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#1 2020-01-31 03:39:32 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 416

A Disaster of a Mission - LP 1/30/20

Bonetail, a stoat,
and Jakan, a weasel.
Pvt Dominik,
Sgt. Terrence,
and Cpl. Zolomon, hares.

Bonetail is still in the village, and starting to rethink grabbing the dibbun. One it's loud and two he is not so sure he wasn't seen, his plan...get rid of the dibbun, somehow.

Jakan has arrived in Halyard, and grins "Lovely place to spend a couple weeks, till things cool off elsewhere." He notices the stoat and walks over "So what's a good place to...hang out in Halyard sur?"

Bonetail backs up, "W..what?" Oh it's just a weasel "Umm..tavern?"

The dibbun of course chooses now to wail and cause stares to happen.

Jakan walks over and raises an eyebrow and then frowns "Why would a vermin have...a woodlander's  dibbun, you some friend to woodlanders?"

Bonetail tenses up and then makes a face... "No...some fox had it and I rather get rid of it."

Jakan arches an eyebrow and goes to grab the stoat, pulling him into an alleyway... "Then  get...rid of it if your not some...friend to woodlanders"

Bonetail glares at the weasel and lets him led him to an ally, he lays the dibbun down... "I think the fox killed it's caretaker, no clue why he had...this...too much a target if ask me, for sure here."

Terrence hadn't returned to Salamandastron after coming back to Halyard, and neither did two of the privates from his division. The sergeant and his small squad were looking for Bonetail, striding down the streets in uniform and fully equipped. Many town-goers avoided them, parting to let the hares pass by. Terrence held a paper with a rough sketch of the stoat on it, asking beasts at random if they'd seen him. So far, as they pass by the alley unaware of the two vermin inside, the hares had received very few useful answers, if any.

The dibbun isn't very old at all, somewhere between newborn and maybe 1/2 season old. Not at all dangerous...yet anyways, given a few seasons it could be...a badger cub, a very loud badger cub!

Jakan lets out a growl, he hates woodlander, hates dibbuns and...he has voiced his  views on badgers as he flicks a couple daggers at the dibbun......well one way to get it to shut up as he smirked "Problem solved, if only it was that easy all the time" He looks at Bonetail "Jakan...and you are?"

Bonetail gaps, eyes widen as he watches that take place "But but...ok ya insane, you know how much one of those  can get ya...a lot...raise one to be like your body guard...think of it evil vermin badger..." He  looks around to make sure no one heard much as he motions to just...walk away "Bonetail and insane around here gets unwanted attention from the Long Patrol and they have an over 8 foot tall stripiedog I heard"

Someone had heard. One of the hares next to Terrence stops outside of the alleyway where the crying dibbun was cut off by a whimper.  "Sah?" The private asks, nodding down the alleyway. "I think there's something down there." The sergeant had heard something as well, and he draws his saber. "Greenhill, go see if you can get to the othah end of the alleyway to cut off there escape, just in case." The private who had spoken earlier salutes and runs off down the street and around the corner. "Harolds," Terrence says to the remaining private who is setting a stone into his sling, "Come on." The two advance into the alley and it takes one glance at the dead dibbun and the two vermin for the bespectacled to raise his weapon. "Filth." He hisses, glaring at the weasel and stoat. Then he collects himself, saying in a loud and commanding voice, "Bonetail, surrendah you'h weapons and come quietly - you have my word you won't be harmed. I wish to ask you some questions. Weasel, do so as well. Now."

Jakan truns to look at the hares "Oh goodie, long ears are here...."He then  grins "Wait..uniforms..the long patrol,I have heard about you lot"

Bonetail backs off "I didn't kill the dibbun...the weasel did" He bumps into the wall and then draws forth a cutlass"And why surrender to you? You got your hare back...lost me gold but there is more beasts out there"

"Than you should bloody well do as I say," Terrence fixes the weasel with a long, hard look, "O'h you'll be as dead as that badgah soon." At this point the private named Greenhill found the other exit to the alley, coming down from the other end holding a spear. Terrence glances at her before turning his attention to the stoat. "Well, then, Bonetail, if you didn't kill the poo'h thing that's perfectly fine. But you'h still a slavah, and we cannot allow you to continue. And you can't out run hares, so like I said to you'h friend the weasel," There's a burning hatred in the sergeant's eyes as he speaks, "We will kill you if you don't surrendah."

