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#1 2019-11-30 06:00:55 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 416

Wrath of a Father - RW 11/29/19

Abbot Benar,
Friar Locata,
and John, squirrels,
Badger Mother Krisha,
Cota and Caleb, mice,
and Nardo the ferret.

The regular autumn evaluation of Abbey stores has been well under way the past couple days, and Lacota has a good idea how much food the residents have to get them through the coming winter. For now, though, the squirrel needs a break, and tea with the abbot is the ideal to do that. The squirrel exits the kitchen, carrying a tea tray laden with a pot of mint tea and raspberry scones, and starts to head down the stairs to Benar's room.

Benar comes walking down the stairs, his arm no longer in a sling, his eyes bright, tail bushy and thick and his habit arranged just so. The abbot's arm has recovered from his accident and he is determined to get out and about once more and check up on the abbey. He pauses as he spots Lacota and smiles, "My dear friend, how are you? isn't it a wonderful day?"

In a chair by the fire yet another squirrel sits, dozing off. John's shoulder and leg are fully healed of their wounds now, and he seemed to have taken the opportunity to take a nap, or at least read a book. His eyes open at the voices, and he leans out of his chair to peer at the abbot and friar and give them a small wave.

Lacota stops short at the foot of the stairs. "Oh, Benar. I assumed you'd be in your room... I was bringing tea... We haven't shared tea time in some weeks. However, if you'd prefer, we can have it here in Great Hall..." He spots John, and hmmms. "Good day to you, too."

Benar smiles and sways his tail from side to side, "Anywhere but my room, I have been cooped up in there for weeks! But my arm is fine, I have a clean bill of health so i wanted to get out... we could have it by the fire in here? Or retreat to the library or Cavern hole." he waves his tail at John, "Anywhere but my room."

John, standing reluctantly, comes over. "If y'want it by th'fire," he says, gesturing behind him, "I can leave if y'd like to have it alone, I can."

Lacota tuts at John. "Pish-posh. You'll join us. I can grab another cup. Come on, by the fire..." He carries the tray over to a side table next to the chairs.

Benar exclaims, "Of course John! No need to Rush off like that, we can have tea together," he moves over to the fireplace and starts moving the armchairs, pulling three of them into a semicircle by the fire and moving a table into the middle of them all, "Perfect."

There's a reclusiveness to John that tugs him towards leaving, but the efforts of the friar and abbot dissuades him. So he smiles, "Right then." He returns to his chair, "Thank y', both."

Lacota sets his tray on the table, then nips into the kitchen to fetch another cup, before returning, and starting to pour three cups of tea. "So, I do trust you won't be breaking your arm again anytime soon, Benar?"

Benar curls his legs up under him and spreads a blanket over his lap as usual and smiles at lacota, "As long as beasts refrain from pushing me off the walltops I think I can avoid breaking my arm again," he smiles at John, "And how are you John? Word reached me that you had been injured as well?"

"Aye," John sinks into his chair, "Got a few wounds fighting a monitor with that Ewan and Krisha, I did. Th'one that was after the badger mother..." He sighs, putting his head back to rest against the cushions. "It's what I get for being t'careless, it were." The comment about being pushed doesn't go unnoticed by him, however, and he soon is looking intently at Benar again. "Now y'heard of me, what exactly happened t'you? I heard tell y'fell, but I don' think that were the case, were it."

Lacota harrumps, as he hands the abbot his cup. "Pushing beasts off walltops... What *is* the world coming to?" He sighs, then hands John a cup as well. "I brought cream and sugar, too, by the way, in case either of you want some..."

Benar frowns, "I want to know why Krisha was out of the abbey in the first place.... she was in charge whilst I was recovering, she really should not have been out and about," he picks up his tea-cup and stares into it before lifting his eyes to meet Lacota's gaze, "I was pushed off the top of the wall steps by Xander, I was trying to talk to him after he'd been acting oddly, I don't believe he was trying to kill me, but it was a lucky thing I landed on my arm and not my neck."

John takes the cup gratefully. "Thank y'," He eyes the cream and sugar, "Think I might take both..." With that he turns back to the abbot, swirling his tea. "I think she were looking for Xander at th'time." He sighs. "I don' think he were, either. He felt terrible abou' it, I think even now. I ran int' him after it happened, and he was sure convinced he'd killed y', though he only ever told me y'd fallen - some of th'other abbey beasts said th'same when asked."

