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#1 2020-02-04 05:25:13 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Final Decision Is Made- LP LOG


Zolomon- Corporal, Runner,Archer in the LP

Zeldove-Archer,Fighter,Private in the LP

Ciocan-Badger Lord (Quinten was on as him)

Quinten- Recorder,General in LP


Salamandastron: Meeting Room
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
Here is a chamber with one singular purpose: that of meeting, obviously. It
is rather large - enough to contain the entire Long Patrol, easily. The
format is simple: rows of benches for the audience, and a podium for
whoever the speaker might be, located beneath the only window in the room.
The room is, otherwise, quite barren, and carved from the rock that is so
customary to Salamandastron.

It has been a quiet week for Zeldove, with no duties to perform or even chores, it isn't a nice thing to be cut out of the routine of the Long Patrol. Now however the call has come down and Zeldove has been picked up by a Sergeant and escorted up through the mountain to the main meeting room.   

Once the Sergeant sees her inside and announces her he steps out and shuts the door. The badger lord himself is sat at the long table set up in the room and Quinten is sat off to one side with quill and ink and paper ready to record.   

Quinten nods with his ears more then anything to a space before the Badger who is busy reading a scroll as, without looking up as Zeldove enters.   

Zeldove frowns but quietly enters going over some things in her mind. Mainly it isn't that bad to talk to him, yeah right she keep thinking to herself...its like ok chat with the major, that's bad enough...but the Badger Lord himself...she is a little nervous and has no clue how some hares around here even get along great with him, she seen him briefly when she first came and then it was more of a hello and welcome and have a good day.   

Ciocan looks up and regards Zeldove, "So Private Zeldove," He says in his deep voice, "I have just been reading the report on your activities... I must say it makes for... quite a story, disobedience, disrespectful and willfully abandoning your duty in an incident that then got several of my hares in trouble afterwards.... it is... not at all the sort of behavior I expect from a member of the Long Patrol."   

Zeldove frowns, she is not sure what to say, and she knows not to be rude...of course she learned that from couple others.She speaks "I'm..sorry. I admit...I did sass..Lt. Greg and called Sergeant Terrence ..bossy ears. And I shouldn't of, it..sort of came out for getting into trouble in Halyard, that wasn't planed and I should of been more careful I was just..."She isn't sure what she was as her ears droop. Moody maybe, she was mad at another hare..Zolomon for not helping her out, but hey she understands now he wasn't supposed to help with a punishment, a normal chore maybe, the dishes cleaning was a punishment not a chore.   

Ciocan leans back in his chair and regards the younger hare and smiles, "Now I am told by the General here that he gave you a copy of the oath you took when you became a private, I hope it has had the desired effect and reminded you why you wanted to belong to the Long Patrol?"   

Zeldove nods "I have read it..and help those in need, be respectful of attention to those in command.And that the Long Patrol is a live long commencement. I admit I need to work on...short temper sometimes, and I promise to. I want to stay in the patrol..even get better at some of the training."   

Ciocan asks, "We all have weaknesses to work on Private," He looks down his snout at her then stands up, "But I do not need a hare who has read that oath, who can say the words, I need hares who can believe in them," He walks around the table and places a hand on her shoulder, "I need hares Private who believe in those words, believe in protecting these shores and our mountain from those who would do it harm, can you be one of those hares? Will you believe?"   

Zeldove watches him closely, maybe a little worried when he stands up but relaxes again, " Yes..of course I believe I can protect the shores..I am a very good archer, tracker and have been improvising with my dirk and sling. I can be brave also..I am a warrior sur and have always been as brave as I can. I know there is always that..chance one could die but one still fights, one still goes on when..."She frowns "When a friend dies. Even in times of trouble one needs to be brave and help others, others on the shore and fellow you if you need it as well"   

Ciocan nods his head and steps back, "Then Zeldove, know that I will be watching you and we do not expect you to repeat your past mistakes, I am also ordering you to take one of our classes that should help you with your rage and anger... I believe you have gone astray but we will work together, all of us yourself included to help you find your way again.   

Zeldove nods, a bit of a smile "So I..get to stay then?" It's clear she was worried.   

The Badgerlord taps his chin then nods, "Yes... I won't throw you out for this Zeldove, some of the sergeants might wish it otherwise. But I will be watching and I am assigning you to Quinten's command. You're on home guard duty, not Long Patrol, it's a lot of sentry duty, helping with leveret and recruit classes, chores... but prove yourself over the next few months, get that temper in check and that save the attitude for vermin and uppity recruits on the practice field and I will let you rejoin your patrol."   

Zeldove listens quietly, "Home guard...I can do that. And I could maybe teach the recruits some archer skills, and of course...other stuff recruits need to learn."   

Quinten looks at Ciocan with a neutral expression then slowly stands up, "Well Private, welcome to the Home Guard," He flicked his ears up and saluted Cicoan, "I'll get her shipshape my lord don't you worry about that," The badger nods his head then turns back to Zeldove, "I expect to hear good things Private, don't disappoint me now," He nods to the General and heads for the door.
Zeldove nods and gives a salute to him, a smile as she is glad she is still in the patrol, even if its for now Home guard..its fine.She also salutes Quinten as she nods to him as well.   

Zolomon is out in the hallway, he had looked at the door a couple times but new better than to venture inside or knock. So he waited in the hallway quietly.   

Quinten walks around from behind the table once the badger-lord is gone, Ciocan leaves the door open indicating the meeting is over as he heads off to his forge. The General looks Zeldove up and down and taps his chin, "Well Private, it seems like you just became my problem," His ears cant forward, "And I don't like problems so if you mean it you'll show me your best foot going forward."   

