Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2020-06-29 06:10:09 PM

Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 53

We Claim This Abandoned Boat As Ours!

******* So....I have wanted Keldorn's boat, the small one the vermin stole and had the dibbuns in...yeah that one, To be burned, in fact he told Zolomon to promise him he do that and he agreed, but well the boat is so far....well not for long it's not! *****

The two vermin were just wandering down the river, " So what de we do now, I'm bored and there too many rats close to that abbey place" A fox said.

A weasel with him just rolled his eyes "That's why we are heading this way idiot, we can be sea beasts....woodlanders will fear us Craig"

The fox , named Craig just laughed "Yeah sounds like a good idea...but ummm..we  gonna need a boat ta be sea vermin right?"

The weasel was named, of all things..weaselface, silly named but he looked tough with his daggers over his chest and chainmail armor on."Let me handle that ya fool, its why I am in charge and your not."

Craig nods "Oh yeah of course boss, your de boss...we could like get slaves too right and some right fancy ale and grub."

The weasel keep walking and then grined as he walked over to a bit of weeds and pulls them away "Will ya look at this....."

And there it was, an abanded ship that showed signs of some former fight, a good size for the two beasts and even had some still good food and ale on board, inside there was the makings of a slave ship, this was a dream come  true for any vermin.

Craig smiles "A now we can like sail it to the sea and be  sea beast, right boss?"

The weasel chuckled and noded "Yes..I name this boat The Sea let's go, next stop the sea!"

The trip lasted about a day till they were on the sea and headed left, they likely should of gone left would lead to where the Long Patrol was stationed, not that Weaselface and Craig seemed to care, two vermin on a boat that was stolen and now its...well stolen again..


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