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#1 2020-01-02 09:40:34 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The Blackrose is No More-Tenderfoot LP Adventure Log

This log happens right after this


The island was quiet and it did seem the slaves were gonna get lucky, but nothing is ever that easy.Freedom isn't just won by simply walking out, they were lucky enough to get this far. Out in the open area of the hidden cavern, two guards are still at the entrance to the cavern and have yet to know something has happen.Meanwhile inside the leader of the Blackrose has surrounded the escaped slaves as well as Elbio as she smirks "This will be enjoyable since it seems you want to fight, fine then..fight and die,all of you"

Elbio looks around, the small group of rabbits look to him as if to ask what now, some of the bravery they had is fading, but the clan leader seems to nod"It's our home feline scumbag, not yours"

Seemingly, out of nowhere, a slung rock suddenly ricochets in the direction of Kalypso's paw. "-We- got some words for ya, an' they sure as heck ain't gonna be our last ones. Well, actually it's just one word....EULALIAAAAAA!!!" With that, the small yet incredibly feisty hare known as Montgomery appears at the entrance, a grim expression upon his face as he whirls a sling in one of his paws. He lets the second stone fly, as he charges into the fray! "BLOOD N'VINEGAAAR!!!

Montgomery isn't alone. Is friend, one Corporal Adrian Swiftbuck comes into view behind him, brandishing his trusty rapier. "Blood'n'vinegaaaaah!"

Kalypso smirks and then suddenly there is two more hares as she hisses, just as she was about to end the life of a slave the rock hit her blade, she glares at the hares and smiles "Oh good...I was so hoping I wouldn't have to go far, now I can take off your heads, no worries I will make sure the badger gets them, gift wrapped!!"She goes to slice at Monty as he gets closer, the rest of the slavers, about 2 dozen look at each other and then get ready to charge.

Elbio smiles wide as he nods, the sight of more hares get the slaves more brave as they charge the slavers as well, seems both sides are fairly well even in numbers, though there is some more vermin inside who come out to see the noise and then join in on the fight as well.

Monty lifts his sling and attempts to wrap it around Kalypso's paw as he dodges to the side to try and avoid the slice of her blade. Giving the sling a hard jerk, he attempts to get Kalypso to drop her blade, also tugging her in close so she is nose to nose with the impudent young hare. He grins. "Y'sound so confident, cat. Kinda how th'marten sounded, two seconds before I lopped 'is head off at the neck..." He is definitely encouraged by the hare slaves who join in on the battle, and Adrian appearing also gives him a huge boost of confidence. "Take care of th'guards, Adj, I got this one..."

"Right-o, Mate." When the two bucks work in concert they're a force to be reckoned with. He advances on the guards, one of which looks visibly terrified, though he keeps his weapon raised. The other one isn't as easily rattled, but Adrian can't resist taunting them. "You look scared, mate... Why don' ya run away, back t' yahr momma?"

Kalypso glares and blocks the attack with her blade, "Your gonna die..I have killed a hare before..."She glances at Adrian, has she seen that hare before? She is not sure. Meanwhile the Blackrose slavers fight the slaves mostly, one slave dies but it seems the slaves have managed to end the life of about 5 rats and it has caused them to become braver in fighting the vermin.

Elbio grins "Ya two have de best timing!" He starts a fight with a fox and has gotten a lot better using his saber, he still has yet to find his longbow but he can worry about that later, heck he could make a whole new longbow if needed.

Monty gives a fearless laugh as Kalypso brags and seems so sure about their deaths. "Y'think that's the first time I ever heard that, cat?" he smirks. "Take a look at me. Y'see half my ear's missing? Y'wanna know -why-?" He tugs on his sling as Kalypso avoids getting her sword pulled away, and he takes a step back from her. He is lacking a real weapon aside from the sling, and so he drops it and lifts his paws. May as well go with what has always worked best. "Bloody toads, that's why. Y'ever have to deal with a whole horde o'the slimy things?" He steps in and aims a left hook at the cat, at the same time trying to avoid her counterattack. "You an' yer mangy crew aren't a drop in a bucket compared t'what I've had t'deal with in m'life..." The hare frowns, that look beginning to appear within his eyes. It's a look that Adrian has likely seen many times before. "Y'wanna threaten me? Y'wanna threaten these innocent beasts who just wanna go about their lives an' not be bothered by pieces o'garbage like you an' yer crew? Well...go right ahead. But don't say I didn't warn ye."