Jakan chuckles "Kill us? I suppose you hares do that, oh you vermin, kill them" He smirks and doesn't seem too concerned right now.

Bonetail watches the hares closely "You hares have no proof I am a slaver." He stays calm as he  grips his cutlass.

Letting out a long sigh, Terrence gives Bonetail a look that screams really? "I daresay capturing a Long Patrol hare and being complicit in the murdah of a babe is enough fo'h you to surrendah. I just want to ask you questions, really. As fo'h you'h weasel friend." The sergeant nods to Jakan, and Harolds twirls his sling taking aim at the weasel. "I'll say this one more time - surrendah, o'h we will attack. If you escape, we will come fo'h you - and even if you kill us, many more will come fo'h you and in a day o'h a season, you will die hunted and ragged by a hare's paw. I sweah it."

Jakan chuckles an insane laugh "That a promise...long ears?" He grins as he goes to flick a dagger at one of the nearby privates! Hey he is a skilled assassin when he wants to be and he keeps hidden daggers in his sleeves, and his boots.

Bonetail folds his arms "Questions..what sort of..." And then Jakan attacks the hares, a groan escapes the stoat "WHY!?"

The knife hits Harolds in his left shoulder, and the private looses the stone from his sling as he stumbles backwards. The small rock bounces off the wall of the alley - and at the nearly same time, Terrence bounds forward bringing his saber down at Jaken in a powerful and quick blow. "BLOOD AND VINAGAH!" He yells, as Greenhill rushes forward and points her spear at the stoat. "Stay out of the fight, Bonetail, o'h I'll stick you." She looks like she might just stab the stoat anyway, but she hasn't made a move... Yet.

Jakan chuckles as he sidesteps and  does to take a slice at the Sergeant, The hare's blade did clip part of, what was left of an ear.

Bonetail slowly puts his paws up, the cutlas is dropped...for now he is gonna just stay out of this, it's true he didn't want to deal with the Long Patrol, it wasn't his plan to deal with them right now.

Parrying the knife, quick as he can, Terrence turns and thrusts at the weasel's stomach. There's a raging fire in the sergeant's eyes and it is clear his goal is to kill the vermin who harmed one of his privates. Greenhill quickly kicks the cutlas down the ally, giving Bonetail a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "Good boy." She says, keeping the spear turned on the stoat. Private Harolds, in this time, had fallen against the wall and was holding his left shoulder- knife still in it - with his free paw and letting out a low groan.

Jakan goes to block the weapon, just barely and goes to move backwards, He smirks and again goes to swing at the hare with his blade.

Bonetail keeps an eye on the hares, he then snorts he just wander to leave in a boat, thats all and now he is stuck here for now "What ya lot gonna do with me?"

Terrence parries the blade again, bringing his foot up to unleash a powerful kick that only a hare can give at Jaken. The sergeant had been practicing kicking since his bout with Felicity some time ago and he'd gotten quite good. Greenhill shrugs, still keeping her spear where it is. "Interrogate you. Aftah that, who knows? Maybe you'll 'elp find all the slaves you sold, o'h maybe you'll rot in a cell, o'h, hopefully..." She bears her teeth, spitting out the next words, "You'll be executed. But you'll 'ave at least a few more days of life than that weasel does, I think, wot."

Jakan gets kicked in the the stomach and tumbles backwards, the kick was clearly a surprise as he wasn't expecting it from the hare. He bumps his shoulder into the building with a loud yelp of pain and very possibly dislocated it.

Bonetail just glares ever so slightly at the hare maid but he doesn't go to attack her, he stays the way he is, for now a surrender.

As Terrence hears the yelp of pain, he brings his saber up and over the the weasel as if to strike a killing blow - but something stops him. Taking several deep breaths, the sergeant lowers his blade. It's still pointing at the weasel, but Terrence won't kill him now that he's calmed a bit. "I'll give you one last chance, weasel. Are you going to surrendah?" Greenhill relaxes a bit, lowering her spear ever so slightly. "'Opefully this'll be the end of it." She mutters, still keeping an eye on Bonetail.