Benar smiles and settles down in his chair, setting his tea cup aside and sighs, "Well... he pushed me, in a moment of anger I am sure but still...." he stares into the fire, "I am going to have to have words with Krisha," he sighs, "I left her in charge, she really should not have left the abbey like that, even to search for Xander but... I guess I can't be too hard on her for wanting to find him...." he sighs and his head drops, the abbot nodding off, he may be well but he still tires easily.

Lacota harrumps again. "And I'd have said the same, as well," he remarks, whilst pouring cream into John's tea, then follows up with the sugar. "One lump, or two?" He is quick to save Benar's cup from spilling when the other squirrel dozes off.

"Two." John says with a wry smile as he hold up his up. "More than likely no' h'best for m'health, but I've a few seasons yet 'fore I should really worry.." He glances at Benar's dozing form and sighs. "This all were a month ago, now. Th'lizard also sacked th'caravan I'd been with, with the survivors here." Looking down, he adds more quietly, "There's a part of m'suprised Benar's still friendly with m', considering th' last time I were here..."

Lacota sets Benar's cup back on the tray, then adds two sugar cubes to John's tea. "And how long ago was that, hmm? It's most likely water under the bridge now..." He pours his own cup, adds cream and sugar, then sits, selecting one of the raspberry tarts for himself. "Long enough ago that I don't believe I even remember it..."

With a laugh John shakes his head. "Summer 'fore th'last." He sips his tea, mirth dying down. "Back with th'business o'Marek and his brother, it were. So no' too long ago. An' I were playing a part o'a warmonger then, I were."

Lacota thinks back. "Mmm, I see. I must not have heard of it, because I had no idea, myself..." He sips his tea, watching the fire. "We at Redwall don't generally hold grudges, however..."

"Indeed, and that's been a sore point for m'in th'past." John replies, a small smile on his face. "I often were too harsh when trying t'make m'reasoning clear - and pragmatic, I were. Funny thing is," he takes another drink of his cup, "I spent many a season here, and only in th' past few have I begun t'know why this place is what it is, and realize how important Redwall is."

Lacota raises his paw. "Don't misunderstand me. I know where you're coming from. I'm fully committed to the vow of peace I took when I joined the Order, but that does not mean I have always agreed with their pacifism. Heavens knows that I held an enormous grudge after my wife was murdered. Dare I say it, I wanted... Revenge." He stares at the fire. "But, you're correct. Redwall calls on us to listen to our better natures..."

"Ah, revenge. That ol'lie." John leans back to sink further into his chair. "I wasted season upon season seeking it out, blaming this beast and that, only for t'find more reasons for it. Then with h'turning of th'seasons all beasts were t'blame are dead, and I were left with nothing but myself."

Lacota stirs his tea with a spoon and nods. "Precisely. Only I never got that far. But I wanted to, mark my words, I wanted to more than anything. I've never truly hated a beast before that." He sighs. "I would have broken my vow had Benar not talked sense into me."

John nods, slowly. "Better than m', for sure." Gazing down into his cup, he adds, "I hated many a beast 'fore I ever came here, and I hated many more since. O'course, never had any vow or oath t'tie m'down, or talks with th'good abbot."

Lacota mmms. "He's a good listener... Perhaps you should talk to him..."

John raises an eyebrow at the frier. "What, and ask t'join the order?" He smiles, shaking his head. "No, I don' really want t' - leastways no' while I still can walk long miles on m'own two feet."

"I never said join the Order," Lacota replies, "Just... Let Benar give you advice. And listen to it..."

"Hmm, maybe," John leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees and can in his paws. "Maybe...Right now can' think much on what I need advice for, I can'."

Lacota mmms, and nods his head. "Eh, I understand... Just a bit of friendly advice, is all." He bites into his tart. "You planning on sticking around very long?"

"Till th'spring." John replies, finishing his tea. "Had planned t'go t'th'coast 'fore th'snow with a caravan, but now that's gone and th'snow's been coming in..."

"Ah, the Western Sea, I take it?" the Friar asks, "Gorgeous view. I've been once. Will never forget it..."

"Aye, t'town named Halyard," John pauses, "I think. Never been that far west m'self, though some o'th'others I were traveling with have. But I don' think that's h'plan now..."

Lacota sips his tea. "Been to Halyard. It's... Interesting, is all I can really say..."

"So I've heard..." Falling silent, John stares into the fire. "Either way," the squirrel begins at last, "Th'beasts who'd been are all dead, now, they are."

