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#1 2020-07-07 07:53:00 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Abbey Is Under Attck!-Dibbun Slavers Log

The Abbey is under attack, this time from all four sides in a staged assault, the attack on three sides is mostly diversionary, enough rats to tie up forces to keep them off the walls. The main attack is on the south wall, the wall gate has fallen and their are pockets of rats up on the walls defending assault ladders to try and hold a position.
The bells are ringing, the roar of beasts fighting, the clash of blade on blade is ringing through the air, arrows are arching back and forth on both sides. Crashing against the battlements and the wood of the trees. Horns blow, signals to the rat horde and they shift stance and position all based on those horn calls, acting in a co-ordinated way which was proving very trying for the defenders of Redwall Abbey.   

Benar is standing in the window of his office, looking down at the chaos below with a frown on his face, hoping that this time the Abbey can with-stand the assault.   
Gorvenalus frowns from where he is as well, he has made sure those who can't fight are inside, if needed he can get beasts further inside.   

Gaheris is as usual upon the walls. With a pocket of defenders, he's in the thick of it on the south wall, fighting back rats and trying to keep the ladders at bay. He'd been especially aiming at the rats with horns and anyone who looked in charge since the fighting began but now with rats on the walls, he has his swords out, hacking and slashing his way towards another one of the ladders.   
LilyMoore is here on the South wall, trying to do her job as Temporary Gatekeeper. She's been angry enough at the Rat King and his mouthpiece lady that she's able to fight and battle and even kill without freaking out. She is skilled, and although she lacks the natural talent her mother possesses when it comes to battle and weaponry, she is doing exceedingly well at keeping herself safe.   

It helps that Butterclaw the Sparra is right at her side, helmet gleaming in the sunlight as he slices and swipes with his battleclaws. They are at one of the ladders, engaging with 1 of the rats defending it.   

The Ferravalians are spread on the North and West walls, doing their best to take out as many of the enemy as they can. The blackbirds are hard-pressed to keep from being shot out of the sky -- the few who are flying are trying to stay out of arrow range as they drop rocks on the enemy. The rest are at the South wallgate, dive-bombing at the enemy with claws extended, then flying away in an attempt to evade death and dismemberment. So far it's working.   
Nissaya is in the Infirmary, running the emergency operations while Angela and a very select few Order Healers are out on the lawn, grabbing injured defenders, working triage, and hustling them up to where Nissaya and the other Abbey Healers are waiting. Despite their protests that they need to keep Lily safe, Zarok and Terfil have been forced by Angela to help with this task. Emyuil has also been forced to be by his grandmother's side as a kind of bodyguard. He seems to have made peace with this task.   
Adrian and his friend Monty have split up, with Adrian at the south wall, hacking away the entering rats, and Monty manning one of the walls that's got some fighting going on. Serena, the pure white doe that Adrian's become rather smitten with is by his side, doing what she can with her bow and arrows. Yerna, in the meantime, has joined Angela's group, lending her own expertise in healing remedies out on the lawn.   

Krisha is inside her room right now, listening to the sounds of the fighting and frowning, she could likely see some of the fighting if she looks out her window but for right now its mainly listening as she has only come out of her room once since the last attack,as for any meals she would just ask a novice to bring it to her she was eating it in her room or maybe she skipped it all together as it depended on her mood at the time.   

Log-A-Log is helping on one of the other wall tops to keep the rats back. Elbio is of course helping the hares that are here as he fires off an arrow at the rats, hitting some rats and missing others.   

Silverwing has picked now to visit, luckily he is on the side of the abbey and has been swooping down, likely causing rats to scream, and grabbing rats in his talons. He drops some rats from way high up and others he just outright kills with a slash of his talon or a peck or two from his dangerous beak.He is outside the walls where a lot of the rats are right now, one rat he grabbed from the wall before it had a chance to slay an abbey guard.The rat is then dropped from the sky to it's death.   

The battle surges around the south wall, rats fall, abbey beasts fall, it surges back and forth but the rats are for now holding the south gate and a small area around it. Gaheris assault on the wall top is pushing the rats back however, forcing them toward the battlement and reclaiming parts of the wall.   

