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#1 2020-01-24 08:10:06 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The Old Hare Still Can Kick Vermin Butt!-LP LOG


Old Major Pete- spoofed by Zolomon- Pete is a Retired Major/Fighter in the Long Patrol .now Sentry and History/Reading/Writing teacher

Zolomon- Archer,Runner and Corporal in the Long Patrol

Zeldove- Private,Archer and Fighter in the Long Patrol

Two Stoats- Spoofed  by Jakan


Halyard Tavern: Main Room
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Tavern ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Warmly lit by torches along the walls and lanterns set upon the many tables
scattered around the room, the main room of the Halyard Tavern is an often-
populated area. One corner of the tavern is taken up by a stage, about a
foot or two higher than the rest of the floor, where live entertainment
performs, while circular tables, both large and small, are set up in front
of the stage, spreading out into the center of the room. Meanwhile, around
the perimeter of the tavern, booths are set, and, of course, the obligatory
bar rests against the far wall, a bartender or barmaid always on duty.

A rather old hare was sit at one of the tables, it had been a long while since Old Major Pete was out and about the mountain. He was usually seen on sentry duty, a LOT..or maybe teaching a history class. He also taught a reading and writing class.Today he decided to use one of his days off to come to the village and have a couple drinks and a meal.He was in normal street clothing as well.

Zolomon stepped into the tavern and smiles "See i told ya I would get some time off and you would as well, and I did promise you a date did I not Zeldove?"   

Zeldove nods "You did sur" She sits down "Training has been extra rough lately, I rather shot off some arrows that practice dirk and dagger and sling over and over again till my paws hurt"   

The tavern was not only for the hares, and the hares didn't come as often as they use to come.Some vermin had taken notice and the two close by whispered to one another and pointed to Pete, one just chuckled and seemed to find what ever they talked about as being a good idea. There was already 6-8 mugs of empty ale on the table, and they had 2 fresh ales.   

Old Major Pete looked over towards Zolomon and Zeldove and just rolled his eyes. He has himself an ale and some sort of fish dish.
Zolomon nods "That's true but de Major wants us in top shape, as does the sergeant..ready for any signs of danger, anywhere or anytime"   

Zeldove chuckles "Like there is danger around every corner, how are we ta be ready for danger if we are too tried from all the super training mood?"   

The two vermin are stoats, one grins and the other nods as they get up and head right over to Old Major Pete and the taller one seems in charge "If it isn't an old hare..come ta eat at de tavern" The other stoat chuckles "Yeah, frail too....maybe we should help him by ending his suffering permanent like"   

Pete just looks at the two stoats and sips his ale quietly as if they are not in the least bit bothering him" I am having a fair evening, it would jolly well be better if you two skip away like good chaps, hmmmm?"   

Zolomon chuckles and shrugs as he orders an ale for them both and looks the direction..Old Major Pete is and frowns "Ohhh that could go..badly"   

Zeldove sighs, she blinks and looks the direction Zolomon is and frowns "We need to go help him, he needs help"She goes to stand up, a dirk at her side that she lays a paw on, ready to fight these stoats.
The two stoats just chuckle as they stand on either side of the old hare" sorry old coot, but..ya see...we were in de tavern first ya know"One takes a bite of the hare's fish "Nice, maybe too much salt for the poor old hare though"   

Old Major Pete glares at the stoats, and clears his throat "Ya chaps best leave. Not wise to provoke a retired LP hare don't ya know,now move along and we can forget we chated"   

Zolomon watches from a distance and speaks to Zeldove "Sit Private Z...he isn't in trouble"Seems Zolomon knows more of the old hare than she does.He takes a drink of ale and stays where he is, but he can get up if it's needed but he doesn't think it is, yet anyways.   

Zeldove frowns but sits, but she is still very much alert and ready to go help "But..he could get hurt, they could...wot do we do?"   

Meanwhile the two stoats seem to find it funny "An old Long Patrol hare..ha ha ha..."..then other "Retired? So no longer useful..such shame...and easy to slay" He goes to stab him with a hidden knife.   

Pete remains still and then his paw shoots up and he grabs the wrist, he wrists the wrist of the stoat and stands, his leg kicks him hard, the other paw he shoves the other stoat to the floor and stands over them both with his staff he was using to, seemly help him walk.   

Zolomon grins as he watches "See lass, no need to be concerned just stay alert..just in case they have friends."   

Zeldove lets out a surprised gasp, ok one doesn't see that sort of thing every day.She stay seated but also very alert, a glace around to see if others are watching as likely they are, but just for a show or something worse.   

The one that seemed in charge looks like he is in pain as he drops the knife to the floor and tears form, "Your fingers....."He falls backwards to the floor as he is kicked in the chest.The other stoat just looks wide eyed as he is shoved into a table, lucky the table is not broken, nor any bones of the stoat.   

Old Pete just smirks "Don't think just cause I be old..I be fragile and easy to..wot was it..slay?" He looks to them both"Now..get"   

Zolomon just watches and holds back a chuckle, somehow he doesn't laugh out loud. Some of the tavern beasts seem impressed, a couple decide to move elsewhere.   

Zeldove blinks, ok she is impressed too " about skilled..I like him"   

One stoat stands and bolts, tripping over a chair and breaking the chair, he just stands, limps and keeps going.The other stoat scoots back and stands up, a frown forms..a mutter sorry and he goes to find his fellow stoat.

Pete snorts and looks over at Zeldove and Zolomon "Wot ya young whipper snappers looki' stoat was annoying" He gets some fresh ale and scoots away the dish of fish.   

Zolomon walks over and sits, motioning Zeldove to join them "I say Old are de best thar is at times, good ta see you enjoy some time away from the mountain old chap"   

Zeldove shrugs and sits by them "That was..fairly neat sur"   
Pete just shrugs "And they wonder why I like to stay at the is better too at home and I was one of the top fighters mainly sentry and teach history, and history be important remember that, both of ya"   

Zolomon says, "Well ya can go back with me and Zelly..after Dinner..Wot ya say?"   

Zeldove nods "Yes as we are supposed to not walk back and forth alone after all"
Pete nods,"Then we go now..come along" He doesn't wait for a hey wait or a one moment, he is off so they best catch up.
Zolomon frowns and sighs, finishes his ale and goes to follow, so much for a dinner date with Zeldove "Come on Zelly..need ta catch up with Old Major...oh good grief he walks fast for an old hare!"   

Zeldove chuckles " run fast why ya concerned..Zolo..."She smiles"Come on now...let's get back to the mountain,"   

Pete leads the way "Come on ya two..walk 2..3..4...come on!....there is a pie I..."He grins "Saved from the kitchens, i will share it with ya two...a nice 3 berry pie with mellow cream and honey on top of de crust...."   

Zolomon smiles and makes sure they all 3 get back to the mountain safe and sound.
Zeldove chuckles at the saved the pie thing as she just follows "I can get us some ale from de rec room..ale and pie sound like a nice snack"   

Pete nods "Course it does..course.."He gets the two inside...pie and ale is had and then some chatting before its time to get some sleep, then back to training in the morning!!

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2020-01-25 02:21:52 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380


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