Lacota frowns. "I probably shouldn't ask, but... What happened?"

John shrugs, "It's fine - I weren' th'beast most affected. From what I were told th'same lizard who were after th'badgermum raided th'camp at night, and slew many o'them. Th'survivers are here, now - don' suppose y'saw them, they're no' in abbey clothing, so they might stand out..."

Lacota shakes his head. "I don't believe I have, yet, but I likely will, soon enough..."

Benar stirs, ears twitching and lifts his head, "Oh... I... sorry did I drift off?" he looks at the two squirrels and smiles, "I... am so sorry."

John falls quiet again, only nodding to Benar as he wakes. He seems to be in a rather grim and contemplative mood, now.

Lacota passes the abbot his teacup again. "Yes, I kept you from spilling this, too. I think it's still pretty warm. Here... John and I were just...chatting."

Benar asks, "Oh thank you Lacota," he holds the cup around the base, warming his hands, "Oh what was the topic? I am sorry I drifted off like that, I guess I am not as well as I think."

"Eh, just recent events." John breaks his silence, leaning on the arm of the chair. "What were m'plans for th'next seasons and th'like, with a healthy amount o'lamenting on m'part, eh?" He winks. "Our good friar can fill y'in better, I wager."

Lacota hmms. "Aye, seems our friend was heading for Halyard, but his plans were forced to change rather unexpectedly..."

Benar says, "Well I hope your plan is to stay with us for the winter at least John," he glances toward the doors, "It is getting frightfully cold out there, I can see the frost and ice every morning on my windows, and it is only going to get worse." he shakes his head, "I am sorry your plan to go to Halyard was interrupted though."

Dipping his head, John replies, "Aye, 'tis. And it's no matter now. I'd planned on leaving 'fore th'snow started, but missed that window. Now I've got no plans t'go anywhere while th'winter's here...Course, I'm no' complaining 'bout that."

Lacota side-glances at John. "Is it because of my cooking? I put my all into it, you know..."

Benar smiles and settles back into his cushions, "Well that is nice, I get to enjoy your company thorughout the winter, that is nice, your company is always welcome John."

"Partly, Lacota." John says, dryly. "And thank y'," he bows his head to the elder, "Father Abbot. It were many a season since I've been 'round here for th'winter, it were."

Lacota mmms. "And this is shaping up to a particularly brutal winter, I'm afraid. You'll be glad to know we've got more than enough provisions to get through it, though..."

Benar says, "Harvest was a good one this year, but yes from all accounts the weather is taking a nasty plunge, we've not had cold like this so early in the season for oooh over ten seasons."

"Never were one t'care much for th'cold and snow, I were." John says, "And till now I've been good at avoiding th'winter. Wen' south or east usually...." with a sigh, he adds, "But I suppose that's no more, now."

Lacota mmms. "I used to travel, many, many seasons ago, back before I wound up here... I still miss it, somewhat, to be honest... But my fate lies here, I'm afraid..."

Benar sighs softly and grins, "I remember the south, I lived twenty seasons in Southsward, it... was always a lovely place for winter, warm and balmy and they had a great fayre down in the Castle courtyard every year. Ah planning for that was always so much fun." He glances at Lacota and smiles, "I miss the wandering sometimes too, that is why this Summer's little tour of Mossflower was such a nice treat."

Nodding, John sinks back into his chair. "I spent a season or so in Southswards myself, some time ago..."

Lacota shakes his head. "Can't say as I've been there myself. I have only been as far south as Salamandastron. A few too many hares for my tastes..."

Benar says, "Gosh, I haven't actually been to the mountain since before I became abbot," he shakes his head, "It is nice and warm but... oh so very plain."

"Really?" John tilts his head to one side, a questioning look on his face. "Never got as far west as th'mountain, but I sure heard tales o'it."

Lacota sets his empty cup aside. "This was quite a few seasons ago. Lorimis was still Abbot at the time, so that gives you an idea. We went to the mountain to get help... Well, rather, I basically forced myself into the group..."

Benar says, "It was needed at the time Lacota, and I am sure they appreciated having you along to cook," he shakes his head and sighs, "but gosh when I went there... it was well I was still a novice I think.""

"Y'know, think I heard o'th'trip at th'time, frier..." John says, before looking at the abbot incredulously. "That might've been 'fore I were born, then, it were. No' meaning t'be rude, o'course."

Lacota pushes his spectacles back up his nose. "Pretty sure I'm only a few seasons younger than Benar, myself. Didn't realize you were so young, John..."