The hares from the Long-Patrol are holding their own, pushing back rats as they surge back and forth and then an eagle drops out of the sky and the rats surrounding the eagles attack scream and scatter, the group breaking and fleeing back over the wall. Lilymoore however is front and center in the middle of the fight leading the Abbey guards to try and re-take the south gate but things are not going well as the abbey forces are pushed back.   
Gorvenalus peeks out of a window and frowns, he stays inside to try and calm beasts right now, he has managed to calm some so far, others not as well but he is trying at least, he is not a fighter and doesn't plan to be on unless it's truly needed.   

Gaheris clashes swords with another rat, ignoring the cuts he'd got already as he stabs the vermin just in time to catch sight of a very big shape in the sky and he instinctively ducks as the eagle grabs a rat from the walls "'ells teeth! Where'd tha' eagle come from?!" he sees the rat fall to its doom just before he has to block the axe of another rat and kicks him over "Not tha' I'm complainin'!" the eagle at least seemed to be going after the rats so something was going their way.   

For the second time in his life, John finds himself approaching a battle at Redwall. Unlike that first fight of his all those seasons ago, however, the squirrel is alone now and cautiously leaping from tree branch to tree branch. He'd come as soon as he'd heard the far of sounds of the bells and the following din of the rats (they weren't exactly being quiet after all) attacking, having hastily retrieved his amor piece and weapons from a stash John had hidden in some oak tree; and now the squirrel stands high up in an ash by the abbey's South Gate taking in the fighting below him. Crossbow in paw, he loads one of two bolts he has with him and takes aim. Spotting a rat who might possibly be a low-ranking officer the squirrel takes his time to carefully line up the shot and- with a clicking and whooshing sound that's lost in the rage of war - the bolt is loosed. Well aware that the rats might see him if he stays in one spot John slings the crossbow over a shoulder and climbs down to the bushes below, takes out his sword and buckler, and creeps closer to the attacking force with the hopes that the soldier might be able to disrupt them for a time. So he waits once again for his opportunity.
Krisha stands to look out her window, fighting all over as she frowns, and was...that an eagle? She frowns more hoping it's on their side, she goes to sit back down on her bed, maybe lay down in fact. If a rat gets this far...she will fight it, otherwise she is just staying in her room, if the rats were not an issue she would likely slip out of the abbey by now but that can wait till the rats leave and just go away, far away she hopes.   

LilyMoore is fighting with a ferocity quite unlike what has been seen from her before. She is keeping hold of her anger, slashing and hacking and stabbing and not letting herself really look her enemies in the eye. Butterclaw, much more comfortable with fighting, is guarding her back, slicing and scratching with his iron-covered talons. They duck as the eagle flies past, but upon seeing it attacking their enemies, they decide it's probably not something for them to worry about. They're too busy trying to defend the Abbey and not die to worry too much about their allies. The Ferravalians and blackbirds continue their fight, a few of the birds falling to arrows.
Adrian savagely cuts down a rat that foolishly tried to clobber Serena with a large battleaxe. The rat looks surprised, and gives a strangled "urk", before falling backward, dead. Adrian yells, "EULAAAALIAAAAA!" and keeps hacking away, starting to give fully into his rage against these vermin scum.   

Log-A-Log badly avoids a stab to the shoulder, he pushes a rat off the wall top and then another is pushed off as he is fighting very well and also not in the best of moods. Elbio is using his longbow to fire arrows into rats, ducking when needed and even useing some of the rat's arrows to fire right back at them "Here ya are..ya need those!"
Silverwing calls loudly as she grabs more rats, an arrow misses her but does leave a line on her beck, angrily she slams a couple of rats into the wall as she circles again, these rats are annoying her.   

The rats on the wall are starting to break, a horn sounds and the rats start to retreat off the North, West and East walls start to abandon the assault. Those on the top of the South Wall will see a sizeable force emerging out of the southern trees. They charge, shields up to take arrows and deflect birds.   

They surge through the broken gate, the charge slowed only by the small gates entrance but the cleared space on the other side is allowing them to flood in. Standing in the center, wielding two swords is the black rat, the Voice of his Lordship.   
She points her sword, "Surrender now to the Way of Castes in the Name of the Empress verminous heretics and you may be permitted to be property."   

