Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2019-07-24 05:44:31 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Don't Harm the Messenger


Vojin Longtail-Me-Warrior and Archer

Xander Winters-Leader of the Mossflower Defenders and owner of Redthorn Tavern

Krisha Winters-Badgermother at Redwall

Ferro- Blacksmith at Ferravale

Thomas-Mouse at Redwall Abbey

*Starts at Redwalll Abbey entry and ends Recovery Room of Ferravale , the recovery room doesnt seem to have a logger but I got the role play from there too **


The weather has grown rather oppressively hot as the summer has progressed, and most abbeybeasts choose to stay indoors in the relative cool. One mouse, however, seems to not mind the heat all that much, as he sits on the wallsteps near the main gate, his ever-present walking stick in paw, and appears to be taking a nap.   

Vojin steps into the abbey and looks around, the beasts seem to recognize him as not a threat and he is invited inside as he sighs and scans the grounds for some beast and snorts as he goes to sit on the steps, he hasn't gotten much rest the past couple days
Thomas sits up, gripping his stick tighter. "Excuse me... Who's there? I guess I'd dozed off..."   

Vojin looks over "Not to worry..I am a friend to the abbey, Vojin Longtail its just...been a while since had a proper visit, I was here a couple days ago..briefly"   

Thomas mmms. "My apologies... Welcome to Redwall, in that case... You say you've been here before?"   

Vojin says, "Some seasons ago, around the time of the siege I...left a while and recently returned"

Thomas nods his head. "The siege of Marek? I heard of it... That is quite a few seasons ago now..."
Vojin shakes his head "The one where Ormaz had almost gotten in or...well he did get in like a few moments and there was a fight, I heard the Long Patol helped and suffered a great loss, but good won over evil in the end"   

Thomas ohs. "Ah, yes... Ormaz... That was only... Last summer, I believe... Hmm... What did you say your name was, again?"   

Vojin says, "Vojin Longtail, use to be head guard at Ferravale..they likely have another now, I for now wander around but may help the Mossflower Defenders prehaps"
Thomas mmms. "Ah, Ferravale... That must be why I don't recognize your voice or name... I haven't gone that far north in some time..."   

Vojin nods and sighs "I mosty stayed north, not a good place to live though trust me, its cold"   

Thomas nods. "Aye, I've been across the bridge a few times... I much prefer Mossflower, to be honest."   

Vojin nods "Yes....I was...looking for someone , is your Badgermother around or, busy? If so I can come back though this is...important"
Thomas frowns. "Oz? Or Krisha?"   

Vojin speaks "I...heard of Oz's passing, not Mother Krisha is whom I would need to speak to"   

Thomas mhmms. "She'd be inside, caring for the dibbuns... It's near lunch time, I think, you can probably catch her then."
Vojin nods "I may wait till after lunch prehaps, then talk to her."   

Thomas mmms. "You could talk to the Abbot, too, if you wish..."   

Vojin says, "Prehaps, I am concerns her mate and..."He frowns now "Daughter....some news mainly"
Thomas seems surprised. "Krisha has a daughter?"   

Vojin nods "I think she was adopted"He hmms as he remembers "A badger cub orphaned and rescued, I remember now and her and Xander ended up adopted it"   

Thomas had not heard this before. "Is Xander and the dibbun alright?"   

Vojin seems unsure how to answer "Xander is in the infirm at Ferravale, he lives but may or may not lose an eye..."   

Thomas asks, "And their daughter?"   

Vojin frowns, he always hated bad news as he just shakes his head sadly."She...."He frowns, "She died....there was a group of slavers slightly east and north of Ferravale, I don't know where they went. I do know they have like 10-15 less members now...others gotand they had 2 other slaves still, a mouse and a vole with a Redwall novice habit on"
Thomas frowns deeply. "Oh...Oh my... She's not going to take this news well."   

Vojin says, "Not mant would take such news well, yet such news is needed to give...unless I have the beast she calls father tell her....he may well do so, I dont know"
Thomas nods. "And so soon after she lost Oz... This is terrible..."   

Vojin frowns "I knew Oz..sort of, I was around I just choose to leave at a most...well bad timing, and maybe I should just let..Ferro come speak to her I am not good with such...things"   

Krisha steps into view catching some of the talk and walks closer " What is going on...Vojin wot..wot are you doing here I thought you were helping to find my daughter.."She tries to think"Wait..was she found or least the beasts that took her?"   

