Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2021-05-17 01:12:42 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Rufus and Zolmon Short Chat

Zolomon sat quietly on the sand dunes, hood up as he scanned the beach and sea below quietly, his cloak was dusty from sand so was a mix and green and sand colored, he was fine with that as he could hide better.

Rufus landed beside him, perned a wing and spoke. " Badfurs headin' to Halyard ya ya...many many baddies led by wildcat with scar."

Zolomon nods,  " Would love to give him a new scar meself. Xandy gave him that scar..Zoltar deserved it too."

Rufus hmmphs. "Cat dangerous, much danger….I no like, other gulls no like...only thing ever green on before.'

Zolomon frowns." Who likes vermin like the way, find Errapel? The old otter I mentioned."

Rufus nods. " Gave news...he is okie kay, badfurs no find him.He say he stay safe in hut on river, and when safe you gooa are I'm ya"

Zolomon  shrugs  " No idea wot for, Vonda…" He sighs, he misses her." Vonda is in the safest place on the western shores right now, in Salamandastron itself.So is Kelp."

Rufus nods. " Rufus see squirrel...cloaked but see tail , bushy bushy tail...he have badger cub with…"

Zolomon  eyes widen. " Badger cub?" He seems to want to know more.

Rufus bops his head up and down." Ya ya...bunny take him to Bunny Lord, ya ya. Rufus see."

Zolomon smiles a little." Oz….Xandy's son, that means he is safe now, good one less worry, hopefully  Zoltar is slain soon so Oz can get home."

Rufus tilts his head." Wot friend Zolomon say is home for Zolomon?"

Zolomon frowns." I...I don't know ok ..maybe Halyard, maybe Mossflower.." He sighs sadly." thing still missing."

Rufus nods." Friend?"

Zolomon nods. " Yeah...that too." He looks towards the mountain, a frown as he had been so stupid and out of control,  his own fault he can never go back to Salamandastron,  he sighs again as he could check on her, on Vonda, ever so often but, does he want would likely hurt too much since she will likely stay and he..never can again.

Rufus watches Zolomon." You missin girl bunny with otter ya?"

Zolomon just frowns. " She is safe, her little brother is safe,  that's wot matters. I am gonna stick around till Zoltar is slain, then I am not sure where to go. Also Errapel, if he stays put." He stands and slides down the other side of the dune." You should tell Vonda that Errapel is safe,  she would want to know."

Rufus puffed up" Where friend Zolomon go?"

Zolomon rolled his eyes." There is some old cave right outside Halyard, a sort of rocky area that makes a small sort of cave, opening can be missed easily and no it doesn't connect to Salamandastron either,so it's a place I can stick around, fits maybe 2 to 3 beasts. And it's...some wot safe...wouldn't say make a fitting home, and the tide sort of can cover the entry some times, not to worry the small cave inside is dry, sort of a kind of path inside going up a few feet and has room to sit and sleep,  and there is a couple cracks where air comes in."

Rufus just nods." Rufus need to, Rufus no tell saw you." He then flies off.

Zolomin sighs as he watches him fly off." That gull can get so annoying sometimes." He slowly and then quickly goes to his little hideout and tries to get some rest.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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