The tone of the Matthias and Methuselah bells change, ringing an alarm that all Warriors, all who would defend Redwall should make their way toward the South wall.   
Gorvenalus frowns, fear seems to go through those inside now as the recorder has them go further inside, he frowns as a couple beasts, who know how to fight basically go to do so, he mutters a prayer and makes sure no one else goes outside. He will keep the calm best he can.   

Gaheris growls as he sees even more rats appearing form the tree line but there's little he can do about that but keep fighting to keep them off the walls. He forces back and kills another couple of rats, getting close to another ladder before the demand of a surrender makes him growl again "T'ell with tha'" he mutters as he stabs one of his swords in to a rat, kicks a dropped javelin off the ground in to his now free paw, launches at the rat lady then grabs his sword back to carry on. He doesn't have the time to aim carefully or even see if it hits before he's pulls his second sword back from the dead rat on the wall and carries on the fight. If it doesn't hit the rat lady he's sure it'll at least hit one of them.
John throws himself flat under a large bush hoping beyond hope that the large force charging the broken gate don't trample him. They don't. Adjusting his sallet helm and gorget to protect his face, the squirrel takes in a deep breath. If he isn't careful here, John is very aware that he might end up killed - luckily for him, however, it seems the rats aren't all that concerned guarding their rear, not when there's Redwall to sack. The few rats that do straggle behind the rest are individually dispatched by John who has no intent of being 'fair': he stabs most of them in the back with a paw covering their mouths to muffle their surprise. Now out in the open, John curses himself for not reloading the crossbow; he has a perfect clear shot at the rats' leader but there's nothing the squirrel can do in the moment about it. So he does something even more reckless: stealing a cloak from a corpse, John follows the rat group inside banking on the idea that none of them will notice the large bushy tail peaking from under the dark cloth.
LilyMoore scowls when she hears Her Precious Ratship. The Bellringer ducks another swing and slays that enemy, then pauses long enough to shout, "OY, VOICE OF KING UGLY FACE!!" When she has the Voice's attention, the mousemaid beheads another enemy whom Butterclaw had distracted, then points her mother's sword at the female rat, blatantly saying "You're next" without the need for words. The mouse turns and tries to fight down from the walltop to the lawn, intent on battling the rat herself. Butterclaw doesn't seem too thrilled with this prospect, but he loyally follows her.   

Angela curses as the great wave of the enemy enters the Abbey grounds. "Retreat! Take th'triage back by the Infirm steps!" As the Order members obey, the old mouse swings her staff, slicing a rat with the poisoned crystal affixed to the top. It only takes a few seconds before the rat screams and falls to the ground, writhing in agony as the poison takes hold.   

Zarok pounces on another rat about to attack another Healer carrying an injured squirrel, the young monitor lizard ripping out the enemy's throat. Terfil helps carry medical supplies, letting his much larger (and honestly better equipped, what with his big teeth and claws and long, powerful tail) friend defend the Healers. Emyuil is attacking any rats who get to close, a wraith of death, first here, now there, bringing death to his foes with his black sword. Together with Zarok, he works to keep the enemy at bay while the Healers bid a retreat to the stairs by the Infirmary. Nissaya keeps the Infirm running smoothly, trying to keep everyone from panicking.
Adrian had just beheaded another unfortunate rat when Her Rattiness speaks. He levels his blade her direction. "You mean you want to surrender to me? Very well, I accept." Serena looks at the hare like he's lost his mind. When another rat beside the Mouthpiece snarls and says, "No, *you* surrender, Adrian yells, "DEATH FIRST!" And then he launches himself at her group. Yerna, meanwhile, is helping Angela's group get the injured back to the infirmary.   

