Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2020-11-01 04:40:28 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Things Have Gotten Worse For Patch-Ferravale/Redwall Log


Patch-Owner of Redthorn Tavern, Ale Maker, Spy

Gorvenalus- Recorder and Part Time Healer

Krisha- Badger Mother

Dagger- insane

Safana- Rat Maid


Patch had explained what happen to Safana and now he needed to get to the abbey or Ferravale but the abbey was safer and closer so he headed there. He also needed to let someone know where Xander was as he stayed ever alert.

Krisha was on the wall top looking over to the road and woods and taking a bit of a break from the dibbuns. A frown on her face as she was clearly worried.

Gorvenalus smiled and patted her arm "It will be fine Krisha, your see. Our Champion will find Xander and he will be home soon."

Meanwhile not too far from Patch, was Dagger and he kept rather close to the rat, a game he liked to and kill, the loser died of course. "Patch....come on Patch give up"

Patch frowned and ran faster, in fact almost into the wall. His eyes went wide as he noticed just what wall he about crashed into, "Abbey...ABBEY!!!" He ran along the wall and headed to the gate"Let me in! By the seasons let me in!!!!"

Krisha sighed "It's hard not to..."She looked down and seeing Patch she glared "What do you want, why let you in for?" She was clearly not in the mood to see the rat.

Gorvenalus frowned as he seen Patch, "He sounds scared, something....something is not right here. Yes, he is annoying but this sounds..."He frowned "Let him in please someone"

Dagger walked into view and smirked "I found you, ya lose" He flicked a throwing dagger at the rat." die!"

Of course, it seemed someone else wanted to make sure Patch got to where ever he was going as a cloaked figure sneaked up behind Dagger ready to pounce on him and knock him down.

Patch panicked when he heard and then seen Dagger, he sidestepped just in time and the dagger bounced off the abbey gates."I'm gonna die if ya don't let me in...have some sort of mercy!!!!"

Krisha frowned now as she looked over at Gorvenalus unsure what to do, she quickly heads down the steps to speak to a novice "Quickly let Patch in, then shut the gate again"

Gorvenalus watches and notices the figure behind Dagger and tilts his head to study them, deciding to not warn Dagger he keeps an eye on what is going on.

Dagger cusses loudly and then "OOOF!" He sends a kick backward and goes to slip out a dagger to stab whoever just tried to tackle him !" Ya pay fer that pest!"

The cloaked figure tenses up and lets out a gasp stumbling backward, they then go to kick Dagger where he will feel the most pain and tries to get to Patch only to stumble and fall sideways shivering some.

Patch spins around and starts to go to the cloaked beast that just helped him, he sees the gates open and gulps aa he takes a chance and goes to help the cloaked beast inside "Close the gate !...Close it...close it!"

Krisha watches as the gate is closed and looks at Patch and the other beast in the cloak" Who are you and what is going on Patch?!"

Gorvrnalus quickly goes to see if a healer is needed as it seems there may be.

Dagger is kicked and falls backwards and is clearly in pain, he slowly gets up and glares at the gates "This is not over!...Your tavern is mine either way and  I have no clue where the stripedog is, I hope he died!" He then heads towards Ferravale, likely to stir up some lies.

The cloaked Safana the rat maid, she has a dagger in her chest that seemed to barely miss her heart. "I...."She falls forward into the beaver's arms, she needs the infirm ASAP!

Krisha is right in Patch's face"Did he say...does he mean Xander? Where is Xander answer me now! And why is this weasel after you for and what does Xander have to do with this or even your stupid tavern!" Oh yeah, she is peeved watch out!

Patch blinks "Saf?" He then backs into the wall "S...Stripy is ok or at least think he is. He should be at Safana's...den. I..I...I can show someone but...but weasel...he hates me and he blames stripy for giving me the Redthorn Tavern when he said it should have been his...Dagger's I mean. Dagger hates me more than he does Stripy...Stripy is safe...ish.....ummm, I think and I don't know ok..."He whimpers "I am not going back out by myself but it sounds like he is heading to......"He then seems concerned, then it's his turn to be angry "He is gonna do something to my tavern, I gotta get to Ferravale....but also avoid death....I hate today!"

Gorvenalus excuses himself and gets Safana to the infirm where she can get help. The beaver will help the healers that are in the infirm.

Krisha takes a couple of deep breaths "Safeish?!" She looks like she wants to slap Patch, then drags him towards the Library "Your gonna show on a map where Safana's den is...then I will get a sparrow to find Matilda and give her this update and she can find Xander. As for the tavern I have no clue."

Patch does show her the location on the map but then heads to the gate "I'm not waiting, Dagger needs stoped..even if I have ta die trying, that's my tavern and I won't let him destroy it. He also hurt Safana...." He is then gone, and whether he can get to the tavern first...and yet to be known.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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