Jakan is beyond peeved off at this hare, his eyes blaze with hate as he looks at the hare and takes his chance as he moves rather quickly, pulled a dagger from his boot and goes to stab the hare in the chest! "I..HATE..hares too...!"He  cackles insanely as he believes this a win for him, he can succeeded and cause chaos, he can flee in the chaos and who cares if the stoat flees with him or not.

Bonetail frowns, what he is  not going anyways "" His eyes widen at the weasel, what is with this weasel does he have a death wish? He looks ready to bolt now but at the same time there is still a spear near his face.

As soon as the weasel started moving Terrence thrusted out his sword to stab in defense - but even so, the sergeant stumbles backwards, the knife in his chest just beneath the caller bone and a hair away from hitting any major internal organs. "Sergeant!" Greenhill shouts, forgetting Bonetail for a moment and lowering her spear to run toward the officer. Harolds had during all of this been checking to see if the badger cub was alive, but when the shout rings out he looks up, and, with one paw, starts to load a stone into his sling and twirl it with a glare at Bonetail. "You there, stoat - don't run, please. I don't tend to bloody miss."

Jakan chuckles and then a sort of straggled gurgle as the blade from the hare enters his  throat and there is a look of shock and surprise on the face of the weasel as he slumps down to the ground, limp...and very lifeless...

Sadly it looks as if the weasel had succeeded in killing the dibbun earlier.

Bonetail says, "Oh trust me...I am staying where I am..." He does back up a little though, just a little but doesn't run, he looks a little concerned but not for the hare, more for himself cause if one of these hares dies...oh boy he likely has a badger to worry about, a much bigger very much alive one thats likely to get  fairly angry."

Two injured hares and a dead dibbun for one dead weasel. Perhaps the most disastrous action Terrence has lead so far, but he hadn't the time to think of that yet. "Private," He grunts as he falls against the far wall, sliding down to sit on the ground next to his fallen saber. "Make sure the stoat doesn't get away." There's a moment where Greenhill looks as if she'll ignore the order, but she turns, taking a piece of rope from atop a nearby barrel and approaching Bonetail with it. "I'll bind you'h paws. We'll toss you in the brig fo'h the badgah lord to decide what to do with you, 'opefully." Harolds, who had carefully taken out the knife in his own shoulder and bandaged it, comes over to do basic first aid on Terrence to stop outside bleeding. The knife remains were it is, as the healers in the mountain should be the ones to deal with it. "Come on, sah." The private says, pulling the sergeant up, "We have to get out of here." Before trying the his paws, Greenhill looks at the dead badger briefly and then looks back to the stoat. "Carry that poo'h dibbun, would you? Least you can do is 'elp give it a propah burial, wot. We'll leave the weasel to rot."

Bonetail backs up and bumps the wall, "I will come..quietly..and carry the..." He gulps "It was not my idea...I was gonna sell it to this beast I know...badgers are worth a lot and one that age would of...could of been trained to day attack ya stupid hares"

Greenhill just prods the stoat with her spear, ignoring his babbling. "Yeah, yeah, wotevah. Just get a bloody move on." Harolds, helping the sergeant walk, scrunches his nose at the dead weasel. "I can't say you'h friend was very wise, Bonetail." Looking very pale and glossy-eyed, Terrence just looks over at the stoat with a very, very annoyed look. "Oh, and word of advice?" Greenhill adds, poking Bonetail's tail a bit more harshly than before, "I'd not insult you'h captahs, if I were you, mate."

Bonetail just follows the hares, they likely can bury the dibbun on the beach, then he has to get an unwanted cell, but he  doesn't fight back, he  listens to the hares least he end up like poor dead Jakan.

It had been a long day for Terrence and the two privates that came along with him. The spear wielding private Greenhill stands behind the stoat bearing the dead badger cub in his arms. Private Harolds, wounded in the shoulder, is helping Terrence walk down the beach - the sergeant is in bad shape with the knife left in to stop the bleeding below his collar bone. Pale faced and bleary eyed, the bespectacled hare gives a grimace as they near the mountain. "Hopefully somebeast'll see us..."

