Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2020-09-08 09:20:18 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

An Otter,A Seagull and A Rat Oh my-Ferravale LOG


Patch- Owner of Redthorn Tavern in Ferravale, Spy and Ale Maker

Tenzin- Warrior and Explorer

Rufus- Sea Gull


The morning was partly cloudy and one could tell it was getting that autumn time of the year now where the weather starts to be colder in the mornings and at nightfall. It was a little after sunrise so not many beasts around the paths....well Patch was on his way to his tavern, he munched on a candied chestnut and frowned when he noticed that was his last one and snorts. " They best come though with those candy chestnuts soon."       
Tenzin walked along the same path, never much for staying in one place, he let them know he wasn't sticking around, after all, they all had family and friends and such and the sea otter....well didn't, did he? He glances around and hmms.   
Rufus followed the sea otter and landed in a tree nearby tilting his head. He then landed carefully on the path before him "Where isss otter going? Should stick with others ya dumb otter"   
Patch slows at voices and soon finds the two. He sits on a tree stump to watch as this could be useful or just funny to watch.   
Tenzin steps back and folds his arms over his chest "Wot's it ya business featherbag? I am not one for large crowds of wot will likely be over excited beasts.No one seemed to care I left the campout..."He smirks "Likely worried more bout you"   
Rufus puffs himself out and glares at the sea otter"I, not bag" He thinks of the first thing that comes to his brain "Bag of fur!"   
Patch can't help it he bursts out laughing and falls off the tree stump. " Ohh ohhhh...stop me sides hurt...this is the best thing ever seen"   
Tenzin spins around when he hears Patch and then sees him. He narrows his eyes and goes to tackle the rat cause...well it's a rat and it's insulting him.   
Rufus makes a sort of cawing yark noise and puffs out even more. He keeps a close eye on the rat in case it's a foe"Rat is foe or friend, answer plentyfast or I peck ya plentygood!"   
Patch laughter turns to a scream when he is tackled" Whoa wait. I did nothing, nothing! I am no..foe to anyone, ok maybe to some but...look,  look I live in Ferravale and de tavern. Let me go..let me go...we have a freaking peace treaty with the abbey. Your have grumpy beasts after ya." He is half angry and half scared out of his mind.   
Tenzin glares down at the rat and seems unsure of releasing him at first."Stand up slowly, wots ya name and ya know wot...I can check on ya truthfulness hmmm?" He then slowly backs up and stands his full height.   
Rufus just watches"Notta like ratfurs...but hear of the peace treaty of Ferravale and abbey."He looks around and perns a feather.   
Patch scoots back and stands " Patch...ya happy?" He mutters something under his breath and dusts off. He speaks, " You two can follow me it's up de path" He points to a gate up ahead and walks on to the tavern and on inside." Don't expect a free meal either "   
Tenzin snorts and follows Patch on inside the village and tavern as he looks around and shrugs sitting down "I have coin"He grins "Ale and whatever fer breakfast"   
Rufus follows and looks around "Is like Halyard but no big water....and smaller...." He peeks in the tavern and seems unimpressed "Hmmmph....Tenzin stays here, I going back to Bunny Lord let him know you is okie kay" He leaves and flys away.   
Patch arches an eyebrow " Bunny Lord?" He looks at Tenzin " And he...lets de bird call him that and ...ha" He snorts " I likely get slapped"   
Tenzin grins "That be pure entertainment right thar, I would watch that "   
Patch glares and gets some ale and the food is some oatmeal with nuts, fruit, and honey." Whatever." He gets himself an ale and sits down. The tavern is usually almost empty at breakfast, lunch and the rest of the day not do much.   
Tenzin eats and drinks some ale as he smirks "Your an interesting rat Patch."   
Patch kept an eye in the otter and then relaxed "How so? " He sips his own ale and decided to listen.   
Tenzin finished his meal and got a 2nd ale " were in the camp...briefly,...seen ya, but ya left and guess headed here, and ya own a tavern in a village that somehow has a peace treaty with the abbey, I don't know much of the abbey but usually, woodlanders and vermin rarely get along too well"   
Patch says, "I didn't say the whole place gets along, on either side..and I don't know." He looks around, one ferret and the creepy undertaker in the corner, " I said I be quiet of de camp and will....:"   
Tenzin nods "Sounds like a good need to ruin a happy surprise, me...I wasn't fer de idea of a lot of happy screaming, hugging, and what not. I know no one around here, or even on the western shore. I use to have a holt on the northern sea...tis gone now thanks to a wolverine and that wolverine paid for his deeds ta me and ta others, he wolverine is dead..very very dead."He downs his 2nd ale and gets a 3rd...maybe a 4th before he speaks and is...oh out of coin"Good...riddance...."   

Patch keeps an eye on the otter and snorts. He motions a large stoat over.   
Tenzin manages to get a 5th ale and downs it, "" And he sways and falls over barely missing a table. Yep drunk sea oter...he will be fine after a nap, though maybe one not on the floor.   
Patch sighs " Ottis...get him to the room upstairs..." The stoat nods and takes care of it as the rat shakes his head, " Yeah yeah...wonder how today gonna go...who knows." He cleans up and goes about as a normal day, its a normal day nothing new here folks, he can keep quiet and the otter, well he can explain that later.

Last edited by oz (2020-09-08 09:21:14 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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