Log-A-Log glares "I belong ta no one ya slime fur" He stabs a rat beside him who had relaxed, oh well thier mistake. Elbio frowns as he sees rats get in and then this one with the twin blades just looks extra annoying"Uggg....nope not in de mood to be a slave, not taday or any day sorry ta ruin ya day"   

Silverwing mainly getting rats from outside who have yet to come in, hey if there is less rats to get in that's good as the eagle manages to take a talon to about 5 of the fleeing rats and kill them. Another she grabs and drops after getting high up.The eagle caws loudly as other rats run away and looks back to the wall tops.   
Benar grips Gorvenalus' arm and makes himself watch the south wall from his office window, refusing to look away. He is no healer, or warrior but he can watch and let those who glance this way know the abbot is besides them. The force of rats however is well entrenched, as warriors hurry down from the walls to engage them they hold their ground.   

The Voice of his Lordship turns and one of her blades clacks into the Skipper's Javelin knocking it aside. She then turns to look at Lilymoore and holds up a hand. "HOLD!" She bellows, at those around her and levels her sword at Lilymoore, "Step forth then mouse, face me if you dare...."   

The rats shift around to open a passage between the black rat and Lily whilst they press their attacks in against the others, trying to force the abbey defenders back. A group of them trying to over-run the retreating healers but the Log-A-Log's shrews, Elbio's arrows manage to push them back and give the healers time to retreat.   

Sadly for Adrian he is coming from the wrong direction, with the rats adjusting their advance to allow Lily and the Voice to meet he ploughs into a wall of vermin. The rats attempting to raise new scaling ladders are driven back by Silverwing, scattering back to the trees to get away from the eagle.   

Gorvenalus frowns, he takes a deep breath unsure of what to do, just stay focus,,wait and watch for now, let the couple that went out help fight he decides, he speaks "We need to keep hope alive my friend...that somehow Martin is protecting us and watching over his abbey"   

Gaheris can tell as the rat lady keeps shouting he missed. Pity. He'd try again but he's fought his way to a ladder and is busy pushing it off, trying at the last moment to get it to fall on the rats pushing to get through the gate. It's only with that done he has a chance to glance down to the scene below and sees the rats are letting Lily through "Ah 'ell" he mutters. He punches a rat in the face with his sword and kicks them back in to the others before yelling down towards Lily "Don't y'go gettin' in over yah head!"   

Once again John finds himself scrambling to get out of the way - this time the creature being the hare. With another curse the squirrel swings his sword in a large arch, taking several rats off guard; as their bodies slump to the ground - a rat who reacted quickly enough to stick John with a spear point is rewarded with a savage punch to the face with with the squirrel's buckler resulting in a crunch. Luckily for John, the spear-point was foiled by the squirrel's gambeson. With a great leap over the now dead rat, John lands and turns to face the hoard with his sword and buckler raised in a defensive stance. "Ah'm clearly a bloody squirrel, 'are." He shouts as a precaution, not trusting the look in Adrian's eyes as his bushy tail swishes behind him. Bringing up his sword again he quickly thrusts twice, jabbing at the rats to keep them away. "On /Redwall's/ side."
LilyMoore continues her descent of the stairs, gaze fixed on the Voice. She remembers every insult, every word of superiority this rat and the King said. She remembers the injuries sustained by her allies and friends, the threat of enslavement, the fear she's heard from the Order members and Novices. And an anger that she hasn't felt in seasons courses through her.
When the attack had first started, Lily had shot with her sling, but then she had to engage with her sword. She reaches now into her pocket and pulls out a loaded sling. Keeping it in her left paw, she twirls it until it is a hum and a blur. Even though she is right dominant, she still holds the sling in her left paw like she knows what she's doing. Her march becomes a run, and she flings herself at the rat as her anger bursts forth.   

"REEDWAAAALLLLL!!!" Her multi-coloured eyes turn red as she, for the first time in her life, fully gives in to the curse that is her birthright. The Voice was obviously not expecting the fury of the Bloodwrath or the skill the mouse maid possesses, but the rat still is able to defend herself, both swords crossing to block the swing of the mouse as the rat ducks the loaded sling aimed at her head.   

The Healers have successfully retreated to the area of the Infirmary steps, Emyuil, Zarok, and some other defenders keeping the enemy at bay. When she hears her great-granddaughter's yell, Angela looks over at her, guessing what's going on. "Oh, Lily...."   