Bonetail walks slowly, ever so slowly. Some beasts dream of seeing this place, vermin may want to try and take it over...the stoat?...Looks at it in fear right now " know we can..lots of sand for a grave here...and there...and over there too"

Dominik had decided to head outside to the beach for a walk, to clear his head. He had informed Felicity where he'd be going so she was aware, since she'd been put in charge of his welfare, and so the giant arctic hare is sitting in the sand, staring out at the horizon as he tries to get in a bit of relax-time. All that goes out the window however when he first hears the small group approaching; his hearing tended to be better than his sight...and so Dom's head shifts in that direction. As the group finally appears, Dom catches the scent of blood on the air, and he recognizes most of the group almost immediately. He knew Terrence had gone back to the village after they'd returned with Zeldove the previous day, and so he was aware that he would be returning soon more than likely. Pushing himself up to his footpaws, the large hare jogs quickly in their direction, concern etched upon his features as he approaches. "...sir?" His voice booms out as he gets nearer.

Seeing the big white hare, Terrence manages to raise a paw and give a weak wave. "Don't kill the stoat, please." He gets out, as Harolds gives him a look. The private calls, "Oi, Dom, mind getting some healahs fo' the two of us? In bad shape, here." Greentail laughs at the stoat, shaking her head. "No, not yet, buddy. You're gonna carry the poo'h thing all the way."

Bonetail frowns, seeing the  tall...large...white hare, he seems to freeze up, looks ready to bolt or run even, he gulps as he just sort of stands where he is.

Zolomon sighs, he needed air also after trying to talk to Zeldove and getting no where...basically a crying doe, not the best thing and he failed at cheering her up and with good reason if seemed as he looked at a paper, and frowns, he looks up and frowns more "Wot..the?!"

Dominik pauses to examine the situation in front of him. The fact that it is requested he not kill the stoat that is with them strikes him as rather curious, and for the time being he doesn't get to ask why exactly as Terrence requests aid from the healers. Bonetail gets a quick glare, but noting the injury seems to be serious, Dom turns and quickly hurries away towards the mountain without a word to retrieve the healers and bring them back down to the beach. He is quite fast for his size, and soon enough is returning with a couple of the healers from the infirmary, who he's gotten to know quite well over the past season or so.

Giving a thankful smile to Dom when the healers arrive, both Terrence and the private Harolds are taken in to treat their respective wounds. Greenhill, the only remaining private, gestures to Bonetail with a sheepish look to Zolomon and Dominik. "The sarge wanted to ask this slavah a few questions - like were he sold the previous beasts, and where. The badgah cub..." Her face falls, "The poo'h thing was killed by the weasel who injured the othahs. Terrence killed him, though, so no need to worry 'bout that monstah."

Bonetail gulps again and stumbles backwards almost dropping the dibbun. He stays sat in the sand and just watches the hares, not moving for now.

Zolomon frowns, he then nods "Then Sergeant Terrence needs to be in the infirm, Dominik can carry him if needed..." He looks at the stoat and folds his arms over his chest "What of the stoat though?" He looks at Terrance as if he wants to update him on one other thing but it can wait for now he decides

Dominik watches Terrence and Harolds being led back to the mountain, and once they are safely inside, the massive hare slowly turns back around to regard those now left on the beach, i.e. Greenhill, Bonetail, and the newly arrived Zolomon. Dom listens quietly to Greenhill's explanation, staring at her as she speaks, his face an expressionless mask as he takes in the information. As she finishes, his gaze slowly shifts to Bonetail, the hare recognizing him from the previous day down at the docks. "This vun..." he replies, his voice a quiet rumble, like distant thunder on the horizon as a dangerous storm approaches. He points a paw at Bonetail. "...this vun vas at docks, yesterday. Vas vun who took Zeldove," he states. "Vat did I tell you vas going to happen if I saw you again?" He takes a step closer to Bonetail, glowering down at him in his most intimidating fashion. Just then, as his eyes fall upon the bundle Bonetail is carrying, Green's words seem to strike him at the same time. His eyes lift to regard the stoat, that building thunder within getting closer and closer. Slowly, the hare's ears fold back against his head, and his paws close up into tight fists. His jaw clenches, eyes narrowing to slits as he gives out a command to Bone. "Let me see." He lifts a paw and points at the bundle. "Now."

Bonetail is now visably shaking as he gulps "I...I didn't do it..t..t..the weasel did....he also  attacked the others..I wo..wouldn't of...I was just go gonna sell it" As if selling it would of been better, then again maybe seeing as it would of been alive and right now the  dibbun is very much dead. One thats maybe 1/2 season old it seems.