Benar chuckles softly and shakes his head, "Hey now! I am not that old.... honestly! Get made abbot and everyone assumes I am as old as they come," he chuckles and glances at Lacota and grins, "Though I do think I out strip all of you young'uns"

"Well, compared t'y'two I suppose I am..." John mutters with a chuckle. "And considering y'were already ol' when I were but a young'un 'round here, Benar, I'd say y'are." He grins. "O' course, I passed int' mid-life some time ago, now..."

Benar stands up and folds his blanket over his arm and smiles, "Well for as long as I can keep going I will do so," he smiles, "Now I think I am going to go back upstairs and lie down again, it has been loving chatting to you both."

Lacota stands as well. "Yes, get your sleep, Benar. I'll clean this up, and keep John company a while longer yet..."

John remains were he is. "Aye...farewell." He falls quiet for a moment, then, "Though 'tis odd, a few beasts only few seasons older than m'self already have grandchildren, which more than boggles m'mind."

Krisha walks into the Great Hall from the steps, she looks tried a bit as she finds her way to the chair she sits in and sits down slowly, leaning back and looking ready for a nap.

Lacota hmmphs. "I know what you mean... I'm one of those beasts now, to boot." While he's talking, he's busy clearing up the tea items. "Ah, Krisha, hello," he says, without looking up.

"Seems m'youth's escaped me..." John mutters, looking up as the frier greets the badger. He nods to her, but says nothing else.

Krisha smiles. "Hello Friar Lacota, how are you this day?" She straightens up and smooths out her robes."I was just taking a small break from the dibbuns."

Lacota passes off the tea tray to a passing novice, who takes it back to the kitchen. "I can't complain. Had tea with Benar and John here. Probably should get back to my duties eventually..."

"Aye," John breaks his silence, "Ol'squirrels being ol'squirrels, we were."

Cota seems to be one to make an entrance and today it seems to be roll down the last couple steps as he  tries to punch a fellow mouse a season older than him, the two seem to be wrestling and...yep fighting as is heard, "You give it back!!".."No way loser!"

Krisha looks up and snorts. She stands and walks over to the two mice, one paw goes to grab one by the back of their shirt, the other paw grabs the other mouse to separate them and look to each of them. "And why are you two fighting? What is going on, speak now and explain?" So much for a rest and now she is a bit moody.

Lacota throws his paws up, then goes over to the two fighting mice. "Alright, ALRIGHT! I'll let you handle the older one, Krisha, but I'd like a word with Cota... And *you*, Cota, with me." He reaches to grab Cota's shoulder firmly. "We're having a chat. But first, you apologize for disturbing Krisha. Come on now... And make it sincere."

Cota kick out and then just sort of hangs there till he is set on the ground. "PJ took my quill pen, it was mine..and he took it." Pj just smirks. "Gonna cry?" Cota starts to go to punch the other mouse and then looks to the Friar and frowns deeply, looks at the floor and then to the Badger Mother and back to the Friar.

John decides to remain silent for this, trying his best to disappear into the chair.

Krisha takes a deep breath and nods to Lacota, she looks to the other mouse and carries him to the other side of the room to chat with him. " of teh rules is no fighting and your old enough to know that, you both are in fact. Now I think your gonna help wash dishes tonight and sweep the classroom in the morning."

Lacota guides Cota over toward the fireplace, and he sighs. "Lad... Fighting isn't the answer." He shakes his head. "You know who I am. We may not be related by blood, but we are related. So the number one thing you need to know is that... I'm here. I'll listen. You can talk to me, anytime... Even when I'm busy, I'll listen..."

John sinks even further into the chair, if such a thing is possible. "Especially if y'start th'fight." He tosses in.

Cota folds his arms over his chest, he can tell the Badgermother sorry later as she seems busy now, he nods. "You're..Friar adopted my mom." He sighs a little as he frowns, he then speaks, "PJ took the..pen It was mine.....and." He just sigh, ok he can always get another pen. "It was just..rude sir and he also laughed when I said I was gonna be a warrior some day cause I am."

Meanwhile the other mouse just hmmphs, he mutters a fine to the badger on washing dishes and sweeping a room, he seems annoyed though, "Isn't Cota gonna get punished too Mother Krisha?"