The rats continue to fight, keeping all the other defenders away from the duel between the Bellringer and the King's Voice. A trio of them hone in on the Skipper as he yells at the mouse (who apparently hasn't heard him). They stab and slice, trying to slay him, or at least keep him away from the duel.   
Silverwing flies around, dives for rats on the wall tops, and drops them off! She decides to grab the top of a rope ladder purposely waits till more rats are on it and flies up with screaming rats and then drops it into the pond, rats basically drown as they are tangled up in the rope ladder! Well thats one way to kill rats, and she grabs another ladder to do the same thing, though a few rats are wise and climb down before its to late but not all of them, a little over half on this ladder also die!   

Adrian is running on pure adrenaline at this point. Not nearly as potent as bloodwrath, obviously, but still useful nonetheless. He crashes into the wall of rats at full force, barely missing the squirrel who is attacking the same group. He doesn't even acknowledge the squirrel, nor even act like he's really registered John's presence. He's entirely focused on cutting down every single rat that stands in his way. Serena, however, hangs back, preferring to pick off rats one at a time with her arrows. And Lee finally catches up with Gaheris, having been caught up at the west wall picking off stragglers on that side. "Oy, Skip!" he yells toward the other otter, "Need some 'elp?"
Log-A-Log steps back as a rat goes to stab at him, the rat is soon beheaded by the shrew and he quickly spins around to stab and injure another rat. A rat then manages to disarm the shrew of his rasiper and knocks the shrew down. Elbio is luckily nearby and shows he also has a dirk with him as he stabs the rat in the back and helps the shrew chieftain up"Bally well too close chap"   

Gorvenalus stays inside by Benar as he watches what goes on and frowns a little, he is just hoping for the best but he is a little worried.   

Gaheris curses as Lily is clearly going to fight the rat. He's not close enough to see the red eyes but he can hear the anger and it doesn't reassure him. He's paying her too much attention though and not focusing on his own fighting enough but there's nothing like a sword slash to the back to draw the attention back. A noise of pain and he turns fast, going to trip the rat with his tail before he stabs them and growls at the others but it's Lee he yells at "Oy! Aye, lend a paw throwin' this lot back out, it's gettin' worse down there!"   

The squirrel doesn't care much that the hare ignores him, nor does he fancy trying to save the (to John, at least) suicidal Adrian. Or the seemly suicidal mouse. Redwallers always seem to be crazy. Instead he moves swiftly back, making his way slowly to the stairs through the fighting horde. Several rats back away from him after he strikes again, but others rush John - with several quick parries and counter-swings, the squirrel continues his way to the wall. Once clear of most of the fighting he runs up the stairs (pushing a rat off in his hurry) and tries to aid the skipper and other defenders atop the wall, starting with bobbing a rat climbing over the ramparts on the head with his hilt.   
The Voice of the Rat King is starting to get worried. She has never met anyone with the fury of the Bloodwrath before, and even though LilyMoore is young, she is skilled and surprisingly strong from all her years of ringing the Abbey's bells. The rat swiftly slices out with one sword as she blocks a strike with the other, then stumbles back in fear as Lily doesn't even register the slash in her side. The mouse swings with her sword and then her loaded sling, screeching a wordless battle cry. The rat blocks the sword, then cries out as the sling belts her on the forehead, driving her to her knees.
Butterclaw is joined by Virginia the rook, leader of the blackbirds. As they attack the rats surrounding the duel, they are joined by some other Sparra and blackbirds, keeping any of the rats from helping their leader.
Angela keeps working, but she is obviously beyond worried about the battle. She can only hope her great-granddaughter comes out of this alive. Terfil runs around with supplies, helping the Healers. Emyuil, Zarok, some defenders and sparrows, and the rest of the blackbirds fight to keep the rats away from the Healers, the mouse and the monitor especially covered in the blood of their enemies.   