Greentail's eye widen in alarm, and she steps partially in front of the stoat. "Now, 'ang on, Dom!" She turns to Bonetail, holding out her arms. "I'll take them, now." As Sergeant Terrence passes by Zolomon, he nods. "Corporal, please make sure Dom doesn't kill the captive- he's name's Bonetail. You're in charge now...make sure the stoat is put in a cell..." He coughs, and is dragged inside to the infirmary.

Zolomon listens as the stoat speaks "Weasel?.." He watches the Sergeant be taken inside and edges forwards a little to where the stoat is and frowns. He looks at Dom a moments before looking back at the stoat wondering what is to happen next, everyone knows Dom and how he is protective of dibbuns and the stoat with a dead one?

Dominik's ears give a twitch as Bonetail stammers and sputters his excuses, the hare's expression now icy cold and stony, that murderous rage that had adopted the name Erg beginning to bubble beneath the surface. The hare's icy eyes are on the verge of shifting into a gaze that no one likely ever wished to see, and he watches as the small bundle is handed over to Greentail. " Dibbun?" he asks her, his voice cracking a little as he attempts to keep it calm and steady. A little shudder goes through him, and the large hare's teeth are bared as a low growl begins to rumble deep within his chest. His heart begins to pound, paws still clenched tightly enough at his sides that if possible, they'd be even whiter than they already are. He turns back to Bonetail, and he takes a step towards him. He reaches down with those large, spadelike paws, and grips the stoat tightly by his shoulders as he slowly lifts him up so they are eye to eye. He holds him this way, just staring holes right through him.

Bonetail whimpers and drops the dibbun to the sand as Dom grabs him and looks him in the eyes, he shivers and looks ready to fact he does faint, the  what he views as ghost hare is likely looking into his very soul...maybe.

Zolomon steps a little closer "We can put him in a cell...his Lordship can deal with the stoat, we may need info from the stoat still"

Greenhill shows the big hare the body, looking grim. "First we need to burry this one... Dom," She asks, fear of him clear in her eyes, "Do you want to 'elp?" Glancing at Zolomon, she adds, "Certainly, Corporal. I say we-" She cuts herself off as the stoat passes out in Dom's arms. Personally, she'd rather the stoat die. "Well..."

Dominik's eyes shift over towards Green as she shows him the slain little badger, and he stares down at it for the longest time, his heart breaking right in half, his expression showing his grief as his muzzle twitches at the corners, teeth clenched within his muzzle as soft sounds of both distress and anger mingle within his throat. "...mnnn....mrrrm...." His eye begins to twitch, his gaze returning towards Bonetail who is still held tight in his grip. His paws squeeze tighter on the stoat, and then he sees that he had seemingly passed out in fear. This does not really help matters much, and so with a distressed growl of frustration, the large hare tosses him down to the sand with a bit of force. Luckily it is sand and it cushions the fall, though it sends up a cloud of sand as the stoat lands hard. Still trembling with his pent up anger, Dom's eyes fall back on Green as she requests his help to bury the Dibbun. He gives her a single nod, before he turns and trudges off towards a spot that would be good to bury the poor little badgercub.

Zolomon looks at the stoat and then where Dom and Greenhill go and catches sight of one of the sentries "The stoat needs in a...cell" The sentry nods and then Zolomon goes to follow the other two beasts to where the dibbun will be buried.

Picking up the dropped body, Greenhill, still wary of Dom, follows after him at a slight distance. "How 'bout 'ere?" She offers to an out of a spot above the tideline. "I wish we knew its name..." She mutters, looking down at the dibbun.

Dominik comes to a stop as Greenhill suggests a spot. He stands there with his back towards the doe and the deceased badger cub she is holding, the large hare still seething and desperately trying to find a way to contain that anger that has build up within his chest. He very easily could slip back into the Erg persona at any moment, though he is hanging on by a tentative thread for the time being. Slowly he turns around, certainly noticing that Greenhill seems to fear him, and so he does his best not to take out any of that anger on her. He moves to the indicated spot, and begins to dig with his paws. The more he digs, the more sand flies, the hare taking some frustration out that no time, there is an adequate hole there in the sand for the badger to be placed in. Dom climbs out, then stands there near the hole, staring down at it with clenched jaw and narrowed eyes, his arms folding against his chest.