Krisha nods. "He is, but I decided to let Friar Lacota deal with that." Its lucky she doesn't hear the warrior bit mentioned or she likely say something to him on it. She studies the mouse PJ and shakes her head. "Now..after dinner help wash the dishes, sweeping can wait till morning, right before class and I will make sure you do both and not try and get out of it"

"John's right," Lacota continues, but then he says, "Adopted your mother, making me your Grandfather, by all accounts. And I don't treat that lightly. Understand, Lad?" He sighs. "Ah, but you want to be a warrior, hmm? I won't stop you. I don't think anybeast would, to be honest... But perhaps we'd urge you to try and emulate Martin, Matthias, and Mattimeo... You won't likely go wrong... And don't pick fights, either..."

John decides to fully get involved. "PJ?" The squirrel comes over to the other mouse, as the frier is handling Cota. "PJ's your name, is it?" His voice is quiet as he asks this.

Cota frowns, ok he did throw the first punch, "Mother and...father always said I can be what ever I want to be when I get older and warriors protect beasts." The mouse PJ gives a nod to the Badger Mother and looks over at John, "" Ok he is grumpy, but then he hates chores..then again who loves chores?

Krisha grumbles and sits down in a chair, she will have an order beast make sure those chores are done. She looks over at Cota now, "Warrior? That's..." She frowns "Something like that is not easy."

Lacota nods his head. "And that's noble. Protecting beasts is perhaps the most noble thing a beast can choose to do," he says. "But, as Krisha says, it is not easy..."

"So," John leans forward, looking down at PJ, "If y'took Cota's pen and quill as he said, thief is more fitting a name for y'." The squirrel fighter looks back at the other mouse. "Cota, is it? Being a warrior's no' all it's chopped up t'be, lad. Take it from m'."

Cota frowns, he then speaks. "Grandmom is a warrior and she is fine." He looks ready to cry a little now.. "I'm...I'm sorry I punched PJ, he just made me so mad when he took the pen, he just took it and laughed and ran away."

PJ just snorts and gets the quill pen from his pocket and throws it at Cota. "There....happy?" He mutters something about annoying stupid adults.

Krisha takes a deep breath and exhales.How did someone else handle this she wonders quietly, and speaks, "Kitchen now PJ.." She barely keeps her now rising temper down. She nods to Sister Ginny who goes to make sure those dishes are washed and dried as well.

Lacota harrumps at the juvenile delinquent. "Even so, that was no reason to fight him, Cota. Take it from. I got into plenty of fistfights at your age..."

John has no qualms with showing his rage, which now bubbles forth. "LADDY," His old accent slipping out, the squirrel soldier bellows at the young mouse as a drill sergeant yells at a recruit, then drops to a low fury. "Y' speak like tha'tae me again, an' Ah swear, Ah'd have y'doin' chores an' thae like fo'thae rest o'yore miserable days, Ah will."

Cota frowns, he then is curious. "You..fought..." And his attention is on Pj who just glares at the adults and storms into the kitchens to wash dishes, and dry dishes and he is far from happy doing it as he mutters something about hoping someone freezes into an ice statue next time they go outside.

Krisha peers at the others through her fingers as she lays a paw on her face, she decides to not get up again and just stays calm best she can and speaks, "Did..Oz ever deal with this?" She is sure he did at times as he was here many MANY seasons.

Lacota frowns, seeming somewhat reluctant to discuss his younger seasons. "I didn't grow up here the abbey, Cota. I lived far to the north... I...had to use my fists to survive."

"Ah'd bet," John mutters, "But even Ah weren' so bloody mouthy when Ah were that age." The squirrel sighs, calming, his usual accent returning. "At least had th'sense t'keep it t'm'self, I did."

Cota frowns and starts to hug Lacota but he seems unsure of weather to or not. He stands there quiet now.

Krisha sighs, she clears her throat, " now what to do with you Cota...I think I will still let Lacota be in charge of that." She leans back tried, there would likely be more times she would have to break up a fight or punish someone, mainly a dibbun or novice.

Lacota's arms go around the younger mouse. As if he wouldn't hug his adopted grandson. "I had a brutal upbringing, without parents. You're blessed, lad. You've got your parents, and you live here, where there's plenty. Be thankful that you *don't* have to live by your fists..."

By now John had returned by the fire, looking at the remaining mouse. "Aye. I had a rough time till a came here as well." The squirrel mutters, "An' I weren' thankful for th'life here until I'd gone through long hardships, I did..."

Cota hugs the squirrel tightly and sniffs a little.. "Grandfather....I..I would not ever leave the abbey, even if I do become a warrior one day. I would stay and protect you."

