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#1 2020-08-23 04:44:28 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Leaving Salamanastron,Heading To Redwall!-DibbunSlavers TP LOG

Zolomon looks around and nods, "Good good...yes that as well, go on"He has a couple of privates he is directing and walks over towards anyone else.
Xander watches his friend as he gets slowly on the ship, he has the new cane that Gregorian brought to him, he likes it as he seems to be doing a lot better with this, than that staff, course he still needs practice so luckily beasts give him a clear path."Like this better than the log boats"   

Keldorn waves "Sir Xander, it is good to see you doing better my friend, the log boats may well be used though, ha ha. We will have ta see after all,no worries you can be on de ship"
Zolomon waves to Keldorn "Log boats, not blooming seen one in a while wot. Your likely happy ta be headin' home wot?"   
Xander sits down "I am happy to be going home, its been way too long...I mean yes I have wandered off, even this far one other time but not this long"   

Keldorn nods"The first time I been at Salamanstron, been at sea a lot of times"   

Zolomon says, "I stayed here and ya all did fairly well without me,wot....though may have been neat out at sea"   

Xander shrugs, "It was a success clearly."He chuckles "Its still hard to see you as a Sargeant Zolomon, you have chanIt's a good bit"   

Rufus lands on a railing.  He still has slightly blue wingtips from yesterday as he scans the ship as if to deem it save, and trust me he is avoiding dibbuns from now on.   

Keldorn smiles"We shall be home soon enough,it shall be grand"   
Zolomon shrugs, he grins when he sees the Gull "Rufus, awsome your here, this will make the trip all the better...ummm"He then just notices "Why the blue Ummm, feather  tips?"   
Rufus puffs up but he does reply "Small furs,I blaime them fer alla this"He had more but it came off at least with a good bath and the cloth covering likely helped him not be, well more colorful right now.   
Xander just watches the seagull, he never did like seagulls very much at all, not since he was a dibbun in fact   
Keldorn waves to the bird "You are with us again, nice.You helped a good deal when we were out to sea Rufus. You would like the abbey,even the River Moss is nice"   
Zolomon nods, he looks back where any last-minute things are getting taken care of. They are just about to head off.   

Matilda helps the dibbuns from the abbey onto the ship, making sure they stay in line and helps also on board 5 otter dibbuns they will likely take to Camp Willow to live, or maybe the abbey even. She walks over to the others "I think that's every beast, Lord Ciocan will be here soon and we shall be heading back to the Abbey"She sighs "Think I have had enough travel to last a lifetime.I just want to relax at the abbey and make some ale, read a book...sleep in even be nice in my own bed"   
Rufus perns a couple of feathers and just scans the ship again. He will stay by the railing, for the time being, then likely up in the crow's nest for most of the trip.   
Xander relaxes, well best he can as he is glad to be heading  home, but  he is still nervous"I wonder how far we can get up the river in this"   
Keldorn hmmms "Half way perhaps, then we shall walk and halfway small group of hares will stay and watch the ship till the others return"   
Zolomon says, "I am more fer running,but walking is fine too.We shall need to think of a good marching song!"   
Rufus hmmph"Why sing, why the singing marching thing just draw attention yark"   
Xander shrugs "They like to sing I suppose" He still keeps an eye on the bird "So your a..friend of the Long Patrol?"   
Keldorn will let the bird reply as he is ready to head off and get the last of this journey started.   
Zolomon smiles "Of course Rufus is a friend Xandy, he is a good beast." The hare then stands at attention when Ciocan walks into view.   
Ciocan nods to all on board and goes over to the wheel "Ok all, lets get these little ones home shall we?" He smiles and steadies the wheel, calling out orders and getting the ship out to sea, he will travel along the coast till they get to The River Moss and skillfully head down it, but for now, he steers the ship along the coast, and towards the river"Log boats sercure?..Good, the shrews may want to use them once we get to the river, secure. Then we stop , most of us will, of course, walk about  once half way down the river I think"