Let it not be said that Adrian didn't offer the scared rat some mercy. But when the scaredy-rat doesn't turn tail and run away, the hare proceeds to savagely cut him down, without a single blink. Two more fall under his blade, as he joins the fray of slaves fighting back for their freedom...

Kalypso backs up and starts laughing "What is this? A fist fight...the silly hare thinks he will win freedom from death in a ..fist fight. Oh..please"

Elbio pants as he keeps fighting, a line of blood forms on his arm and he about trips, barely avoiding a slice from the fox but he fights on! The fighting keeps going as the rabbits fight for the island that rightfully belongs to them! One of the two mice are dead but a dozen of the Blackrose beasts are also dead.There is still some to fight sadly but it seems the side of good i getting the upper paw.

Monty gives Kalypso a smirk as she taunts him. "...if you're so confident, cat, drop your sword, and we'll see who's the silly one, hmm?" He bounces on the fronts of his footpaws, paws still held up in a boxing stance. The look on his face is dead serious. "I know yer not about fair fights n'such, but...mebbe show a shred of dignity for th'first time in yer pathetic life...." He swings at the cat, his fist coming within inches of striking her. "C'mon...!" He knows Adrian is able to handle himself well, he's been in battles with his friend before.

Kalypso grins and drops the blade and sidesteps his swing and chuckles "This will be enjoyable, make you tired and then..."She does one of those kicks towards the chest! She also has claws out so she is fine with using her paws in a fight.But it's more a slice with claws than a punch to the face right now.

Adrian is rallying the woodlanders, who have definitely gained the upper paw. The vermin are overwhelmed. And with their leader preoccupied, in disarray. "C'mon, lads 'n' lasses! We've got 'em on th' ropes!"

Elbio blocks a swing from the fox and manages to slice at the fox's legs twice before rolling away and a rabbit ends up finish the fox, Elbio grins and nods as he stands and looks around. The vermin start to panic a little and a small group of 4 rats start to flee, but are stopped by some rabbits who are not gonna let the vermin leave, alive anyways as he makes a face, well then again he likely fight that hard too to get his home back too.

Monty gives a satisfied nod as Kalypso actually drops her weapon. He steps in and kicks it off to the side and out of the cat's range. He gives her a grin. "Hmmm, well whatta ya know. Just gotta letcha know though, y'just sealed yer fate, cat." His joking tone turns dead serious, and he takes that kick to his chest, only so he's able to get himself in closer. He ducks under the claw swipe to his face, and aims an uppercut at Kalypso's chin.

Adrian knows how good a boxer Monty is, so he just focuses on cleaning up the rest of the rabble. They are pathetically easy to deal with. He laughs with derision. "I've fought toads that were bettah organized th'n this, wot."

Kalypso is a lot more skilled than her helpers are, but may not be best at this no weapons, then again claws are weapons, she laughs as the hare falls and goes to kick him in the chest again and rake her claws over his face!

Elbio backs up and ducks a blade swing and stabs a weasel in the chest, he is getting a bit tired as he looks around, there is soon all but one weasel who looks around at his dead friends and gulps, backing away and quickly bolting towards the way out!

Monty had missed with the punch and ended up on the ground, and his paws lift and catch Kalypso's footpaw as it goes to kick him in the chest. This distraction allows the cat to rake her claws over his face, leaving a trail of bleeding clawmarks over his left eye. Shaking off the pain, he growls and shoves back against Kalypso as hard as he can to try and throw her off balance. He rolls himself back up to his footpaws, then charges at the cat full-bore, swinging his paws as he aims punches at the feline's head.

With no other vermin left to fight, and the slaves streaming out of the gate to chase down (and presumably murder) that fleeing weasel, Adrian turns to watch the brawl between feline and hare. Should he try and help? He knows Monty can handle himself, but she looks crazed and determined...