Krisha watches and manages a smile, she looks to the entry and frowns again thinking on something else and going quiet for now.

Lacota rubs Cota's back. "Well... I do believe you would, too. I'll never need be afraid again..."

"Say, Krisha," John says, glancing at the badgermother, "How long has that PJ been a problem?"

Krisha frowns. "A couple weeks, this is the first time have dealt with a fight, likely won't be the last. I have thrown a beast out of the abbey one time, some..ferret or rat think it was, forgot now...why?"

Cota nods, he then asks, "So..what do I need to do? Peel potatoes? Wash pots and pans..mop? Sweep?"

Lacota gives Cota's question some thought. "I think potato peeling and dishes ought to be sufficient. But, just this once, I'll actually help..."

"Why?" John shrugs. "If he continues t'be an issue I'd suggest having him do chores 'till the summer, I would. And I don' think Cota and Pj should do work anywhere near each other, just t'be safe."

Krisha nods. "You, likely have a point on not being near each other."

Nardo is lead into the abbey by an order beast and glances around, he frowns deeply as he seems to try and pick out who to speak to.

Cota frowns. "PJ hates me I think..." He nods at the peeling potatoes, he will do so when ever he is told to do it.

Lacota overhears the other two, and he nods. "Yes, Cota, it would be wise to avoid this... PJ fellow. For the time being, at least..."

Krisha glances at Nardo, she recognizes him from Ferravale and stands to go over to him, "Hello." She also notices the frown and gets a little worried, then maybe its just her over worrying. "Is everything ok or you just here to visit?" She hmmms, maybe .. "News from Ferravale?"

John kneels down to better match Cota's hight, saying, "Aye. An' if this PJ does more, I'd like y't' tell m'." The ferret is unnoticed by him for now.

The ferret dusts some snow off his tunic. "It''s..." He frowns and whispers to the badger maid. He is not sure what to say or not say out loud as he steps back frowning more, muttering something along the lines of he is just the messenger and please forgive this news.

Krisha arches an eyebrow as Nardo whispers to her and a deep frown forms, she glances over at Lacota and Cota before looking at Nardo. "When was this?" She stays calm pulling him off to the far side of the room.

Cota is busy speaking to Lacota and John to really pay attention to what is going on.

Lacota only halfway notices the ferret, and he frowns, but his attention remains on Cota for now. "Yes, you tell me, too. I have a certain way of handling young beasts..."

John, however, sees Krisha's frown and the way she pulls the ferret to speak privately. Assuming the worst, a dark look passes on his face as the squirrel disengages himself from the conversation with the frier and Cota to come over to the two beasts. "What happened?" He whispers, voice low.

Nardo speaks with a quiet tone, "It..happen....this afternoon. The weasel is dead though, so..that's...good news."

Krisha just sighs, she looks at the Ferret. "You're telling them. I...need to check on some other beasts, please excuse me."

Cota nods, he looks over at the ferret and watches Krisha walk off, he gets curious "Tell who..what?"

Lacota watches as Krisha makes a hasty exit. "What was that about?"

John looks back at the young mouse for a moment, then the frier. "A weasel dead?" The squirrel mutters to the ferret, turning back to him. "Nardo, were it? What happened?" His voice is still a whisper.

Nardo seems to tense up, wait why him? He looks over at the beasts in the room and just frowns. Ok may as well get it over with. "An..ambush on the road or..well guess was an ambush, a weasel named Sykes. He had this crossbow...he killed a...mouse and.." He frowns, "I was unable to save her, I did try but the crossbolt was not in the best place..the weasel then fought Xander and was injured, he told the weasel to leave Mossflower and it, well seemed the weasel would but he like reloaded the crossbow and was gonna get Xander in the back and..Patch sort of stabbed the weasel in the back or rather flicked this dagger...weasel died..good riddance I say, it was just by the Ferravale path where it like, meets the road..I am..." He looks at Lacota and and Cota and sighs, "I am..s...sorry. I didn't want to bring to any beast."

Cota listens. "Who is Sykes or..guess was?" Ok why is the ferret seeing to avoid eye contact with some beasts, he then frowns and looks ready to bolt to the entry. He actually does when he sees Caleb walk quietly in and seems to cling onto his father as his father whispers to him.

Lacota frowns slightly. "Not an order beast, I hope? I hate hearing this type of news..."