Vojin frowns, great now he has to talk as he is not one to lie "They...were found yes." He stays slightly calm, "Both..though the evil beasts did flee...well half did, the other half of the group died, it was a group of slightly over 30 members...15 now I suppose"
Thomas goes pointedly quiet when Krisha speaks up.   

Krisha listens "And? Wot happen...where are they now?" She does notice he is alone and sighs "And where is Xander? let me guess tavern?"Ok she has been mad at him but still" Is he ok?Is..Northstar ok?"
Vojin ears go flat, he almost wants to leave now "Ferravale..."He gets out but frowns"Both are..there...maybe speak to Ferro he was, there as well"
Thomas knows how bad this is going to be. "Krisha... Perhaps you should go to see Xander in Ferravale..."   

Krisha frowns, she isn't liking this but nods "Alright...I can go to Ferravale, and be back by tomorrow at lunch just need to let someone know"Some time away would be fine.   

Vojin nnods "I can escort you there, just in case some not so good beasts are around"   

Thomas raises a paw. "I can let the Abbot know that you will be gone..."
Krisha nods "I plan to return by lunch tomorrow, Xander is likely best to talk to."   

Vojin nods "Yes just....yes talking to him, we can go now if ready?"


Vojin leads the Badgermother into the infirm and frowns "You should....try to relax."Yeah...right, that's good advise.

Xander lays on  cot, still conscious and has been for a few hours, he woke briefly, sort of but now he is unconscious again, a bandage on his arm, small one on his leg and on the side of his face, again only this time its worse than earlier. His breathing and heart rate is fine, but he may have a fever that's starting.

Krisha walks in and seems ready to argue but one look at Xander and she gasps, wait how was she able to speak to him if he was unconscious."She watches his chest rise and fall, takes a pulse and slowly turns to Vojin and grabs him by his collar, if she can and snarls...its rare to see her angry but she is and when she is, its best to run."Where!!!!"

Vojin fails to run and fails to get out of the way as he is lifted off the floor and ears go flat as he looks into the Badgermother's eyes , he gulps and shakily points a finger at a cot where the still form of the dibbun lies.Few times is the wildcat ever fearful or afraid, right now is one of those rare times.

Krisha drops the wildcat and goes over to see Northstar and right away regrets it" no no..."She looks at Xander and the wildcat and looks ready to pounce him.

Ferro walks in right about now and frowns, he quickly goes to grab Krisha ", not harm anyonesssssssss....thissssss isssssss not hissssss fault, itssssssss the Blackrosssssssssssssse...whom fled...and no hunting, even I will not....othersssssss can look, if found if not found thissssss issssssss the now.

Xander moves...slightly but still not in very good shape, the healers have helped best they could.He is alive though.

Vojin ears go back and he scoots and bumps into the wall as he frowns, he seems relieved when the monitor comes and speaks, hopefully not angering her more..."I am..s...sorry I failed....things happen so fast , I did prevent the rat from ending Xander's life..sadly the cat's mate ended.....the young ones life..poison on a knife,  no one knew till it was too late, the wound was not even deep and it, the cat said it was meant for a adult badger not a cub, the cat then got headless and 15 vermin got...slain, the others including the leader got away in the chaos, there was a couple other Mossflower Defenders there but they were unable to help and did go to try and track the others down." He frowns "Xander fell unconscious and the rat started to...end him but I ended the rat's life, then help was gotta from a healer I know who lives close to the river, then Xander and the cub was brought here, it was closer than Redwall"

Krisha screams loudly and tries to get out of her father's grip and then just leans back and sobs loudly.

Ferro holds on and then lets go a little as he frowns, his own tears now too."i sssssssomething"

Vojin keeps his distance, yeah he is not moving right now...anger in badgers is, well it's bad.

Krisha just sobs and turns round to hug Ferro tightly and just sobs more, she sniffs and looks over at Xander and back to them "Is he gonna die? Please...please I...I can't lose him too, I know I told him he lost me...I shouldn't of said that, I ..I was just so...upset with him...please dont let him die, please....please...."She ends up sleeping into sleep, sleep she probably needs right now.

Ferro just holds her and looks at Vojin "I ...fear moving him.....pleasssssssssse get Angela or Gorvenalus...sssssssomeone"He lifts Krisha up and goes to carry her to his den "We will be at my sssssshop....the living quarterssssss....and my sssssshop is close for the resssssssst of today and tomorrow"

Vojin nods "I can do that."He slowly moves from the wall, to the door and frowns. ok that news is out but he decides never again is he bring that sort of news to anyone else.He then turns and quickly heads to the abbey, any healer here can tend to the badger till he gets back with anyone else.

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2019-07-24 06:54:36 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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