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Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2021-02-25 09:39:02 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Squirrelbabe's past (IC RP of a past event)

Thanks to Oz and Log-a-Log for helping me RP this out! big_smile

This happened around the time Dochas, most commonly known as Squirrelbabe, came to Redwall.  It happened in the past, not during current RP time.  However, we RPed it out to make it more fun and easier.  Additionally, this would only be ICly known to the people involved: the foxes who survived and Dochas.

Dochas' grandparents had come from an island across the ocean, searching for good land to settle in.  With them was their beautiful daughter.  Upon arriving in Mossflower, the little family had to learn a whole new language in order to fit in.  The daughter learned faster than her parents did, and soon she traveled around the area, trading the yarn her mother spun and the clay pots her father threw for the supplies they needed.

She eventually met a young male squirrel, and after a season of courting, they were married.  His parents had been killed in one of the many sieges of Redwall, so he moved in with the trio.  He proved that he had his own skills: thievery.  He tended to avoid stealing from his fellow woodlanders, but the various vermin he encountered were always fair game in his opinion.  Money, objects, he stole them all without any of his victims being the wiser. 

They lived a happy life, deep in the woods.  One day, their joy was multiplied when it turned out they were pregnant.  The began making (and stealing) things to make the baby happy and comfortable when it arrived.  Alas, this was not to be; the baby was born too soon and died.  The family was devastated, and their sorrow was only deepened when this happened another two times.  The fourth time they were pregnant, they were cautious to be happy.  But the longer the pregnancy lasted, the more hopeful they became, until at last the little female was born, healthy and full term.  The grandmother said that this was a sign of hope, and said to name her Dochas, which means hope in the language of the island they came from. 

So they raised little Dochas with all the love and joy they had, telling her that she was their hope for the future.  Dochas was happy, knowing that she was fully loved.  Her parents and grandparents doted on her and tried to teach her everything they knew (she picked up lockpicking and climbing very well).  They were happy....until the day it all changed.


Dochas was happy staying at home with her grandparents while her parents were out doing their business. Today she had her little drop spindle and top in her lap. Her grandfather had made them out of clay for her, and her grandmother was teaching her how to make yarn. Their cheerful voices were the first sound Dochas' mother, Erin, hears when she opens the door. "How's the yarn making coming?" the squirrel asks in Common. The elderly grandmother looks up. "Oh, she's getting the hang of it," she says in the language of the island they came from. "Getting better every day." The Dibbun continues to try to spin yarn on her spindle. Erin holds up her basket. "Got some grain from the Abbey. The traders love your yarn, Mother." The door opens again, letting in 2 male squirrels: the Dibbun's father and grandfather. "Haha, there's my little squirrelbabe," the younger squirrel chuckles, setting down his bag and swooping Dochas up in his strong arms. She drops her spindle and laughs with glee. Erin watches, smiling. "Did you find anything, James?" The father nodded. Keeping hold of the Dibbun, he points to his bag as he sets his sword on the table. "Aye, got quite a bit of gold off some vermin who were fighting on the road. Don't even know what I did." Erin's mother scowls. "Why can't you get a good job instead of stealing all the time? Be a respectable creature." James snuggles his grinning daughter close. "I'm not stealing! I just borrow from those who can afford it!"

The fox was tall, pure black fur and a skilled fighter. Eyes narrow as he had found where the squirrels lived and hurried back to his leader.  A camp of about 15 foxes as he finds a tent and goes in kneeling "I have found them, and they are in the path we seek to go my Lady"

Cecilia smirks as she nodded "Well then we will have to visit them won't we" She was a creepy silver furred vixen, a seer and her eyes seem to look into your very soul.

Unaware that danger is coming, Dochas wriggles out of her father's arms and proudly shows him her yarn. "Daddy, lookit!" James solemnly inspects the loosely woven yarn. "It's beautiful! Make more and then per'aps y'granma can make me a hat out of it!" The grandmother smiles despite her crankiness. "Oh, aye, an' maybe I can make a little vest t'keep ye from stealin' all the time." The grandfather pats the Dibbun's head. "She's a mighty clever little darlin'." Dochas does a cartwheel and scoops up her clay top. Snagging her spindle and yarn away from her father, she jumps onto the bed and snags her mother's green bag from a hook. "I's a likkle Squiwwewbabe! I stealin' like Daddy!" Erin throws her paws up in the air. "Och, mercy t' Heaven, whatever will I do without my jewelry?" Dochas starts giggling so hard she falls into a sitting position.

