro nods "That izzzz correct. I have zzzet up my shop in Ferravale and been...buzzzy"   

Leon says, "Ferravale can be a busy place yes been there a couple times as I check with them in Spring and see how they are doing on healing herbs and even helped check an herb garden they have now, they do still...same as us, get some healing herbs from the woods or streams, meadow and in the market there may be a rare one sometimes. We have an herb garden as well but not everything can grow in a garden as well or if more is needed of an herb then must go elsewhere""   

Ferro says, "I do not knowzzzz much healing juzzzzt basic and few beasst want to help a monitor, only one zzzzo far was an old hedgehog I helped free....we trust one another now."   

Leon says, "The abbey would help you also when needed...some I know are a little uneasy but once they see your trustworthy but yes your right most monitors are not....well friendly"   

Ferro shrugs "I wouldn't zzzzay....friendly all de time usually avoid beastzzzzz"   

Leon nods "Well....that’s fine. Your welcome to stay a little while as I am sure Krisha is here....somewhere......probably with Xander where ever he is as I know a couple beasts was looking for him"
Ferro nods as he listens "Yes...zzzzhe trusts him as he is a fellow badger, zzzzhe trusts little other beast zzzo far but then zzzzhe has followed my footpaws of avoiding others, prehaps zzzzhe should not zzzo much"   

Leon says, "well maybe in time she will make other friends, if she is with Xander she is safe trust me"   

Ferro says, "That izzzz good I am not too worried"   

Leon says, "Its been fairly trouble free on the roads and in the woods"   

Ferro says, "Yezzzzzz......tis true and I may zzzpend a day here then back to my own home and zzzhop"   

Leon says, "Well we do have fish if you’re looking for that...the otters maybe have shrimps if need a meal"   

Ferro chuckles "I am a vegetarian" Whoa big surprise here as yep that gets some stares and attention, he grins and that makes a couple back up at which he shakes his head.   

Leon blinks "Ok...well THAT is different indeed and interesting"   

Ferro says, "We are all different and sometimes have unique things about makezzzz uzzzz.....well uzzz"   

Leon smiles and adjust his backpack "Anyways I need to achally check on something with the healer in Ferravale..see how they are on supplies and we can talk another time" And yes he did ask Gorvenalus to help while he was out of the abbey just 1-2 days   

Ferro says, "Of courzzzze"   

Leon then heads off, he did promise to be there by lunch and it’s just after breakfast

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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