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#1 2020-10-02 11:07:48 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Quiet Morning-Ferravale Log


Patch- Owner of the Redthorn Tavern, Spy, Ale Maker

Krisha-Badger Mother

Xander-Novice at Redwall



Patch took some orders, cleaned a couple of tables, and went to the main bar area to mix drinks. The rat ever so often watched the doorway as if he expected someone to enter, who it was unclear.   
Xander did enter, cane in his right paw as he walked slowly over to Patch and sat down on one of the stools. He wore the robes of a novice in Redwall as he watched Patch before speak "Hello Patch, I miss much?"   
Patch tensed up and spins around glaring at the badger "Give me a heart attack why don't ya stripey...good grief."He quickly looked around and back to Xander "Tis just you, right? No one else with ya today or maybe later on?"   
Xander tilts his head confused "Just me, I mean Krisha may stop in and I am only here for a couple of days, then back to the abbey. I will stop here still at times of course but not as often."   
Patch folds his arms over his chest "I saw ya yesterday, briefly. Ya had de Badger Lord with ya.WHY!" A couple stares at him and he clears his throat "Why?" He asks quietly, "Wouldn't he be gone by now? Does Blisa know he was around?" He then seems to notice the abbey robes and studies them "Ya really are a novice, aren't ya?"   
Xander frowns, so many questions as he speaks "Ciocan is on his way back to Salamandstron now, or least by tonight, and no worries him and his hares are by the river, not in the village. Also yes, I am a novice now and one day will be a Brother in the order" He adds "It also means, I will be stepping down as leader of Mossflower Defenders just not sure when yet. I am still the leader for now but as more advice not fighting...and keeping track of who is in the group, who is not, who is interested ect, it's still a small group"   
Patch does listen and seems to mostly calm. His ear sort of lower a little and then perk up a little "Interesting...well we can speak on that later so everyone who went is like, back correct?"   
Xander nods as he gets a drink and a couple of scones. "Mostly...we did lose a dibbun mole."He frowns "And...Keldorn, Keldorn was ambushed by some fox on the road shortly after we got back. The fox is dead thanks to an otter named Tenzin."   
Patch frowns, "Keldorn? I..That shrew got along with me...course one other did..."He seems to almost panic, "Oswald, is he dead or alive?"   
Xander smiles "Alive, in fact, he and Leigh are mates now, they got married at the abbey during the feast last week"   
Patch pouts again, "Married?!...wait Feast?!" He groans "And why didn't I know, could of went...well darn it and wots this of new leadership like...who?" He then seems to try and remembers something but frowns.   
Xander chuckles "Sorry, Patch...wot?" He notices the frown"Anyways, as said miss much? I know of the rats and how they left"   
Patch nods "Yeah those guys were ....odd, hopefully, they gone but who knows. I didn't get ta spy on them much"   
Xander shrugs as he sips his ale "And as leadership in Mossflower Defenders I...don't  know yet, guess never thought of it"   
Patch nods "Yeah, good ta think on...though Marek may have had a...ummm plan, forgot some of it, could ask old Rupert maybe, that rabbit keeps all sorts of scrolls, letters, and papers of sorts, ya want like blueprints that's Texo"   
Xander hmmms "Plan?" He decides to speak to Rupert when he gets a chance"

"What's goin' on?" Krisha asks as she shows up and smiles at Patch "Good day Patch" She has baby Oz with her.

Patch tenses when he sees Krisha but relaxes as it appears she is in a good mood "Hi" he says quietly "And was just talkin' bout  Mossflower Defenders and such and how Xander 'ere is a novice now"

Xander smiles when he sees Krisha and Oz"Hey, sleep well?

Krisha nods "Well enough, I check on the Blacksmith shop this afternoon, for now just want to relax"

Patch speaks "The tavern is usually not too busy till a couple of hours from now."There are a couple of foxes eating breakfast and a ferret playing the lyre a couple tables over.

Xander nods"True.." He smiles when he gets an idea and stands slowly limping a little over to where the ferret is playing the lyre.

Krisha watches curious and looks at Patch "So what is ready for breakfast?"

Patch replies "Oatmeal with or with fruit or honey, greensap milk. There are also scones and tea or ale...some like ale this early."

The ferret hmmms and nods" coins tis fine"He smiles a little and starts to play a slow dance song.

Xander walks back over,  almost trips but keeps his balance. He holds out a paw to Krisha "Dance with me?"

Krisha smiles and hands Oz off to Patch before taking Xander's paw "Of course my love, and not to worry...I won't let you fall over" She will let him led, she will lead sometimes.

Patch starts to complain as he is given Oz and frowns, oz starts to cry a little so Patch just tries rocking, he tries the swaying back and forth and then patting Oz on the back getting a loud burp from the dibbun...............

And a scream from the rat as..barf, baby badger barf all over his tunic, on his fur, almost in his mouth. Oz just happily giggles as does the couple foxes who looked over when the rat screamed.

Xander smiles as he and Krisha dance for a little while, he keeps upright very well without the cane, as he has Krisha to help him right now.

Krisha smiles, she dances with Xander and after a few moments rests her head on his shoulder as she relaxes, happy.

Patch wishes he could be happy, he sits Oz down and quickly gets a new tunic from the back, luckily Oz stays where he is as he yawns and goes to sleep. Patch looks down at the baby badger and shakes his head, he glances at Xander and Krisha and smiles as he is happy for the two badgers being together again, he will let them dance and then have breakfast ready for them, all in all, it's a very quiet morning in the tavern.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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