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#1 2020-11-02 10:35:57 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

A Visator To The Abbey-Redwall Log

**Mother Krisha doesn't come into the role play till towards end but I was asked to get the rest of the log so here it is ****


Krisha- Badger Mother

Benar- Abbot of Redwall

Xander- Novice of Redwall

Thomas- Abbey beast

Safana- Visitor to The Abbey


Cavern Hole is quiet at this time of day, well after dinner and into the evening. A few novices and kitchen staff are cleaning away the last of the dinner things, leftovers, and such. Benar however is sat at the high table in his chair reading a scroll, he has a small plate of food and a pot of tea at his side. Seems the abbot missed dinner due to a meeting and is now eating whilst also still working.   
Safana has left the infirm and is looking around the abbey. Though she is..jumpy.   
Benar looks up from his papers and smiles at the rat, "Hello there miss, should you be up and about? I was told we had a guest in the infirmary."   
Safana jumps at the voice and studies the abbot" I...I don't like strange places, I like my den..only here cause followed Patch...some weasel seems to dislike him...wait how did I even get in this...I was on the road "   
Benar says, "I have not received the full report myself," the abbot took his glasses off and smiled, "I can only assume some beast found you on the road in need of help and brought you here." he smiled, "This is Redwall Abbey and I am its leader Abbot Benar."   
Safana sits down in a nearby chair, folds her arms over her chest, and seems to not want to reply, finally, she does " Safana...and.."Well, she isn't gonna say what she does.   
Benar says, "Well be welcome to Redwall Abbey Safana, you are welcome to stay with us as long as you need whilst you recover."   
Safana still is not certain of this." Why is...everyone nice, beasts are not usually nice to me at all. "   
Benar says, "Well miss we do not know you," he smiled, "And unless you do something to break our laws or hurt other beasts you will always be most welcome here in Redwall, we are friends to all."   
Safana snorts slightly and frowns as she looks to the door " What about the weasel on the was after Patch, and where is Patch anyways?"   
Benar says, "I am afraid I do not know where Patch is, I have not seen him in some time... if he is here he's not let himself be known to me," the squirrel sways his tail, "We receive a lot of guests I do not always have time to see them all"   
Thomas comes down the steps from Great Hall, tapping his cane about, and pauses in the arch of the door. "Ah, Abbot Benar... So good to see you...relatively speaking..."   
Benar asks, "Hello Thomas, how are you today?" he picks up his tea cup, "You have caught me having a very naughty late dinner after everyone else. I got busy looking after the harvest reports and Friar Lacota wouldn't let me take dinner back to my office. I don't think he trusts me to not forget to eat it."   
Safana looks at the newcomer in the room and tries to relax best she can " Whatever"   
Xander peeks into the room before slowly entering it and finds a place to sit down. He might notice beasts but decides to not say anything in case they are busy.   
Benar asks, "Hello Novice Xander," Benar says to the badger then turns back to Safana, "Can I ask why you were following Patch here? It is unusual for him to be in the abbey"   
The mouse chuckles. "He just worries that you'll starve yourself, Father." He reaches out, feeling for a chair with his paw, and when he finds one, he sits down.   
Safana looks at Xander and then the Abbot" To keep him out of trouble, make sure he got to the abbey...that sort of stuff." She then turns to the badger" You...he called ya." She smirks, yeah it's funny" he knows ya..know where he is?"   
Xander nods hello and then frowns at the rat. He remembers her only briefly."I...don't know. Tavern in Ferravale....maybe"   
Benar frowns, "Well it sounds like he says he has left the tavern to come here? But well if he is here I've not heard anything about that... I can check with the gatekeeper to see if he has entered the abbey." he then picks up one of his scones and bites into it and nods, "You are probably right Thomas, I do get caught up in my work."   
Thomas sets his walking stick against the arm of the chair he's sat down in. "Ah, is that a guest I hear?" he asks. "And...Is that you, Xander?"   
Safana glares at the badger like it's his fault Patch is who knows where" Maybe I should go look" She stands to storm off, only to get a brief dizzy spell and lays a paw to her forehead.   
Xander frowns, he replies to Thomas "Yes's me." He stands to help Safana not fall over and looks over at Benar "I could help her back to de infirm Benar"   
Benar shakes his head, "sit down Safana, you are clearly ill, by my guess you should not have left the infirmary yet either," He motions for her to sit." Let her sit, be a dear Xander and get her a glass of water.."