Kalypso slides and leaves one of those paths of mud and dirt as her ears go back and her fur brizzles, she goes to claw at him again when she almost trips and moves backwards.."Your..gonna die and ya friends!" She goes to leap at him, claws extended!

Elbio checks on the woodlanders who are not chasing the lone weasel, it likely won't get far and looks over at the Blackrose leader and Monty and frowns "Should something?"

Monty does his best to take advantage of Kalypso losing her balance for that brief moment; he takes the claws over his other eye, though seems unfazed as he attempts to tackle the cat around her waist to try and bring her down to the ground. If he can manage to get her down and get himself on top of her, he could easily end the fight in the way he had generally ended fights previously. He is bleeding from matching claw marks over both his eyes, though he has a strong look of determination upon his face, and it is beginning to mix with a bit of crazy as well, a combination that is likely not good for his enemy. "Y'wanna play that way, do ya?" his voice rises. "DO YA? Well...I'm more than happy t'beat yer face in, in front of yer guards! Oh wait...WHAT guards?" he cackles, madly.

Adrian drops his rapier, in the moment. He can't stand by and do *nothing* Just as the cat starts to launch herself at his friend, Adrian has already brandished one of his hidden daggers, and he throws it at her back, with full force. If it hits, it won't likely kill her, at least not outright, but if Monty's counter-attack connects, and Kalypso gets thrown to the ground, the resulting force will most certainly drive the blade in fatally.

Kalypso kicks up and towards the hare at the same time the dagger hits her upper back, she gasps in surprise and falls onto her backside, she sees her blade and reaches out to grab it in her paw, if she can get that blade, she feels she can likely finish this foolish hare off once and for all! Though she is losing blood as the blade has sank into her shoulder blade when she tries to move,she tenses in pain a moment and starts to reach for the blade again and panic sets upon her face, she is bleeding a lot but the panic is from the fact, she can't move! The blade may not of killed her but it appears it parlayed her neck down.

Elbio watches as Monty seems to go, well insane and just keeps his distance, he looks over as the rabbits from the island return, they did lose some of their own but only 6 , and another is badly hurt but will live.The Blackrose had almost 3 dozen beast and...lost all of them.

Monty does not seem to realize just yet that Adrian had made a major assist with his thrown blade, the only thing he knows is that suddenly Kalypso is covered in blood, and unable to move. Taking advantage of his golden opportunity, the small hare tackles the cat to the ground, ending up on top of her chest in his favorite fighting position. Noting that look of panic upon her face, it only spurs the hare on, and he begins to swing his fists downwards at the feline, paws pounding into her face over and over again as the hare continues to cackle maniacally. "Look! Look at yerself, cat! LOOK!!! HAHA! I TOLD YOU! Didn't I tell you? But NO. Noooo, you didn't believe me, did you? You didn't think...a little hare like me...could best you....did you???" He grins, getting increasingly covered in blood. "EULALIAAAAAA!!!"

Adrian starts to go try and stop his friend. He *really* ought to stay back. Monty *could* potentially hurt him, but he has to take a chance. He wants info from the cat, before Monty beats her to death first. He would start to try and literally grab the other hare, to pull him off Kalypso by force.

Kalypso is unable to block, well anything so any blows are taken, she does try to bite his paw though and is losing a lot of blood and signs of life are starting to fade.

Elbio frowns as he watches, he backs up and speaks to the rabbits "It would guess have your home back now, it will need cleaned up some though, by..a lot"

Monty is fully prepared to end Kalypso's life, and is well on the way to doing so before Adrian manages to reach down and pull Monty off of her bleeding and bruised form. He swipes at the air as he finds himself being pulled back, his expression a mask of surprise and anger as he yells. "GAAAHH! Lemme go! LEMME GO, M'NOT DONE WITH HEEEERRRRR!!!" he growls, kicking at the air as he is tugged backwards and away. "LEMME GOOOOO!!!!" He does not move to strike at his friend, however, and he finally just collapses to the ground in a bloody and panting heap.

Adrian lets Monty collapse, but he says softly, "She's already dying... But I have to know..." And he closes the distance, getting right in Kalyso's battered face, her breathing increasingly ragged as she bleeds to death. "Oh no you don't," he snarls. He places his paw over the main wound, the one bleeding most profusely, and he presses hard, temporarily staunching the flow. She's mortally wounded, no way to survive, but Adrian isn't letting her go yet, not before she answers... "Ormaz. Did you know 'im? TELL ME, CAT. Or I'll make y' suffah worse before y' finally expire..."

