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#1 2020-07-06 01:27:26 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Gorax and Mistclaw Chat and Make Deals- Dibbun Slavers TP LOG


Gorax- Slaver Master, A lord of his island, pure evil wolverine

Mistclaw-Vixen and slaver

Assorted monitors, vermin  and some woodlander slaves spoofed


A couple monitor's lead the vermin group into the main hall, and into a large dining room. Fancy chairs and a table with lots of food, the servers are slaves, and closely watched at al times "Do zzzzzit down and wait for Lord Gorax to come"

Mistclaw nods as she sits down where told and smiles.She has a group of eats and ferrets, and a couple foxes like herself, a small band of vermin about 15 in total after everything that happen" Well well..maybe i should start my own slave place if they can live like this"
Gorax enters, dressed in fine purple silken robes, some blue silk as well, his otter fur cloak around him as he sits down"All is like this after hard work"He sips some wine and nods for the slaves to serve the wine to Mistclaw and her small crew"And many seasons of being here, but I grow bored and wish to know of the land you come from as one can only grow a fortress so large on an island but to spread to other places or make them pay...taxes to me or regret it, is...a grand plan Mistclaw any issues on the way here?" He knows of some as his own beasts were on the Crimson Tide, The Crimson Tide was his slave ship after all.

Mistclaw frowns but clears her throat"A storm but the brats stayed quiet, it would seem the one shrew I gave you was somewhat valuable for something at least, I am sure you can get her to work or make her work in the infirmary area to keep slaves well and such"   

Gorax sips his ale "I can't make a dead beast so anything"He smirks as he motions over a mouse and hands them a couple of pouches of gold and points to Mistclaw " I am sure it's more than enough for the dibbuns and even a few supplies can be given to you."He sips his wine and smiles again"Maybe another mission for you to earn, more gold"   

Mistclaw coughs up some ale and stares at Gorax "Dead?" She asks "She was not ill or anything....a bit rude as she talked back but she kept the brats quiet at least"   

The wolverine nods "Yes...see I can't have a beast who has...spunk, nor anyone with even a faint chance hope, see I like it better when the spark of hope is "He makes a fist "Crushed....blow out, taken completely over by darkness....that shrew maid clearly ment something to those children...she was thier sprak and I have put if out forever"
Mistclaw takes the gold finally and shivers a little at his words "Oh...yeah ummm, putting out a spark is good" She clears her own throat and sits upAny mission would be good your Lordship, I assume your put the dibbuns I have brought you to work soon?"   

Gorax  nods "Soon yes, and the others my beasts ..found on the way to you."He chuckles" I do like chaos and destruction, this cloak was from such destruction in fact. I even still have one of the otters from this skippers holt..."   
Mistclaw nods, she seems a little fearful of the otter fur cloak, so that's what his cloak is made of...well" Of course ya Lordship,I can even find more young ones for you or even other beasts, and you asked of the land I came from....I use to live in the northeast of Mossflower but then got a group together to look for slaves to sell...sold some to this wildcat once in the northlands then heard of you."   

Gorax nods "More need to hear of me though Mistclaw, fear me for I hold the power of life and death on my, yes my island,the sea for a few miles around it is also mine.I have monitors, weasels who work for me.Beasts have tried to take the island from me and failed, the seals...failed!There use to be 100 or more seals around this place, now they seem to of abandoned it, though...."He smirks and rings a little bell and waits.   

Mistclaw asks, "Seals? "She asks, as she don't remember seeing any, there was a sighting of some sort of large fish but it was too far away to care about."   

A seal is brought in, injured and bleeding "This is a seal, my beasts....found it close to your ship, likely trying to gain food from them"He smirls, he had a feeling maybe a couple seals stayed around, unknowingly there was 12 seals still nearby, as this one soon wouldn't count. He rang the bell again, monitors appeared as the wolverine smirked at the 4 fearsome lizards "Dinner...." The seal never stood a chance.   
Mistclaw ears flatten, ok maybe she shouldn't accept any other missions from this crazy wolverine but seems a little too late now, then she could always claim she be back and just, well, never return.   

Gorax just stays oddly calm"You can assure me, that no one followed you, I would hate to think mistakes were made you see it happen a couple seasons ago, some mole clan came after a ship..the Broken Fang,  let's just say the moles didn't make it back to save their young ones, their boat sank, my vermin made sure no one survived or made it to the island, the mole dibbuns , 3 in total now, are my slaves....some died but so goes life...a slave gets bit violent....dont want to wrk, yes I give them a couple changes and then 3nd time charm you can say....they die...and by the way the crew of the Broken Claw, and the boat itself is no more worry for me"He smiles coldly, its easy to see...both crew died and both boats are destroyed and long gone.   

Mistclaw quickly shakes her head "No no....wasnt followed out to sea." She would of seen something right?   

Gorax stands "Good now enjoy my iland for a few days, then you can be given supplies and seek me out some new slaves and who knows maybe some new land elsewhere "He heads off to do what ever evil things he does on the island.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2020-07-06 10:19:44 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Gorax and Mistclaw Chat and Make Deals- Dibbun Slavers TP LOG


I wouldn't blame Mistclaw at all if she ran away and escaped somehow O.o


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