The foxes are lead by the 2nd in command, Bart. Bart leads them threw the path and in sight of the home.  He moves his paws to single to surround the place so none escape and looks to his boss "Orders my lady?" He asks quietly.

Cecilia walks over "Burn the hut down, we need to teach woodlanders not to rob from my band of foxes.  I sense this will be rememberable."

James smiles as he sets his sling and stone pouch by his sword. "Hey, now, your mummy needs those for when we go to the next feast at Redwall." Dochas slides off the bed, darts under the paws of the adults, and snags her father's sling off the table, stuffing it, her spindle, and her top into the bag. "No, I's needs it 'cause I'ma goes ta Wedwaww now!" The grandmother shakes her head. "Ye can't expect to talk her outta this when ye steal for a living." The grandfather laughs at James' slightly indignant look. "Oh, come now, sonny, ye know she's right." Erin scoops up her daughter, bag and all, and hugs the wriggling, laughing Dibbun close. "Oh, Dochas, my little hope. Maybe we should take our sweet squirrelbabe to Redwall and live there, hmm?" "They'd kick us out the moment James stole somethin'," The grandmother grumbled. James suddenly hugs her close, kissing her wrinkled cheek. "Oh, come, Mother, you act as if I haven't done great good for us...and for the world! Why, imagine how many beasts I've helped by secretly dropping supplies off at Ferravale. I'm sure we'd be just fine at Redwall." His mother-in-law tries to hide a smile as she buffeted him with some raw cotton. "Gerroff, ye curmudgeon!"

And the peace is broken as a window breaks and into the window a flaming arrow! The sounds of a group of beasts are heard outside as well, if one looks outside the beasts have archers, they have a couple torches and one sets fire to the side of the hut. The foxes are armed with many weapons as well and a couple even laugh as they seem to enjoy the soon chaos.

Cecilia smiles coldly as she watches from where she stands, she doesn't get into the fun, not yet, she mainly watches and singles where to go as she keeps a close watch over the events.  These foxes have caused pain and trouble for others as well but it seems they clearly want this family to suffer even more, its sort of personal it seems.

A trio of screams echo around the small glade. Erin immediately wraps her daughter in her shawl, Dochas clinging to her mother and the bag of treasures in terror. James is immediately at a window, sword in paw. The grandparents race to the door, and they open it before their son-in-law has a chance to warn them not to. James' anger is roused. "Who are you? What do you want? Leave us in peace!" he shouts to the enemies outside.

Bart looks at the squirrel "your doom" He says in a cold voice.  There is 15 foxes here. "We bring your death" A couple more arrows are fired at the hut as he chuckles.  "Prehaps you should rethink whom you steal from in the future...oh wait, you won't your be dead soon"

Cecilia watches as the fire spreads and the band of vermin look ready to attack anyone who leaves the hut.

The grandparents come stumbling out of their hut, armed only with canes. James grits his teeth. "Erin, we're going to rush out there. No matter what happens, keep running! Don't stop until you get to Ferravale, or Redwall." His wife nods, tears in her eyes. James dashes out of the hut, roaring and attacking the nearest foxes with his sword. His father-in-law bravely starts hitting out left and right with his cane, and the grandmother soon follows suit. Erin runs out of the hut, trying to get away with her precious burden. Dochas is weeping uncontrollably. 

Bart right away goes to attack James with his twin blades! Another couple arrows with flame hit the hut which is quickly engulfed in flames now! Some fire even gets to a small work area beside the hut as smoke rolls and fire crackles! Another couple foxes attack the old squirrels, one of the old ones get lucky and manage to hit a fox hard enough to slay them.

Cecilia looks to the running female that's holding the dibbun, "Fire an arrow!" An arrow is aimed at her and fired off by one of the skilled archers of the group.

James excels at swordplay, and he meets the fox's twin blades with his own, then brings the attack to try to buy his wife some time. Both of the old squirrels go down fighting, but they still die quickly, nonetheless, never having been fighters and being far past their prime. Erin trips and falls as the arrows find their mark, and Dochas rolls away, still wrapped in her mother's shawl and crying. "Mammy!" The Dibbun looks up and sees her grandparents dead and bleeding on the ground. She crawls over to her mother's body and shakes her. "Mammy, Mammy, wake up!" Dochas weeps. James hears her. "RUN, DOCHAS, RUN! GET OUTTA HERE, SWEETHEART, GO!!!"

Bart backs up and slices again at James, the fox gets a gash on his side as he growls and swings again at the skilled fighter.  One fox tries to sneak up behind James.

