Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2020-06-28 04:54:45 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Helping A Best Friend-LP LOG


Zolomon- Sargeant,Archer, Runner in LP

Keifer- Private and Healer in LP

Xander- Badger , former warrior


Xander has been in the infirm the past almost 3 weeks now and one thing he has failed to mention is the nightmares he keeps having, he groans as he tries to toss and turn but isn't able to very well., "" He grips the blanket in his paw and it's clear he is having a very bad dream right now.   

Keifer picks now to check up on things and frowns, he was never one to wake a beast having a bad dream and he wasn't about to change that, he just keeps his distance unsure of what to really do to help, he wasn't really the hey let's chat on feelings sort, more so not like it since his sister's death.   

Zolomon walks in and frowns slowly going past the healer to lightly touch Xander"Xandy?" He asks softly, worry in his voice, he even felt his forehead.   

Xander was still in the nightmare, the bad dream of waht ever it was and touching his arm was a bad move as he tenses up and goes to grab Zolomon by his collar, a short growl as he only about half awake right now.He doesn't have a fever at least so that is a good thing.
Keifer frowns, his ears flaten"Not wise to wake .....never mind" He seems unsure of what to do, call for help or wait, see what happens as he is not gonna argue with a badger who doesnt know whats going on.   

Zolomon gasps and is very surprised, he gulps and tries to remain calm", ya best friend please buddy...ya having a bad dream or sumthing...your in salamanstron the infirmary"   

Xander growls still and then seems to focus on the voice and frowns coming more awake now, his good eye widens as he lets go of Zolomon "Zolomon?...."He quickly looks around and is sitting up on the cot, a frown and a look at his shaking paw, he snorts and manages to get it ti stop, he looks away now "Did I..did I hurt you any?"   

Keifer steps closer "I told him not ta touch ya, then no one listens to me...well ok sometimes they do, other times nope."   

Zolomon smiles"You didn't hurt me Xandy, I'm ok just surprised me some was all, you were having a bad dream"   

Xander sighs "Yeah, bad dream ....over and over again of Kurgan laughing and me stuck in a bed, never walking."   

Keifer shakes his head "Ok...well ya need ta start prooving de dream wrong then" He walks forwards"We are gonna try and stand...Sargeant go to the other side of him"   

Zolomon nods and gets to where he is told and offers Xander a smile as he waits to see what Keifer plans to do.   

Xander blinks "Stand?" He looks hopeful and he is already sitting up on his own " could....what if I...can't?"
Keifer gently gets the badgers legs so they are over the table and gets on the side Zolomon is not "In order ta walk again, you need to stand and if you cant we try and try again"   

Zolomon grins "Come on Xandy..never say never I always say. I won't let ya fall, you're my best friend"   

Xander nods and lets them get him to the floor, his right leg feels useless but he can move his left as he starts to stumble a little and growls softly in annoyance. "I can't...can't move my right leg, just the....left."   

Keifer manages to move with him as he almost falls, he nods "Well,this is a start at least. Try something simple..move a toe maybe?" He is trying to encourage the badger"And try to move the left leg more so as it can help the right leg if needed"
Zolomon nods in encouragement as he won't dare let his friend fall or do his best not to anyways.   

Xander snorts, the left leg is a little shaky but only from not using it in a while, he grumbles as he about falls again.He glares at his banaaged leg...its bandaged from his knee to his hip.   

Keifer nods"Ok lets not get grumby, your doing good so far, in fact 'ere is an idea ta better incourage ya....if you can least walk..somewhat,even with a cane out of this room, you can have your own room and your son can be in that room with you"   

Zolomon grins "He is right, I will personally have General Q get ya a nice cozy guest room all sorted, nice cozy bed and a bed for little Ozzy too...maybe some books or sumthing too"   

Xander takes a deep breath and tries to at least raise the right leg up but he is still a little weak from the poison. He growls and suddenly is falling forwards and sort of manages to catch himself but he does get a bruise on his arm doing so "Ouch ouch ouch....."   

Keifer frowns as he is not a very strong hare and grumbles,"Wot is hurt?" He asks and waits on a reply.   

Zolomon gasps as he also about falls on his face, he helps Xander to a chair thats right beside the bed " ok Xandy?"   