Lily sees nothing beyond the red mist save for the rat, who is scrambling away backwards, eyes wide with fear. This may be the first time in her life she's been afraid of a mouse. "No!" she pleads, but the Bellringer advances, teeth bared. She hits the rat on the head again with her sling, then raises her mother's sword. In a single swift move, the Voice of the Rat King loses her head. Lily turns to the rat horde, her back to the now headless body of her enemy. "REEDWAAALLLL!!"   
Adrian is hacking and slashing. He's starting to get surrounded, a potentially deadly position. He swiftly beheads one rat, only to have another take its place. The hare is bleeding from various cuts and slashes, but he's insensate to the pain. Serena has drawn closer, and she's starting to hack down a few rats with her daggers. Over at the wall, Lee flashes a grin at Gaheris, and nods, then turns to take down the rats still straggling over the walltop. "GET OUTTA HERE!" he bellows.
As soon as the Voice loses her head there is silence as Lily screams her battlecry then a horn goes up, a short sound, then another and another, a blasting dirge and without a word the rats start to retreat. Shields up, swords prepared to defend themselves but they have stopped attacking. All those remaining on the walls do the same, stepping back, swords up, shields set, but only defending, covering the retreat.   

Benar leaves Gorvenalus' side as he sees all this from his office, the older squirrel hopping over the window-sill and scrambling down the brick work nimbly. He jumps the last few feet and starts to run, stopping near Angela and grabs the nearest guard, "Tell them all to let them leave... let them retreat."
The guard looks at the abbot in surprise then raises their voice shouting, "The Abbot commands let them leave," he bellows at the top of his lungs, "Let them leave...."   

The rats retreat, pulling back, as soon as they are outside the abbey and the south gate is cleared and secure the abbot hurries up the stairs and watches. The rats' camp is in turmoil, far out in the distant two of the flag poles are lowered by the rats and the entire camp begins to be dismantled. The horns blare once, twice, thrice and then the entire horde of rats begins to leave.   

Benar sags against the battlements and stares at them, "Well they are leaving... but this is not ideal... I fear we have not seen the end of them."   

Gaheris can't even focus on Lily's fight when he's constantly in ones of his own so he doesn't really know what happened or look until suddenly the rats are retreating. One look at the headless rat and he figures it out pretty quickly. He lets them retreat. He follows pretty darn close and makes sure all the ladders are down after them but they need them out of the abbey and right now this seemed to be the best way to do that. Once the walls are clear and the rats are out of the gate he just lets out a deep breath and flops down to sit among the dead on the wall. He just needs a minute to catch his breath.   

Log-A-Log stays where he is, as does Elbio and sits on the steps to rest a little, but he does frown but he and the shrew both listen to the abbot and what the guard says.   

"OI! LEE!" John bellows back, moving to cut down a rat that was raising an ax to strike the otter, "Fancy meetin' y'ere, eh?" Jabbing at a rat who poked his head over the wall to call "/Retreat!/", the squirrel moves forward to push the ladder (and retreating rats on it) off and away from the wall. It takes some effort and he's left winded by the end of it, but manages to block an incoming rat-blade with his right vambrace, following up with a heavy right-hook to the rat's jaw with the buckler. "Feel like th'abbey needs t'rethink it's defenses - /again/." John hisses as he shifts his sword grip to hold the blade in his paws and raises the weapon to act as a mace, "Seems like," He brings down the sword hilt onto various rat's head between his words, "Ev'ry" /smack/, "Oth'er," /crash/ "Bleedin'," /crack,/ "Summer," /whomp,/ "There's," /snap,/ "A bloody," /crunch,/ "Siege." Sp Raising his makeshift mace for the ninth time, he swings it sideways to send one of the last rats flying off the wall top. ""Ah mean, /really/." And then there are no more rats around him - not any that are in any fit state to fight, that is. With a few blinks, he takes in the wreckage around him and the fact the fighting's over. Taking a deep breath in and out, he lowers his sword. "Tha' it, then?"   
Angela hurries after the retreating rats, anxious to get to LilyMoore. Emyuil and Zarok follow hard on her heels, determined to protect her at all costs. The Healers spread out from the Infirmary, checking the wounded, making the more able-bodied creatures help them, and making sure the dead are really dead. Terfil, though worried about Lily, stays beside Nissaya, being helpful.   

LilyMoore turns as the rats leave, her Rage dissipating now that her main enemy has been defeated. She is suddenly weak, frail, and shaking, all the power and strength she had gained from the Bloodwrath completely gone. She stumbles and falls to the ground, darkness enveloping her as Butterclaw twitters at her in alarm.   