Rufus goes to a railing close to the Badger Lord, he likes to stay close to his friend, it will need to be seen how winter goes for the gull, whether he stays at the mountain or temporarily ventures elsewhere, maybe even stays inside to be warmer.   
Xander watches from the railing as they get away from the shore and head on up towards the River Moss, he grips his cane and slowly, carefully, makes his way towards Ciocan as he didn't have much time to talk to him during the week.
Keldorn smiles"And the last leg of de trip begins"He goes to talk to the three shrews that have decided to join GUOSIM.   
Ciocan smiles at Rufus as he stays at the wheel "Greetings my friend,I am glad you came along"He nods to Xander as well "Xander, do come over and chat, it is good to see you walking.When I left to find the dibbuns, the healers were unsure you would ever walk again.Its good to see you are walking"   
Rufus look's  at the younger badger "You is badger like Bunny related?" He perns a feather as he replies "Rufus is friend, Rufus wanted come along and see Red House"
Xander smiles as he is slow at the walking, but yes walking "Yeah, still getting use to the cane.It's only been the last  couple days have walked very far without leaning on something and the cane Gregorin made is very helpful, lot better than the training staff I borrowed"   
Zolomon walks up and gives a salute "All is well sur, tip top and all that,weather is good "He helped make sure all who needed on board,got on board.   
Ciocan nods and dismisses Zolomon, a smile to Xander and Rufus"Your get use to the cane and get better at the walking with it"He chuckles at Rufus "Me and Xander are friends,been friends a long while.I still even remember when Zinnia was here and found you on the beach Xander"   
Rufus nods, "Nice...Rufus be friend to Xander also"   
Xander frowns a little "Yeah, I remember."He still misses his mother at times,He sits down on a wooden crate by the steering wheel,he glaces at the seagulll and finally nods "That be nice to have a seagull as a friend,I admit I was a little unsure of you, lasttime I was close to a seagull was as a dibbun and, well they wanted me as dinner, not as a friend"   
Ciocan nods"Most gullls are not friendly,Rufus is and a friend." He smiels again "I should be able to get you back to Redwall in about 3 weeks Xander, and any help walking I will offer or maybe you can still use the waterway with the GUOSIM as they will be going ahead of us on the river, I plan to go halfway up the river on my ship,ankor it and have a small group of hares stay behind, maybe 4-5 hares, to guard the ship while the rest of us get you and the dibbuns, and your friends back to the abbey.I think I will even get the 5 otter dibbuns to the abbey, I am sure the Skipper of Camp Willow will be there and he or she can decide then what to do with 5 orpahned otter dibbuns"
Rufus yawns and flps up to the crow nest for a good nap,he wil be around later on.   
Xander smiles "Home....will be great to see again, also thanks for saving my life,I didnt get to say that before you left or when you got bad cause you were busy and then I was focusing on getting better with my walking the past couple days"   
Ciocan nods as he listens "Your welcome, I am glad you are here to go back to Redwall.I would not of wanted to share ill news with them, I much rather share happy news that the mssion went well and all have gonna back safe"   
Xander nods slowly "Almost all, thar was a mole dibbun that died, but yeah it could of been a lot worse,then suppose one shoulnt expect things to be totally perfect." He is quiet before speaking again" I could of walked on into the dark forest,the feeling of...the urge to was very strong,Martin the Warrior said I needed to live and wouldn't allow me to pass into the gates, and someone else....pass the gates said it too,I wondered who it was and could of found out ,but I would not of woekn up if I had. I also been doing some thinking, a lot achally while I was at the mountain"
Ciocan listens and replies "I am glad you choose to stay in the land of the living, so many would of missed you and its ok to have time to think...thinking is important for decsions.Wot were you thinking of and did it help?"   
Xander lets him speak "I am gald as well." He grips the cane a little hard, and lets it lay gently by the crate as his paw shakes a little now,he relaxes and the shakeing eases "I have laid aside my warrior life, my blade I am going to place in a chest, probally in the Defenders base or maybe the Redthorn Tavern...somewhere where my son Oz can one day get it if he chooses that life."He smiles "I am gonna join the order of Redwall, make teas and work on pottery. I can cook some even at feast times if they need help and who knows they likely will have one when we all get back"   

Ciocan smile "Its a good plan I say and a wise decision.Maybe Oz will weild your blade one day or maybe one of his children in the future. You can stay full time at teh abbey with your sons Caleb and Oz and be thar for your mate Krisha, family is very important.I see the patrol as my family now."   
Xander asks, "Do you have any other family Ciocan?"He then frowns as the question just sort of sliped "Sorry,you don't have to answer that if you don't want to""   
Ciocan at first seems like he won't, but then he does " I hac a mate. Her name was Martha.All 3 of our children were grown and moved out...I never hear from them though"He shrugs at this and doesn't even have a clue where they are or whereabouts, or if alive still. He sighs sadly "The one whom had the dibbuns, a wolverine named Gorax...he killed Martha shortly before I came to Salamanstron, I had fought and thought I slain him, only to find out he still lived after all these seasons.It took a lot of will power not to outright charge him and rip his head off. Me and two of my most skilled hares battled Gorax and killed the wolverine, he paid for the death of my wife and any other beast he killed.I told no one of my past, they learned it that day we freed the dibbuns and made sure that Terrmont island would never be used as a slavery place again"   
Xander blinks as he listens to all this and lays a paw on Ciocan's shoulder, he decides to just be quiet but stays at his friend's side for now.   
Ciocan is silent a good while.When he finally speaks and lets another take over at the wheel he smiles at Xander "I am alright my friend. Why don't you and I chat over some tea."   
Xander smiles "Wot kind? I can make some....maybe some mint or another tea"He chuckles "I have a cinnamon  apple one thats great for the upcoming Autumn season. I can even show you how to make it,I admit I did teach some of the hares back at the mountain how to make some differnt teas."   
Ciocan nods "Sounds good"He hmmms as they head off to chat and have tea "Make my own tea huh...well always good to learn new skills." He chuckles "A hare even showed me how to make something called forge scones"

Last edited by oz (2020-08-23 04:50:40 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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