Xander snorts and closes his good eye, then slowly reopens it limping the couple feet to the chair and frowns as he is helped to sit down"My arm... it's just a bruise its ok...." He frowns deeply" That was...was horrible, I feel usuless!"   

Keifer shakes his head "And ya thought oh boy I shall magically walk right out of here as soon as I can semi stand?" He sighs "It takes..time ta heal and ya were poisoned"   

Zolomon frowns " nice will ya he is...unhappy and this is..hard fer him"
Xander glances at them as he folds his arms over his chest, he looks down at his right leg and glares at it and then takes a deep breath and focus his energy, his will power on his right leg, he frowns and then focuses again and tries the advice...small steps as he thinks...toe....he snorts and then...his big toe..moves, he chuckles and laughs and its a real smile, He tries again and focuses, the toe twitches and moves again "I...I did it!!" And he echos, a frown.."Sorry"   

Keifer frowns and holds his ears, it was quiet and now "Ya did wot...wot he do besides be loud?"   

Zolomon had been watching his friend and grins "Ya!" He smiles and hugs Xander and Keifer whether he wants it or not "His toe moved...kind of jerked and then slowly moved and its great" He smiles "A good, no great sign!"   

Xander smiles, he returns the hug and seems to feel better "Yeah...a good sign...I think, I think I want to eat dinner in this chair" It is rather cozy, a soft chair unlike others"Then you guys can help me back onto the bed...ok"   

Keifer frowns, he is huged and its like its horrible or something, he tenses and errks "Not the...hugging type, hug the badger not me....ack" He scoots away and finally nods "Yes a good start, a good sign we will see how things go you still have a long way to full recovery and may not fully recover to what ya want"   

Zolomon smirks "Oh come on K....ya just need friends is all"He smiles and goes to get dinner for Xander, and himself he wil stay in here and eat dinner tonight.   

Xander smiles, he is happy and eats dinner and a bit better since his mood is better than it has been,"I..I know and its one reason I am laying aside my warrior life"
Keifer hmmmphs "Don't need friends, fine without em"He will go get a couple privates to help get the badger back onto the cot.He is going back to his room.   

Zolomon smirks "Bye K..."He shrugs "K is a bit....well he's odd I suppose.Glad your feeling better Xandy I really am and your recovering, and your soon have your own guest room"   

Xander nods "It be nice to have the guest room..sooner but thats...thats fine"He smiles"Maybe if I can get a cane I can slowly get elsewhere but...well this room"   

Zolomon nods "I can help, maybe Q knows of a cane ya can use...I am sure thar is one or a staff...maybe a staff?"   

Xander hmmms "A staff maybe but a walking staff be best or something like Uncle Oz had"He shrugs, yawns as he is a little tried" You know I like this chair if they can help me into this chair during the day that be nice and help with some...strength back, I could use a good staff to get to another room, he did say I could go slow"   

Zolomon nods "He did , didn't he...I think I will see what Old Q can do for you a walking cane or staff maybe, you ready to get to sleep? I can check on you after breakfast"   

Xander nods "Sure...and that be nice as it kind of gets lonely in here and most I know...well went off to the ship...why didnt you go though?"   

Zolomon replies "They had two sergeants and didn't need a 3nd...and I wanted to help keep you company and help ya get better and recover, your my best friend, we know each other how many seasons?"   

Xander chuckles "A lot....ever since I got free from Jedrick in fact..."He frowns at that memory as well but smiles "You and me were teh first to be members of Mossflower Defenders too...not sure what will happen to that now"   

Zolomon nods "I wouldmt let it worry you too much Xandy and nothing wrong with laying aside de warrior can be rather hard. Mother K and little Ozzy and that Caleb chap will likely be glad your not so much a warrior anymore and you can still be helpful"
Xander smiles "I can mayeb move heavy things still...I can cook, make teas and pottery still are options and I know the abbey charter by heart and rules...ect.You know I could make tea here...well once I can walk somewhat with a staff."   

Zolomon nods "Try ya tea while your here....sounds neat and you could teach a couple hares here ta make it...something differnt be jolly well great"   

Xander smiles "We shalll help me back to the cot, ok"   

Zolomon nods as he goes to get a couple other hares and helps his friend back to his bed, and he will bring him breakfast in the morning and help him back to the chair so he can sit up during the day as well.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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