Virginia and her surviving birds take off, spying on the rats from above to see what they do next. Angela reaches her great-granddaughter's side just as Lily falls into a faint. She and Emyuil see to her wounds, then bundle her up and take her to the Infirmary.       
Adrian is in the midst of wantonly slaughtering every rat he can find, and he barely registers when they start to retreat en masse. He starts to chase them out through the broken gate, and very nearly would have, too, if not for the paw he suddenly feels upon his shoulder. The buck whirls around. It is Serena. "Adrian... Stop. They're runnin' away. Let 'em go..." Adrian slumps against the wall, suddenly feeling weary. Meanwhile, over near John and Gaheris, Lee happens to be hefting up a big stone over some rats climbing a ladder when he hears the retreat called, and the words from Benar. Regardless, the otter lets the rock drop, crushing the skull of the topmost rat, and sending them all tumbling to the ground. "Whoops, Mate..."
Gaheris doesn't tell Lee to stop, he doesn't really think the rats are gone for good and he feels no sympathy for the ones on the ladder who were trying to kill them moments ago "For now" he answers John's question. That was it for now. Another deep breath and he gets back up again stiffly and with a little flinch as he's still bleeding from a few places "Maybe we should build the place a moat or somethin', eh?" he says to the squirrel as he heads for the wall steps, checking the dead for any injured on the way "For now we better get tha' gate blocked back up again" he sees the rats seem to be packing up camp once they're back to it but he just doesn't believe that it's over.   
"Perhaps." John mutters, tired. Ripping off the cloak he'd taken from a dead rat he uses it to clean his sword. Once the blade is safely put away and the buckler hanging next to it, John unbuckles his sallet helm, taking it off. "Y'lot 'ave a lot o'work ahead o' ye. 'Ow many rats y'suppose are laying' abou' now, ye'd say?"   

Adrian remains slumped against the wall, utterly spent. It takes a few minutes until he finally stirs, and lets Serena lead him toward the main area of the open ground. After sheathing his rapier, the hare addresses the others, "Oy, they'll definitely be back eventually. It galls me, but I 'aven't enough 'ares wi' me t' pursue 'em, so mah paws are tied..." He scowls angrily. The otter over near John nods. "Aye, this ain't th' last we seen of 'em... But at least they're turnin' tail 'n' runnin' f'r now..."   

Gaheris looks around at all the dead rats and over the wall at the ones that survived "Too many left t'cause trouble, not enough dead...I'll take any break we can though. If they're runnin' for now tha's just time t'get ready for the next lot" he's exhausted and eventually he'll get himself to a healer but for now he's off to help get survivors to the healers and block up the gate again.   

With a nod John starts back down the stairs, rubbing his shoulder. "One o' their spears nicked me earl'er, so Ah think Ah'm up fo' tha' t'ave tha' cleaned 'efore infection o'r some such thin' sets in."   

Adrian nods as well. He's just now starting to realize he's got cuts all over. "Well then... We c'n get t' th' cleanup latah, wot. I best go see tha' Angela." He and Serena both make their way toward the Infirmary, whilst Lee instead heads over with the various beasts looking about how to fix up the gate.   

Gorvenalus comes out after a short while to make sure  everyone is inside, he will check on Benar as well and let's the Abbot know he should get some rest, the recorder can tend to some Abbbot duties before bed, then he will write down the events of the day and get some needed sleep himself.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2020-07-08 01:16:35 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Abbey Is Under Attck!-Dibbun Slavers Log

I forgot to include it in my pose out, but LilyMoore will ICly be unconscious until Saturday.  She's okay, don't worry!  It's just that in the books, the badgers always fainted and were unconscious for like a day or so after their first Bloodwrath, and they always needed rest after every time.  I figured that, since mice are so much smaller than badgers, they would need more time to recover.  So DoraRose always needs a day of rest after going Bloodwrath, and Lily will be unconscious for a few days while her body recovers.  But she'll wake up and be just fine smile  Her being in a faint is something most of y'all's chars would know, since many of the Abbey members would probably talk about it 'cause we run them as nosy gossips tongue


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