"Crossbow?" John mutters, his mind whirling, "It couldn' been mine, it couldn'..." The squirrel shakes his head. "No, no...Is it good th'weasel is dead? What if he weren' th' only one like him, eh?" 

Nardo frowns, he has seen the Friar from a distance, not spoken to him, in fact he may of slipped a pie from the kitchens a few weeks ago. "You're..Friar..Lacota..aren't you?" He glances at John. "I believe just him, he had..caused issues at the tavern." He again looks at the older squirrel, "It...was."

Cota rushes off towards the entry, his father Caleb reaches out and lets his paw drop as he walks into the great hall and sits down, not looking at anyone, just the floor.

Lacota sighs, and rubs his face. "And Benar was having a good day... I'll break the news to him... Right now, I suppose..."

John remains silent. Deciding instead to watch, and wait. He's no stranger to dark tidings.

Caleb stands and looks to Friar Lacota, there is..tears. "I..I need to...if anyone needs me I am gonna be in the gatehouse ...Light is suddenly darkness now....I...." And he just leaves, he needs fresh air.

Nardo frowns, he sits down. "I' sorry for ill news. I got her name before she..died."

Lacota is stopped in his tracks by Caleb. His words. The squirrel frowns. Then he blanches, visibly, and his eyes go wide. He shakes his head. Not again. This can't happen again. He made her promise. She promised. "No. Don't you *dare* say it. Damn it, no." It can't be what he dreads. "...Cynthia." He doesn't need to hear it from Nardo. He knows. A father KNOWS. And that anguish, the same anguish he felt when his wife was murdered, crawls forth. It chokes him. And without even realizing what he's doing, the squirrel is on top of Nardo, grabbing the ferret by his clothing and hauling the beast upward. "WHAT WAS SHE DOING OUTSIDE THE ABBEY??? TELL ME NOW, DAMN YOU! TELL ME!" The Friar's yelling echoes through Great Hall.

"And yet another falls..." John mutters as the yelling rings out, passing a paw over this eyes. "I'm tryin' t'help beasts with no common sense. Bah." Then he softens with a sad look towards the frier. There's nothing he supposes he could say so he opts for nothing.

Nardo screams and tries to back away from the upset Friar, "I don't know!! Calm down...please." He looks surprised the abbey beast can actually lift him and reaches out a shaky paw as he seems to decide weather to know him out, a simple pinch to the neck and he be out for a few moments and he could flee, not like it's his fault. Ok he is gonna have a chat, the badger should of just delivered the news!

Lacota is fully enraged at this point, and he frankly wants to tear the unfortunate beast limb from limb. "YOU DON'T KNOW. WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT A CROSSBOW?" The squirrel's angered yelling has drawn the attention of more than a few abbey beasts, who have gathered around, talking amongst themselves. The normally taciturn Friar is never this angry. "You're a filthy vermin," he spits. "You killed her, didn't you?"

John steps in between the frier and the vermin, raising a paw. "Don' go and say things like that, Lacota. If there's any beast t'blame it might b'm'self." He scowls, "Ah may have more t'do with it, I do - I'm th'only beast with a crossbow, an' I've been far t'careless with th'placement o'my weapons."

Nardo looks around at all the gathered beasts, his eyes seem to plead to help him, he gulps. "'re an abbey beast,'re not supposed to harm others. I didn't fire the bolt...Sykes did..I wasn't even there till after it happen, I am a're..hurting my shoulders." He tries to speak calmly. " have, and they will need you..w...what about the kid. I know you're upset, you're hurting..." He takes a deep breath ok, ok what to do, this is new...he has been punched out before not this though. "Let me down...I can go away and you never see me again." Or so he hopes.

Lacota is practically seeing red. Is it even possible for Lacota to get Blood Wrath? But then John steps in, and speaks. Nardo's words have fallen on deaf ears, but what John says... "You..." His grip on the ferret's shoulders loosens, allowing the unfortunate beast to escape. "...You..." He's turning on John now. "Your...crossbow...murdered my daughter?" He clenches his fists. "...Get out of my sight."

Nardo blinks as he hits the floor, he is alive..ALIVE! He is having so many words with that badger once he gets back to Ferravale, he gulps as he speaks, "S..someone is bring Cynthia to the abbey soon....have..have a good eve goodbye!" And he is so SO outta here!

"Nae, Ah don' think Ah will." John says, calmly, and ignoring the retreating ferret. "An' nae weapon murdered her, it were tha' Skyes beast." John doesn't seem to be a creature easily cowed, even if he's been hit in the head by the frier with a pan in the past. "Don' be a damn fool, Lacota."