Zolomon stays right beside Dom, he may be a bit worried but he doesn't show it, he was left in charge so in charge he will be. He keeps an eye out for trouble along the beach . He watches Dom quietly and speaks calmly "The vermin who did this...was the  dibbun can rest in peace now."H e slowly reaches out to lay a paw on Dom's arm, if he is allowed, to just assure him a friend is there.

"Do eithah of you 'ave a good cloak o' something to wrap him in?" Greenhill asks, settling down on her knees next to the grave. She's avoiding making eye contact with Dom, as she's still scared of him. "I don't won't to just leave the body exposed to the... sand..."

Dominik reaches down and tears off a good-sized strip of cloth from the bottom of his tunic. It seemed to be a more than adequate size to wrap the Dibbun in, and he holds it out towards Greenhill. Once she takes it, the large hare fixes his gaze down on Zolomon as he reaches out to touch a paw to his arm, and a soft word is growled. "Don't." It seems he is not in a touchy-feely mood right now, especially with someone who had, until recently, been on Dom's 'dislike' list. Despite this, he does not step away, his eyes focusing back on Greenhill and the badger cub, and he merely stands there and watches as she prepares to bury the cub in the sand...likely far away from its parents, and its home. The least he could do was remain here, watching over the fallen cub, feeling both angry and completely helpless at the same time.

Zolomon stays beside him but  takes away the paw and just nods. He sighs sadly and goes quiet, a glance at the mountain as he frowns, he has yet to update the Sergeant on other recent news, well it can wait for now.

Greenhill takes the cloth and carefully wraps the badger cub in it and gently lowers the body down. She doesn't say anything when she stands back up, turning away from the grave. "I think..." She starts, quietly, "I think I'll 'ead inside now. Today's been enough fo' me."

Zolomon speaks "I will get Dom inside, check on Sergeant Terrence and I will be in soon to talk to him, need to give him a report" He frowns "Not that he wants to but he knows Lt Greg already knows of the report, and Terrance was away at the time.

Dominik's eyes fall on Greenhill as she finishes burying the cub, and at her words, he gives her a curt nod. The large hare, however, was planning on remaining there in that spot for as long as he was able. At Zolomon's words, Dom gives him a dangerous look and a soft growl that says 'I am staying right here'. And so he does, keeping vigil over the unknown badger cub's grave, the large buck standing guard as he stares out at the horizon.

It had been quite difficult to properly treat Terrence's wound as the knife was close to several major arteries. Luckily the sergeant hadn't bled out by the time he was brought in, though it was touch and go for a little while - he pulled through however and, several hours later, awoke. Bandaged heavily around his chest and one his right shoulder, it will be some time before he can get up again. So he lays in his bed staring up at the rocky ceiling.

Zolomon walks in and over to the bed, a quick sultan... "Sur..." He says quietly and waits for a reply. He glances over at a bed in the far side of the room, likely the sleeping Zeldove and frowns a little.

"Corporal..." Terrence mutters, "Can't say I was hopin' you'd be the first face I'd see waking up, but..." He jokes, giving a weak laugh that turns into a cough. With a groan he sits up ever so slightly to get a better look at Zolomon as he takes in several deep breaths and says, in a stronger voice, "So, what brings you here?"

Zolomon replies first with "To check on you sur, then will..let Sergeant Felicity know how ya are..." He is silent and speaks "And...a matter that  came up, you need to know of sur, me and Lt. Greg got the....notices, I was looking for you when...well saw ya injured so...waited"

Terrence squints at Zolomon. "Notice of what?" He lets himself fall back down to look up once again at the stoney roof. "I assume from your eh," he lets out a cough, "Expression it wasn't good news, was it?"

Zolomon frowns... "No...but who knows how it will...go, never know" He pulls it out and clears his throat "Should...I read it or did you...wanna?"

Holding out a paw Terrence sighs. "I'll read it, don't worry. Before I do what's the main point of it? At first I thought someone died, but that's clearly not the case... Meh." He coughs, again, "Just hand it ovah and I'll find out."

Zolomon frowns, he hands it over and sits down, likely the General didn't write it, Likely Lord Ciocan himself did. "No one died...thank goodness...well you almost did, but you didn't"

"No indeed..." The sergeant observes, taking the paper and reading it over. There's a long time before Terrence speaks again. "So..." He begins, quietly and carefully, "Zeldove is relieved of duty - temporarily, of course." Closing his eyes and letting the paper rest on the bed he sighs. "Thought that might happen..."

