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#1 2020-09-11 02:19:29 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Surrounded...By A Horde of...-Redwall/LP LOG

****This was fun!!! And it starts out all serious like....just read and enjoy!******


Zolomon- Sargeant, Archer,Runner in the LP

Elbio- Private,Fighter,Archer and RW Residential Hare

Xander-Novice in Redwall

Some Asssoted LP Privates including Slaw and Cole and A corporal named Teddy...


Zolomon walked over to the fire pit and sat down as he looked at the gathering of hares, some privates and a Corporal Teddy was here too.

Teddy frowns "I have no blooming clue where he is, this is not good."

"Maybe he went to check on that Ferravale place"


"Wot no vermin is  gonna dare anger his Lordship"

Elibo just frowns as he sips his water"Well I didn't see  Lord Ciocan leave the abbey, I mean he would like tell us right?"

Zolomon clears his throat and walks over "Wot all dis talk?"He stays where he is at and just listens quietly to the gathered hares.

A hare stands up to salute Zolomon"Sur..we were .....just wondering where his Lordship is, he...umm was supposed to be here"

Xander makes his way over standing off to the side "Hey wots going on guys?"

Elbio replies "His Lordship was...well supposed to be here ta discuss wot to expect on de way back to the mountain and whether I should tag along or wait till next autumn but I wasn't sure, I may adopt Ciana and  the trip could be, well fairly long and if thar was danger she could get hurt so I may wait and...well just"

"Just normal makin' sure we don't grab a snack....I see no harm in it" Slaw said.

Cole sighed, why these two came as a surprise to most, likely to give the mountain a break and they did behave...till now, asCole frowns at his twin" Cause we are guests, and rations are fine, thar is the feast like tomorrow ya know"

"Shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

And then, the peace between them the past 3 weeks broke and they starting rolling around and punching, kicking...whoa biting too. Good thing the fire isn't lit!

Zolomon sighs and yells "STOP...ya both at attention now soldiers!"

Elbio frowns as the two start fighting and backs away"Ummm, we are supposed ta fight vermin, not ourselves'

"Knew it wouldn't last," One hare said.

"Was only a matter of time "

Xander blinks as he watches them and sits down on one of the logs "Yeah they fought a couple of times at the mountain too"

The two hares, Cole and Slaw stop and stand up, both giving a salute. Cole had a black eye and Slaw had a bleeding ear where he was bitten "SUR!" they both say together" Sorry sur!"

Zolomon shakes his head "I am gonna report this to his Lordship."

"You know where he is?" Elbio asks.


"Yeah where?"

Xander shrugs "I have not seen Ciocan, sorry."He glances at Zolomon now.

Zolomon nods "Yes, I know...course be best to not go near de horde that has him right now, these beasts can be...dangerous"

Elbio frowns "    Horde?"

Cole looks worried "His Lordship is captive ?"

Slaw tilts his head "Then why are we 'ere...we needa rescue him, find the major!"

Xander also frowns "Ciocan in trouble, wot horde...the rats again?"

Zolomon looks a bit serious, "No worse..."He speaks "And no, we are no match for them, there is 50 of them all together"

Elbio grows worried "What's worse than a horde of rats?"

"So let's just go already ya clearly seen him"

"Yeah let's go!"

Zolomon frowns "Alright but be blooming quiet, they are asleep at their camp and have his Lordship surrounded" He leads the way...oddly to a lower floor and into...

The Dibbuns Play Room! Its a mess of toys, pillows...feathers? But it seems someone did calm the ...horde of...


On the large bean bag, a story book opened, and facing down  on his chest is Lord Ciocan. He is asleep and has, indeed, dibbuns surrounding him as they look to of fallen asleep on the floor listening to whatever story he was reading to them, likely more than one story, and he and they fell asleep.

Xander gives a soft chuckle "I can see the ..."He smiles "Danger"

There are some confused looks, most just walk off slightly annoyed but full on knowing ....yeah don't walk in there and wake the dibbuns, or try and get to Ciocan as...well that would wake the dibbuns!

Elbio peeks in and hmmms "Yeah..I am sure Lord Ciocan will be fine. I'm not going in there." He says quietly.

Zolomon smirks "Good plan Elbio lad." He leads the hares and Xander back outside "I say we just not worry about it, ya lot are here till day after de feast anyways."

The hares all hmmm and nods, they do end up chatting by the firepit a couple more hours and then go to bed as tomorrow was gonna be a good day, then a day with a feast is always a good day for a hare!

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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