Lacota snorts angrily. "Your...carelessness caused this. You said it yourself." His anger is starting to cool somewhat, but he's no longer the normally placid beast he is usually. "Where was it? How did Sykes get your crossbow?"

"Ah may have spoken t'soon," John replies, raising a paw, "It should be locked with all th'rest in th'guard house. So I don' think it were my crossbow. Either way, Skyes is dead. There's nae point in going after th'living and innocent."

Lacota is starting to deflate now. Without the object of his anger, Nardo, around any longer, his rage is quickly giving way to overwhelming despair. He'd only gotten a scant few weeks with his daughter. She'd been so long, and come back, as if a miracle, and she's gone again...Forever. He's done this song and dance before. "And he's lucky, too. Because I swear this time, my vow be damned, I'd have killed Sykes with my own two paws..."

John nods, slowly, an unreadable expression on his face. "I," He begins, quietly, "I were once derided by an elder here for wanting revenge on th'beast who I still think my have killed someone dear t'me. I stormed out, an' didn' return for seasons, I did. So I won' do that t'y'."

Lacota sighs, his shoulders slumping. He looks so much smaller and older than before, as if the news has aged him ten seasons. His anger is gone now. He can't sustain it. He faces the other squirrel. "Revenge is hollow," he replies. "In many cases, ultimately pointless. So it's for the best that I can't break my vow, not least because it would have changed me... forever." He sighs. "But I suppose we both understand the desire... So thank you."

Dipping his head, the younger squirrel replies, "Indeed." Yet it seems he's only half convinced, now.

Lacota sighs. "I am... Sorry, I yelled at you, John. Cooler heads prevail. I should not have lost my temper." He seems drained, listless.

"No worries, and mayhaps y'should, actually." John says, "Meaning y'temper, o'course. Anger and sadness and th'like - I can' fully imagine losing a child... Hell, doesn' stop m'self being angry with whomever let this happen."

Lacota collapses into a nearby chair. Now that the former commotion has passed, the crowd of beasts have mostly dispersed by now. The Friar rests his head in his paws. "I've lost two children, actually," he replies, his voice almost a monotone now. "My wife Krystal was pregnant at the time she was... You know. We'd already started thinking of names... Cynthia got me through that dark time... I don't honestly know what I'll do now... Other than try my best to provide Cota support..."

John stays nearby, quietly listening, a sad look on his face. "I... see." He manages.

Lacota hmms, and shrugs. "Eh, such is life," he murmurs. "She was the love of my life, but time moves on... I should speak to Caleb..."

"Perhaps." John almost to says that more to himself than the frier, slumping down in a chair. "Time moves on..."

"Who did you lose?" Lacota's question comes suddenly, without any pretense.

There is a long time before John answer that. "Rather t'th'point, are y'?" He sighs. "No matter, she were named Trillis," there's a brief pause once he says the name. "Losing her might be th'best way t'put it. I don' know what happened t'her, really. Killed, fled, or what have y'. That happened th' last time that damned Marek took over, four or five summers ago. Last thing we said t'th'other were an argument, it were. I've spent many seasons searching for any sign o'her since, though I've long moved on, now."

Lacota frowns. He doesn't recall the name, unfortunately. "...I'm sorry to hear it," he murmurs. "I hope someday you get proper closure..."

"Thank y'," John nods, staring into the fire that had by now burned low. "Though I've long giving up hope for that, I have." He shrugs. "There's no point for me t'look for a ghost and spend my seasons chasing dreams..."

Lacota mmms, nodding his head. "Very true." He sighs. "I'm sorry for your loss, regardless..."

Standing, the younger squirrel stands. "As I'm yours, Lacota." John says, simply.

Lacota waves a paw, remaining slumped in his chair. He won't be moving from this spot for awhile. "Thank you," he says quietly. "For talking..."

"Y'welcome." John mutters, turning from the frier. "I think I'll take m'leave now, Lacota, as I need a drink."

Lacota nods. "Goodnight," he replies listlessly. He will stare at the embers of the burned out fire for the rest of the night...

John pauses for a moment before he goes, casting a glance back at the grieving father. There is little to nothing he could say that would help, now, so the younger squirrel dips his head with a barely audible, "Good night." Then he is gone, perhaps to spend another restless night staring up at the ceiling or drown out the world with a barrel.

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


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