Cecilia grins and goes after the dibbun squirrel "Come here brat! Your make an excellent slave and person servant for me!"

James goes to make a rapid succession of slices at Bart, then tries to stab him in the heart, unaware that another fox was sneaking up behind him. Dochas backs away quickly, tripping on the trailing edge of her mother's shawl. Frantic, the Dibbun grabs the first thing that comes to paw -- a burning branch, ignited by an ember floating on the breeze from the burning hut -- and with a scream of terror starts whacking at Cecilia's face with it.

Bart sidesteps one slice, but the blade does go into his chest as he drops his twin blades and gasps in shock.  The fox behind James goes to stab him in the back while he is distracted! Bart is...well Bart is dead.

Cecilia reaches out to grab Dochas "Come my pretty....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The flaming branch hits her mostly in the eyes as she screams and backs off "Kill...kill her! slay the brat!" A couple of foxes come to her aid but one trips and ends up falling on his own spear when is is knocked over by the screaming vixen.

James yells as he is stabbed, and he falls dead to the ground. Dochas takes a look around at her dead family, then stands and bolts away, the bag bouncing against her back under the shawl, sobs wracking her tiny body as she runs through the undergrowth, her tears nearly blinding her.

About 6 of the 15 foxes are dead. A couple give chase to the dibbun squirrel. A healer tries to tent to the vixen seer.

Cecilia sits down and shoves a healer away "I can tend to my own self! me and that...BRAT will meet again, I foresee it...and she will pay!"

Dochas has played in the area surrounding her home for her entire life, and without planning or realizing it, she travels the secretive routes her father had shown her, her body instinctively knowing how to get her away from the evil foxes.. It is fully dark before she stops and crawls into a hollow log, hugging her bag close. She doesn't know it, but her father's lockpicking kit is in there, too, her mother having had to repair something and put it in her bag with her jewelry box for safekeeping. The Dibbun curls in a ball and cries in the log.

A couple foxes have followed and lost track of her now. "Now what?" "I don't know...boss wants her dead"

There is a rustle in the undergrowth, and DoraRose steps out in front of the foxes, battle axe in paw. Her blue eyes are hard and dangerous. "I think your boss may get you 2 back dead if you don't scram." She hefts her axe meaningfully. She's spotted Dibbun footprints in this area, so she has a guess of what they might be looking for.

the two look at one another and chuckle, looking back at Dora "You're just a mouse don't scare us" The other grins and right away goes to try and stab the mouse.

People seem to think that since she's a female mouse, DoraRose isn't someone to be afraid of. And no one ever learns their lesson, either, because they usually end up dead. The Gatekeeper smirks, then expertly blocks the sword and goes to cleave the fox in half. Turning with skillful grace, she tries to injure the other fox (not kill him).

The one fox watches in horror as his buddy is...yep dead.  He backs away and runs the other way away from the mouse! This will be an interesting report to give to the boss for sure.

Watching the remaining fox flee for his life, DoraRose nods, then cleans her axe and starts trailing the Dibbun pawprints she's found. Anyone else out here with her get picked up along the way. They would follow the prints to the hollow log, where Dochas is still hidden, crying.

Not too far away is a couple novices with a old squirrel, Brother Rick "We should head back..." He frowns noting something is not right "Maybe get back very soon we have enough herbs for the infirmary"

Crouching down, DoraRose peers into the log and sees the terrified Dibbun. "Hey, it's okay. Those bad foxes are gone now." Dochas looks up tearfully. "Bad foxies kiwweded Mammy an' Daddy an' Gammy an' Gampy!" The Warrior looks at the little squirrel with compassion. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll try to find them and make them pay. What's your name?" The Dibbun sniffles fearfully. "I's a Squirrelbabe."

Brother Rick comes closer and looks at the dibbun, "Hello..." He nods "Lets get to the abbey, we can take her to the Badger Mother and the Abbot"

DoraRose nods.  After a little bit of coaxing and reassuring, she is able to get Dochas to come to her.  The Warrior carries the frightened squirrel to Redwall, and the next day she finds the hut, burned to the ground, and buries the bodies of the Dibbun's family with the help of some moles.  But it is a very long time before Dochas tells anyone her name, insisting that they call her Squirrelbabe.


Thanks for reading!

Is Cecilia right?  Will she and Dochas ever meet again?  Keep watch for future logs to find out!

Last edited by BlisaMarshmellow (2021-02-27 07:50:52 PM)


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