Zeldove nods"Yes sur...I will listen to you and do as you say. wot ever is needed in the home guard" She will need to learn some of home guard now.
Zolomon watches as Ciocan heads to the forge and peeks in catching some of the talk "Home guard?" He has heard of it,then he has been here longer than Zeldove has.He nods, a salute to Quinten.   

Quinten says, "Well I am glad to hear it Private," he leans back against the table and offers a small smile, "Now I know it is hard being stuck in the mountain, following orders isn't always fun either, but I started out much like you," He flicks his eyes at Zolomon but continues, "I was a private, I got in a lot of trouble, my colonel at the time sent me off on a six season patrol to Southsward and when we got back she offered me the job as recorder and to be a member of the home guard," He gestures, "We are the hares who stay in the mountain, when the patrols march out to battle or to scout, we are the hares who stay home. We are the hares who keep the lights burning, keep the hearth warm to welcome our fellows back and to make sure the leverets are cared for whilst their parents are out patrolling."   

Zeldove nods, "Sounds important sur."She has yet to notice Zolomon, "I am guessing no time off or ..very little anyways, and I get along with leverets..mostly. I can also help cook if ever needed."   

Quinten chuckles, "Oh there is time off, but we still need to maintain discipline even if we are staying in, I will draw up a new schedule for you, training, classes and I'll get you the home guard manual. It is something you will have to learn."   

Zolomon tilts his head "Hone guard Zelly?"Otherwise he is quiet, "I am glad to know your be staying at the mountain and going away"   

Zeldove nods "Of course sur.."She hears Zolomon and smiles, she does a salute to him as well he is Corporal but she stays where she is , for now anyways.   

Quinten smiles at Zolomon, "Yes don't worry about Zeldove, she won't be leaving us anytime soon... I intend to help Zeldove get into shape as a member of the Patrol," He taps his chin, "You will also get to learn some interesting things not everyone gets to learn about our mountain home too"   

Zolomon walks closer and nods, a smile at Zeldove "I am..glad to see ya be able ta stay..I was concerned."   

Zeldove chuckles, she is feeling better and goes to give Zolomon a hug,she then steps back and smiles warmly"Yeah..I am staying, though not so much in a unit..home guard is its own..unit I suppose"She looks at Quinten "Right sur?"
Quinten says, "Yes the Home guard is a unit of it's own Private, admittedly there are not many of us, but I try to keep our discipline up, from the Infirmary chief to the cooks, to the teachers and gardeners, everyone who lives here and is part of the patrol is home guard."
Zolomon smiles at the hug, he nods"Home guard is always here and who knows maybe ya can get some named job or other"   

Zeldove smiles "Maybe...wouldn't know wot and not worried, just need to work on short temper is all and I will, I promise"   

Quinten says, "Well for now Zeldove is in the home guard whilst we see how she performs, if she bucks up her attitude, sorts herself out and listens to some of the things I can teach her, she can request to join a patrol again."
Zolomon nods, "sounds jolly well good sur...thar is one issue to bring up, though the beast has behaved himself rather jolly well so far..."   

Zeldove looks at Zolomon curious and then frowns taking a guess who he is speaking of but listens before she reacts too much.   

Quinten asks, "What beast is that?" He tilts his head, "I've been a bit busy dealing with the private here, I may have missed a memo/."
Zolomon nods "A..stoat sur...the one that"He stops and nods "Had Zeldove captive a couple days, he was with a weasel a couple days ago...weasel is..well its ..dead, the stoat is in the ..cell down by the caverns, been there a couple days.Some of the later trouble though wasmt caused by him..just think some wondered if..his Lordship had plans on wot to do with him"   

Zeldove remembers that stoat but doesn't let it get to her...but she is also curious of plans.   

Quinten says, "Ah well," He taps flicks his ears back, "I really couldn't say what his lordship may have planned, I suspect they will be exiled from the shore at least, under pain of death if they return."

Zolomon nods"Course sur..."He glaces at Zeldove, another smile to her. "So other than that seems a good day then and Zelly is staying, that I say is Jolly good news Q old bean"   

Zeldove blinks, glaces at the General for the nickname, she has stayed where she is seeing if she is to do anything yet or not, find out duties of the day,if any.   

Quinten eyes Zolomon, "I'd prefer if you didn't call me Q bean wot," He shakes his head, "Anyway you two... consider yourselves dismissed, go enjoy the rest of the day and tomorrow I will see you in my office to get started Zeldove."   

Zolomon grins but nods "Course..General Quinten sur" Yes he does use nick names but also full names still.He smiles a day off is good or least half a day off.   

Zeldove nods "I will report before breakfast sur, I promise"   

Zolomon leads Zeldove out of the room and smiles "So that went well..right?"
Zeldove nods "Yes...home guard is still good, and I get to stay"She kisses him on the cheek "I would of missed you had I..had to leave, he said we had the rest of the day wot do we do?"   

Zolomon smiles"Dinner under de stars, in the garden..."
Zeldove smiles as she lays her head on his shoulders "I would like that."She is happy, maybe she isn't in one of the normal units but she is stilll with the patrol, even if its the home guard..maybe she can help out somewhere even more so, but for now she has half a day off.   

Zolomon gets a light dinner in the dinning hall and takes Zeldove to the gardens..a nice dinner, looking at stars and then its time to head inside....tomorrow starts a new day.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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