Xander helps her to a chair and gets her the glass of water.
Safana starts to push Xander away but will allow him to help her to a chair and once she has water she will slowly drink it.   
Thomas raises a paw. "Ah, welcome, Safana. You probably need rest..."   
Benar frowns at Safana and sighs, "I guess I should ask Matilda or DoraRose if they have seen Patch come through the gate.... if they have gone missing we should check."   
Xander helps Safana to a chair and gets the glass of water before sitting back down himself. He has a slight limp as he doesn't have his cane right now, he left it by his chair."Patch did have this...weasel he called Dagger brothering him, not sure why"   
Safana frowns. she sips her water" I suppose...I should stay in the infirm till allowed ta leave"   
Benar says, "That would be wise Safana, the healers can help look after you better there," he then looks at Xander, "Well... if he is being pestered by a weasel we can keep an eye out."   
Thomas frowns. "Patch...Patch... Why does that name ring a bell? Does he live in Ferravale, by any chance?"   
Xander nods "I would help but.....I gave up my warrior life and also can't walk too far too long really without resting my leg"   
Benar says, "Yes he is the rat who runs the tavern now that Xander has moved here to the abbey full time."   
Safana nods" Yeah yeah I mean word would...come if he wasn't ok..right?"   
Thomas hmmms, and thanks a novice as they bring him a cup of tea. "I believe I met him in passing, once. I do hope he's okay... How long has he been missing?"   
Xander says, "I think just a day or maybe two. Not that I talk to him as much"   
Safana ends up falling asleep in the chair she is in   
Benar sets down his tea cup and stands up, "Well I will go check in the gatehouse now and then speak to a few beasts to see if anyone has heard from PAtch."   
Xander says, "I do hope he is ok. I see him as a friend, I know some don't."He sighs, still getting used to all the novice duty stuff but he is doing better and he gets up on time now where he did sleep in for the first few days.   
Benar says, "Well he has always done right by me," the Abbot frowned, "He has not always been the most easy guest but he has always been polite and nice to the abbey."   
Xander nods, he looks over at Safana and back to Benar "Do we just let her rest there for a while?"   
Thomas sips his tea. "I used to frequent the tavern there, seasons ago... Before Patch owned it, I believe..."   

Benar nods to everyone, "Do take her back to the infirmary if you would Xander," he looks at Thomas, "I have not been to Ferravale in a while but yes he owned the tavern. I'll see if I can learn what is going on," he nods, "See you both later" and heads for the stairs.

Xander nods and then carefully, and slowly gets the rat maid to the infirm. He does have to shift balance a couple times and once almost falls but makes it laying her on a cot.

Safana snorts as she wakes up, she looks at him "Ya shouldn't carry anyone...ya know that Stripdog"

Xander takes a deep breath "It's Xander....please don't call a badger...wot ya said, Stripy is...."He shrugs "That's Patch thing and not really too bad a nickname. As for anyone looking for Patch maybe Matilda is "He frowns "Hoping he is ok as well he is my friend too"

Safana nods slowly too tried to say how she knows Patch, maybe after some rest she will be in a better mood. For now...sleep.

===Few Hours Later==

Safana was having some trouble sleeping and sat up slowly rubbing her eyes as she looks around. She sniffs a little and frowns. She slips out of bed or least starts to before slipping slightly onto the floor.

Krisha was in the infirm checking on beasts before bed, she walks over to help Safana back into bed if she allows it "You ok?"

Safana tenses up and looks at the badger "Another badger..." She shrugs "I am..." Tears? "I want to know where my Uncle is if he is ok and no one knows anything"

Krisha sits down beside the rat and offers a hug, "It's ok..who is he? Maybe we can look for him."

Safana leans into the hug, it's welcoming to her and she cries a little, she then wipes her eyes "Patch....he was on the road when this..weasel was around, it was chasing him and some friend of his. His friend made it back but where is my Uncle"

Krisha listens and then speaks " Matilda got some message Patch was at Ferravale, there was some slight chaos at the tavern but it was taken care of. A weasel was killed, seems it was the one Patch had trouble with. Patch was invited to the feast so...maybe he will be there."

Safana nods "Yeah...likely not"Then who knows she decides "Thank you for the info..miss..ummm"

"Mother Krisha" Krisha smiles " I care for the dibbuns here and ..well anyone else who needs caring for..sort of Mother to the whole abbey I guess"

Safana yawns "Thanks....Mother Krisha, your very nice" The rat maid lays down, she is less worried now at least and maybe can finally get some rest and stay in bed to heal.

Krisha smiles and quietly leaves the infirm after making sure the rat maid is cozy. She will let Benar know what she learned and what she learned from Matilda.

Last edited by Mother Krisha (2020-11-02 11:31:21 PM)


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