Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2020-02-08 05:17:19 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 416

A Followup - LP 2/7/20

Mjr. Varus and Rt.Capt. Lucia, hares.

Immediately taking place after Bonetail's failed escape.

"Hmm." Lucia ponders his words. "They've yet to say anything like that about me, so I suppose I'm a bit more expendable!" She laughs, shaking her head. "Anyway, sah, if I may be excused I need a glass of wine aftah that. It was a rathah pitiful end, though - the fight I mean. I was hoping the stoat'd be above hiding blades in his sleeve but I guess not." With a sigh the captain, about ten or so seasons Varus' younger, salutes.

Varus laughs drily. "Eh, well, I retired already. They *re-hired* me." He returns the salute, but follows after the doe. "Eh, well, I figure we're both 'eaded t' th' Officahs Lounge, eh wot. We'll crack open one of Majah Dagda's stash of eldahberry wine from Mossflowah... I nevah tol' 'im I knew exactly where 'e 'id 'em all..."

"Oh?" Lucia raises an eyebrow. "Well, I did heah 'bout that. It was one of the reasons I recently put in a request to be rehired, hopefully to Mossflowah actually. Perhaps Dagda's wine can give me an idea of what I can expect."

Varus nods, as the two hares depart the dank and dark catacombs. "Oh, aye, y' should, y' should. I've read yahr record, eh wot. Tha' business wi' slavah pirate rats 10 seasons ago. Y' handled yahrself well, wot..."

"Bah," Lucia scowls at the memory. "I did, but I can't say it was all that thrilling. Slavahs are all the same. Cowards 'till cornered, like the stoat today. I don't like being able to cut through them like cheese, well, bash might be more appropriate..." She snorts, slinging her mace over one shoulder.

Varus mmms. "Yahr right there," he agrees. "Sorry buncha cowahds. Trade in th' sufferin' o' innocent beasts. Disgustin', wot."

"Perhaps, but still doesn't change a fact they're rathah boring to fight." Lucia shakes her head, laughing at herself. "Wondah what that says about me, considering that's what I seem to care about. Ha!"

Varus ehs. "It means yahr a fightah through 'n' through," he declares resolutely. Looking ahead along the corridor, he sighs. "Finally, th' stairs outta this hole... I've nevah cared f'r th' catacombs," he admits.

Nodding slowly, she shrugs. "I can't argue with that." Lucia says, glancing back towards the catacombs. "I personally don't mind the catacombs, but that's probably because I've spent more time than I should've down there."

Varus harrumps. "Mah parents are down 'ere... As are their parents, an' their parents, an' so on... But mah eldest son is down 'ere, too." He sighs. "'E shouldn't be. Bein' in th' Patrol ain't safe, we all know that... But when it's yahr own son... Puts things inna diff'rent perspective, wot..." He starts to mount the stairs.

That causes Lucia to pause for a moment. "As are mine." She lets out a long sigh, growing weary of the major. "And so is one of my sons. He's more o'h less the reason I've been down there recently. You aren't the only hare to have thei'h perspectives changed horribly. With all due respect sah, of course."

Varus shakes his head. "I'm sorry," he replies. "Yahr... Terrence's mothah, am I correct?"

Pursing her lips, Lucia doesn't immediately answer. "I... am." She says after a time, adding, "But he does what he wants."

Varus mmms, thoughtfully. "I undahstand," he says at length. "Mah son Adrian is too 'eadstrong f'r 'is own good..."

"So I've heard, actually!" Lucia smiles, glad to shift the conversation. "Of course, sah, if it isn't too much of a bothah now I think I might skip out of Dagda's wine." The one-eyed captain says, rolling her shoulders, "Unfortunately that fight seemed to take a largeh toll on me than expected, so I'll have to be off to bed..." With as sigh, she adds, "It really is cleah I'm not as young as I was, sadly... Anyway, goodnight." With a salute she disappears down the hallway, still carrying her mace.

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


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