Zolomon sighs, "She is worried she will get kicked out...told her I didn't think she would, she asked if Ciocan ever...kicked anyone out, I mentioned one hare and that one hare was banished...course Hanzi did kill a fellow private, tried to kill...a" He clears his throat "Became friends with the enemy and other issues..."

"Yes, yes," Terrence says, waving his left paw lightly. He'd been hearing quite a bit about Hanzi recently. "I'm rathah certain she won't be kicked out, no. But ultimately that's up to the brass and the lord, and honestly who knows what they think sometimes..." He coughs, shaking his head. "I spoke too much, forgive me. Zeldove should be fine, once she gets ovah he'h attitude."

Zolomon nods "I am...not sure how to help with short tempers, My grandfather supposedly had a real bad one"

Terrence laughs, which turns into a fit of wheezing. After he gets that under control he nods. "Indeed... Though I imagine she's not fit to return till that short tempah is at least somewhat undah control. Apparently deep breaths help somewhat, but they nevah much affected my fathah..." He scrunches his snout.

Zolomon frowns, he nods "Yeah...." He stays seated thinking on something but its not clear what.

Eyes remaining closed, Terrence mutters, "Of course even if she has a bad temperament it doesn't exactly hold a candle to Dom." Shifting and opening his eyes, he says, "Perhaps Dom could help he'h?"

Zolomon arches an eyebrow "How can Dom help..Zelly?" He clears his throat "Sorry I was....quiet, was just know who the private was Hanzi....failed to kill, but almost did and likely would of if his Lordship didn't show up at the time."

"Dom somehow's managed to get his angah reigned in, so he might know something..." Terrence offers, doing his best to give a shrug. "...And no. I don't recall who the private was, Zolomon."

Zolomon says, "Me...and think a..Rudford...or other was thar too, at the time...he almost slammed Hanzi face with his cms away" He decides to change the subject " with you being is in charge? Me...Lt. Greg...both?""

Terrence lays his head back down, letting out a breath. "Ah, I see." He mutters, bringing his left arm up to cover his eyes. "The lieutenant, corporal." he says, flatly, in answer to Zolomon's question, "He's always been the one in charge when Majah Jinora's not around. I've been answering to him this entire time."

Zolomon nods "He likely heard about this, think Lord Ciocan heard too...not sure wot he plans to do with the stoat...I have not heard...he seemed more concern about you...which makes since...I will have to update him and let him know you're awake, then he is likely in bed and so not gonna  knock...he seemed...grumpy earlier" Probably 'cause there is a stoat to deal with.

"The stoat needs to be questioned." Terrence replies, "I didn't get myself stabbed to not interrogate him. Aftah all, he did surrendah without a fight..."

Zolomon nods "Right...I am gonna let you rest sur...goodnight" He then slips out, but before he does he does check on Zeldove and then he slips off and on to bed himself.

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#2 2020-01-31 04:41:49 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: A Disaster of a Mission - LP 1/30/20

If a Dibbun's in danger....who ya gonna call?

Sorry, I couldn't resist xD

Last edited by BlisaMarshmellow (2020-01-31 04:42:07 PM)


#3 2020-01-31 10:02:03 PM

Registered: 2018-10-28
Posts: 56

Re: A Disaster of a Mission - LP 1/30/20

That is actually not far from the truth, hahaha. If he hadn't been warned first thing when Terrence got back, ol' Bonetail's name would have ended up literal. wink I was joking that Dom needs a new Blorg...hahaha wink But yes, he was not a happy camper when he found out they murdered a Dibbun. He's more than likely still outside standing near the grave til someone goes outside to get him.

“You will find joy, frustration and sorrow in your quest. Never forget that friendship and loyalty are more precious than riches...Happiness can be brief, but it knows no time in the land of dreams.”

Owner of: Monty, Dominik, and Grau


#4 2020-02-01 02:28:04 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: A Disaster of a Mission - LP 1/30/20

So Felicity needs to go out to get him tongue

If we can't RP that today, Dom and I can just say she went out to get him at some point and somehow managed to convince him to come inside. smile


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