Kalypso manages to speak, after a couple coughs and gasps.."Yes.....he took over mother' think he....killed her=coughs as hereyes flicker a little..she manages a chuckle"But...hee hee...I heard..he got you...hheee killed a ton of you stupid he and his horde was..killed. I learned that from..Hanzi...course I had to kill"Her voice starts to get weaker now as she quiets a bit.But that cold smile is on her lips.

Elbio stays where he is and frowns, he has only heard some brief things of who ever Ormaz was and she spoke of Hanzi a bit.The rabbits just look around, their clan leader is alive, a broken arm but alive "We..thank you for freeing us..."Elbio smiles and nods "Your..welcome"

Monty is hearing every word that Kalypso is saying, even as he lies there exhausted on the ground a short distance away. Slowly, his head lifts, a look of complete and utter rage and death within his eyes. The blood from the scratches on his face drips down into his eyes, only making him look all the more fearsome as the hare slowly begins to push himself back up to his knees, then his feet. His head turns as he gives Adrian a look, almost pleading, that seems to beg him to just let him at the dying cat one more time. "...Adj..." he replies, softly at first. "Adj, lissen to her. Lissen what she's sayin'. Are y'gonna show mercy...t'someone like that? Someone...who took pleasure in seein' us get slaughtered...?" It seems the hare is goading his friend on, judging by the sadistic smirk upon his muzzle. "Adj...lissen to her. Just...lissen..." he almost hisses.

That's all he needed to hear. A look of complete and utter contempt and anger crosses his face. His friends that died that day. Monty doesn't need to egg him on that far. The Corporal pulls out his other dagger. "Wh'n y' get t' 'Ellsgates, tell Ormaz I said *Hello*." And with that he plunges the blade into Kalypso's chest, up to the handle, directly into her heart. "Say no more, Mont... Say no more."

Kalypso manages one last cold smile before death takes her swiftly to the dark forest, that cold smile forever frozen on her face.

Elbio watches and just is..silent, he looks at the cat and to his fellow hares.

Monty's expression reflects the hare's absolute delight in seeing his friend not hold back and actually follow through with things. "...I knew ya had it in ya, Adj..." he mutters, with a hoarse giggle. "I -knew- it. Enjoy yer time at the Hellgates, cat...say hello t'all yer friends, too." He then collapses back down to the ground, utterly exhausted and really beginning to feel those bleeding scratches upon his face.

Adrian watches as the life fades from Kalypso's eyes. Private Adrian would have felt horrified by his act of cold-blooded murder. He might have even felt sick. There is a difference between killing an armed assailant and completely defenceless beast. But now, in the moment? He feels a cold satisfaction. For once, he didn't pussyfoot around. "Y' were right, friend. I *do* 'ave it in me. An' I don't regret it." He gets up, pulling out the dagger and cleaning it off, then approaches his friend. "That looks bad, but yahr lucky she didn't take yahr eyes out..."

Elbio says, "Maybe we should...get off this island, get back to camp and check on the others, let them know that the evil beasts are gone now, we can rest and then go..go wherever it is we are heading next""

Monty lifts his head again, giving Adrian a grim smile. "An' y'damn well shouldn't, Adj. Save yer sympathy fer th'goodbeasts that died tryin' t'free these slaves. Don't waste a drop of it on that mangy, sad excuse fer a rug, over there." He groggily raises himself up to a sitting position, lifting a paw and touching it to his face. It comes away damp with blood, and he chuckles. "Well. Wouldja lookit that. M'bleedin'. Hey Adj, check it out...m'bleedin'." He gives his friend a huge grin, before the small hare slumps to the ground on his side and passes out.

Adrian goes to catch his friend, as the buck passes out. "Dammit, Mont!" He sighs, then looks for something to use as bandages. "Elbio, a little help here!"

Elbio nods as he goes to help, lucky one of those rabbits is a healer, the hares did help them after all, so they will tend to any wounds they have.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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